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An Inconvenient Truth, climate, and the changes (Read 1025 times)
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An Inconvenient Truth, climate, and the changes
Jan 7th, 2007 at 1:55am
I just saw that movie with Al Gore, called An Inconvenient Truth. I'm really glad that he's doing this, and trying to make people more aware. I don't agree with everything in it, but i still think its an awesome contribution. But i would like to go more indepth about other factors which the movie seem not to address at all.
Thing is, we do have a lot more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere...but we also have a lot more water vapour, more cloud cover on average, and more pollutants in the atmosphere (some believe this is what supposed "chemtrails" are really about, about deflecting more solar radiation). Its long been known that water vapour in the atmosphere it better at deflecting solar heat radiation than carbon d. is better at actually trapping the heat.
So while we do have much more carbon d, we also have much more Solar radiation deflection going on as well. And if we look at various climate models, this increase in global warmth really started in the late 1950's..and the conditions of the world, and of population at that time cannot account for the increase purely on the carbon dioxide/human pollution theory.
Problem is, is that most of the climate models out there are rather incomplete because of the incompleteness of our knowledge about the ocean the last great unknown other than space (and consciousness of course). Most of these major climate models and theories do not take into account Ocean warming from underwater volcanoes. Scientists are extremely specialized on average, and this is a big problem with science in general. Its like Mercury and Virgo too much, deals to narrowly and on trial and error, science doesn't have enough Jupiter and/or Neptune in it to balance it and to see more in Wholes at the same time as specific, narrow details.
 Thing is, while there's been a rise in pollution from mankind and especially in the last 30 to 40 years, there has been also a rise in number and intensity of global earthquakes and volcanic activity and strangely enough this really started to pick up around the year 1958 which is when we noticed more carbon, but also a greater increase in global warming than could be accounted from purely human sources (think of the population and industries then, as compared to now or even 20 years ago). And volcanic activity that you see on land, is nothing compared to what's going down where we largely don't see/perceive what's happening, beneath the ocean surface.
Edgar Cayce and his source(s) of psychic info, talked about some 80 years ago that there was going to be a rise in global temperatures. He also indicated that there would be an ever greater increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. There are only a few dates he talks about more than once. 1936, 1958, and 1998, these dates were mentioned a few times in relation to the changes. In 1936 he said there were some major deep changes deep within the Earth, which would eventually lead to noticable and ever stronger Earth changes, and to a warmer climate. Interestingly enough, many decades before carbon dioxide or any major or accepted global warming theores, he talked about the Earth changes becoming more noticable starting around 1958, the same start of increasing volcanic and earthquake activity.
 1998 he seemed to have indicated would be a major picking up point in the changes both physical (still yet gradual though), and consciousness wise. This same date, is the date that some respected Galactic Center researchers like John Major Jenkins (one of the few authorities on both the spiritual and physical aspects of the G.C.) believe to be the true date for the G.C. Sun alignment, though he says that there is kind of a 36 year cusping period which can be reasoned from about 1980 to 2016, but again the more concrete alignment date being not 2012, but rather 1998.   Interestingly, 1998 is also the year that a couple of scientists independantly noted that the bulge of the Earth at the equator became larger and more noticable, as well as some major mass redistribution.
Is all the above merely amazing coincidence, or did this man and his source of info who had a proven track record treating medical conditions and giving business advice, etc. really see into the future probabilities and outlined the major trends of same, which incidentally he related to prior cycles many thousands of years ago (time being on kind of a loop affect)?
 There is a growing number of respected oceanographers, and those who study the ocean more directly than others, who are starting to speak out that much of the ocean's warming is not coming from purely carbon/pollutants, but also from increased heat venting from underwater volcanic activity. If there has been an increase in land volcanic activity, you better bet that there are even bigger increases on the ocean floors, in cracked crust areas, etc. They have been finding more and more of these in the last few years especially in really unstable crustal areas like near Japan. The amount of heating of land based volcanic and venting phenomena as compared to underwater, is like a million times greater for the underwater than land phenom.
  I fully support the environmental movement, and don't think for a moment that any should let up on trying to affect positive change in relation to these issues, but at the same time i feel the need to be more realistic and holistic about the issue. We need to stop world pollution not so much for the climate issue, but rather for the direct health issues of humans, animals, and the ocean and because well, we need to learn how to start respecting life and each other in general. I've always felt pretty passionately about this, even since really young. But i give credit, where credit is due when it comes to what's predominantly causing global warming or what Mr. Gore calls global climate crisis. Humans are certainly adding to the problem, but its a much smaller percentage than most environmentalists are willing to consider since they are so very personally and emotionally involved with this issue.
Again, all of the climate models out there are flawed and incomplete. We really don't yet have the sophistication, know how, and full/complete knowledge to make a real time working model of the worlds climate patterns. It's such a tremendous Whole of so many various factors, and our super computers are only as good as the info/data we pump into them to get a working model. And we're certainly not putting all the possible info/data in them to get the most accurate models going. This is a very, very complex issue, and some are trying to turn it into a more black and white issue (and this is happening on both political sides unfortunately).  
I get the sense that there is a long road ahead of us, filled with challenge, struggle, and intensity on many levels, but i really feel that ultimately we will make the best of it and it will really help to change many things about humanity and the way we think and act as a collective.  I think we will come out of these changes with a much greater appreciation of the Earth, of each other and of life itself and with a much more expanded consciousness as a species.   I really feel that when things start to get rather difficult, our E.T. friends are going to make some public appearances and that this will help to jumpstart the necessary paradigmic shifts towards a more Oneness consciousness--not that they are going to bail us out of the sticky situation we've created, but rather indirectly and more subtly help the situation..on a more consciousness level and eventually with some physical tips as well.

  Or as the some odd 1800 year old "He/She" in Ultimate Journey indiated about an eventual worldwide human unity, it would happen through recognized necessity of which Monroe thought might be severe, and which He/She seemed to confirm and indicated thats the reason for why (He/She's?) waiting.

  Unfortunately for many, this is an "inconvenient" perception and belief system, one that many would rather not think about, yet it needs to be aired and the message repeated (in a logical, unemotional, holistic manner though), both the probable positive and difficult parts of it.

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« Last Edit: Jan 7th, 2007 at 7:23pm by N/A »  
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