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to answer a question from a friend here (Read 992 times)
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to answer a question from a friend here
Jan 23rd, 2007 at 3:15pm
Hi again Vanayssa..too bad you are in Canada..I'd be on your doorstep in a flash! thanks for leading me into my own thoughts...

you asked about perception, how we create each other. I got all my ideas about this from Elias material, channelled material along the lines of Seth, only much more clear and personal. He did say when there are 2 people in a room, there are actually 4 people in the room. theres the self image which is not the true self, and each of us have a self image, which is the limited perspective of who we think we are.

as co creators with god we are made out of god stuff as a thought of god. god is looking at god with the eye which tries to views the eye, it's own self. kind of impossible but lol, no worse an analogy than the snake eating it's tail.

god help us! lol.   so when we argue with someone we are only arguing with our own perceptions within our own self, this way you don't take comments personally.

the situation you related was so painful and I had a similar situation develop with people wanting me to cross a picket line and work amid insults. cough. I'd rather be a bag lady.

seems we have to go through these things just to know we are capable of making our own decisions apart from the status quo and things will move us along to our appropriate station if we stand on what we believe.

u asked me about the name laffingrain. I get messages in the hynogogic state (just before waking) I keep a tape recorder handy.  one time before I started my book a year or so, all I got was "laughingRain".  i thought it was an Indian guide's name and I went out looking for my guide laffingrain.
I sometimes use the imagination method, and I found an Indian out there and grabbed him and asked him if he was laffingrain. No, he said, take your mitts off me! haha!
I said, you have to be laffingrain, theres no Indians around here but you!

he he he  He got away. so I didn't find out who laffingrain was for a couple years then I started my book and it became my pen name. I also discovered another life of mine as an Indian and this may have been her name.
I didn't really want an Indian name, seems hokey, but I came to accept it through internal guidance.

you asked me about aspects of people and self retrievals could be called aspects.
I had a theory thought forms are vital energy, alive with self consciousness.
the other theory related is that as a thought of god, a person is made. in that sense a person is a projection from gods mind sent into the world to become what it was meant to be with the opportunity to take on a life form. so we are all in degrees of evolvement back into what we are made of..pure awareness?

self retrievals means the little girl I retrieved was stuck in time. as soon as I brought her into my heart she became able to evolve and was no longer stuck there in sad circumstance. this makes forgiveness possible of others.

retrievals of others is the same idea as getting energy unstuck from the construct of belief it is frees up the human race to evolve into our potential.

keep up the good work! love, alysia...
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