ricktimet wrote on Mar 31st, 2007 at 1:40pm:Kate,
I have checked, and have been told by a helper that they are together. I have not posted for a while on this forum, because I have been very busy, with the media, and my further explorations.
I saw your post the other day, and later that day, did some exploring, not looking to check on Randy, or his dog, but was surpprised to hear a helper say, in thought form, "Randy and his dog are fine". With coming back to C1, after exploring the spirit Hospital in 27. I was amazed that I would bring back that information.
I guess it was a message that just had to come through.
Through the link of love, humans and pets alike are eternally conected.
I, myself do not ussually go seeking other spirits, I help teach others to do this for themselves, unless I am asked personally, and time permits.
Dimensionally Yours,
I just can't tell you how much I appreciate the information you gave me. I'm so incredibly happy. Randy is my Dad and Willie was our Golden Lab Retriever. I think the first time I ever saw my Dad cry was when we had to put Will down.
My Dad died of cancer in November. He was raveged with it as a result of being exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam. I have had several signs from him, all of which occured right after his passing such as flashing lights, having my hair pulled, hearing stranges noises, hearing musical notes in the dead of night - just to name a few.
I will have to refresh myself with the different focus levels, but it's intruiging to me that you heard this message after visiting 27.
Again, thank you so much. I miss him something terrible.
Your friend,