I donno Dude, some ideas: you view life as a game but notice the game can effect the physical vehicle in a damaging sense
note: it's not serious, its just a game, but wait, this player just lost his head and its supposed to not happen that way!
the shock value is like a way for spirit to get your attention in a dream of the relationship between dream life (unconscious) and physical C1 life (conscious)
this is probably related to something you've been mulling over in the back of your mind for awhile. I don't know why you got a sickening feeling, but its important to you or you would not be so graphic with yourself. sometimes these images are there to shock us awake to enhance memory of the areas we do our mental conceptualization in.
pay attention to feelings, what they say in a dream. in the 2nd dream there is a feeling of guilt at first. then you see theres no logic to the guilt. it could be your mom does need more attention from you and this is the way your higher self reminds you that even though she's not logical, you can still think of a way to attend to her emotional need for your attention even though you can't figure her out. it may be a small thing that is nagging her that u could settle.
peace, alysia