Thanks to all for reading, I wish to post more of my recent experiences in the near future. I have talked about my experiences on radio shows around the country and around the world, on out of the body time travel, physical time travel, healing,and the in the area of my true home and existence, of afterlife communication. This was my first attempts with the Moen method, although I have used many methods to visit the afterlife, and have been doing for about twenty years, having contact with beings such as Marilyn Momroe, and the lat Frank Sinatra. But mostly just go and visit my Wife and Mother. If you would like to know more about me, and the varied travels to the past, present, furture, healing stories and my afterlife life experiences my website is: Using the moen method along with the hemisync home course, and other methods I have experimented with, has led me into worlds of knowledge and consicousness excelling what I evere thought I could achieve.
To blink:
I have had many wonderful times with my Wife, and have been in constant communication with her everyday, through conscious means, since the day after her leaving this physical existence in 2005. The retrival was a surprise to me, and a wonderful experience.
To: betson:
Ralph could have been a business man, or just someone that needed to have it in writing before he commited to anything, in the non-physical, as well as the physical, fore be are as we were on Earth, we take this personallity with us. My wife did not indicate future retrivals, although I would welcome them, if called upon, in the realm of spirit you take it as it comes, without question. I am always more the willing to help someone along on their spiriural path, in the non-physical, as well as the physical.
To: spooky2:
After analizing the retrival, I believe that we are there mainly as a reasurance tool, since we still have a physical body, are vibration is closer to the earth plane and those that are trapped can identify easier with our presence and widens the souls perception so that they can see the helper that is at a higher vibration than us. Having their perception clouded, the trapped soul, just as a mortal living on the earth plane can not see spirit in C1 consciousness.
To laffingrain:
I believe my wife played a part along with the helper. Helping, teaching, that is what we are all about, in this world, and the next.
Thank you all.
dimensionally yours,