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Senator-Elect Tim Johnson - and the HORROR... (Read 4097 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Missoula, Montana
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Senator-Elect Tim Johnson - and the HORROR...
Dec 15th, 2006 at 1:43am
Of a MAGICAL universe - should he have to step down.
When the Democrats won both houses, I was greatly
relieved, truth be told. Bush would no longer be able to
run rampant with his insane Iraq policy. Maybe, just maybe...
we would see a shift away from the lemming rush to World
War Three that we've been seeing for the last five years.
Maybe the Rapture looneys would be disappointed in their
fervent wish to expedite Armageddon. NOW that little hope
of mine is in doubt...
Apparently Senator-Elect Tim Johnson (Democrat, South
Dakota) may have to step down due to health problems (bleeding in the brain and subsequent surgery.) This would leave the question
of his replacement in the hands of South Dakota's governor,
who is a Republican. And should he (surprise, surprise!) pick
a Republican as his replacement - well, that will lead to DICK
CHENEY presiding over the Senate - and thus (at least!) TWO MORE
YEARS of "staying the course" in the "most idiotic war of the
last 2,000 years" (as a certain well-respected political historian
has called it.)
No doubt, the believers in a suit-and-tie, Republican Jesus who
gives you the choice of a really sucky "Heaven" or a gratuitously
vicious "Hell" (after he whisks away all of his inane fish-brained followers
to said "Heaven") are giddy with joy right now.
And what I fear is, they may be partly right. If Bush manages to
maintain his policies due to THIS freaky a circumstance - then one
has to wonder if we do indeed live in a horrifying, magical universe where "prophecy" and "fate and destiny" are for REAL, under the capricious watch of a cruel, savage, hateful Jewish tribal god who won't let the dead stay dead.
First we'll lose the rest of our freedoms (Patriot Act 2, yadda yadda.) Then we'll see the Middle East explode, followed by the rest of the world. Just what we'd expect in a magical, Pat Robertson and Terry Randall sort of universe...
And I'll have to LIVE FOREVER in said inane universe... in stultifying inane "Heaven" or fiery "Hell". (Which of 'em would be worse, really?) No blissful oblivion, as per my wishes. (I'd PRAY for materialism to be the truth, if that wouldn't be so oxymoronic..!)
Sound crazy, do I? Maybe I am. But in a sane, scientific universe... how would someone like Baby Bush manage to futz and bumble his way to the most powerful position on the planet... I mean, here's a guy who wouldn't have been elected DOGCATCHER in a sane society. He'd probably be in PRISON in a sane society (or a nuthouse maybe?) But there he is, in the White House... and here we all are, right here. Can you dig it? And now he's going to hit ANOTHER million-dollar jackpot in his long, unbroken streak of freaky good luck with this senator-elect. Gives me the CREEPS. (How about y'all?)
Right now, I'm starting to feel like the proverbial trapped rat. A thousand curses on the day of my birth, should the scenario I mentioned come true, and I was born into a magical universe...

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Re: Senator-Elect Tim Johnson - and the HORROR...
Reply #1 - Jan 18th, 2007 at 5:20am
Hi Chumley

Firstly, I share most of your feelings about the incredulous Bush's.   Lets call it "shock and awe" in a totally different meaning than the usual phrase....  However, there *IS* hope.  This I feel with certainty!   However, we must educate ourselves (and others hopefully!!) to what is happening around us!!!   Yes - the history of how 'Bush the Idiot' got to be President is completely amazing and stupifyingly freightening in its scope and direction...... But, did it happen by chance?  NO!!!  There is something commonly called the "illuminati", but whether that is the name of them or the "synergists" or whatever, it is a small(er) group of people who direct the course of world affairs both subtly and coercively with both subtle and gross means.   

The problem is, they help each other get into positions of power (just look at the CFR, Trilateral, Skull & Bones(and other frats), Giant Corporations, and of course Govt's world over, and you begin to see the horrible truth!  That we are pawns in a rigged game!!!   But I do feel there is a way to change it.  But it will take effort from a Great Subset of humanity to Desire it to be different, and to "stay the course" in their own way!

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--an openning heart is a difficult thing to taste--
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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South Africa
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Re: Senator-Elect Tim Johnson - and the HORROR...
Reply #2 - Jan 18th, 2007 at 5:27am
Chumley you grizzly bear you  Smiley tell me, do you eat wild locusts with honey for breakfast?!
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Missoula, Montana
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Re: Senator-Elect Tim Johnson - and the HORROR...
Reply #3 - Jan 31st, 2007 at 2:38am
Chumley you grizzly bear you  Smiley tell me, do you eat wild locusts with honey for breakfast?!
Sounds like a good way to get worms, Augie old boy.
Too bad that Bush-baby is having our freedoms for
breakfast, though. (Or are you a neo-con..?)

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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South Africa
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Re: Senator-Elect Tim Johnson - and the HORROR...
Reply #4 - Jan 31st, 2007 at 6:22am
yummy worms extra protein!

A neo what?  I have no idea who Tim Johnson is .. it's enough trying to understand African politics but I like Hillary Clinton .. i reckon she'll be good because she's a woman of course!
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Missoula, Montana
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Re: Senator-Elect Tim Johnson - and the HORROR...
Reply #5 - Jan 31st, 2007 at 8:03am
yummy worms extra protein!

A neo what?  I have no idea who Tim Johnson is .. it's enough trying to understand African politics but I like Hillary Clinton .. i reckon she'll be good because she's a woman of course!
Oops, called you "old boy" when you're actually a woman.
Oh well.
Hillary Clinton for president? Maybe I'll get lucky and get mowed
down in a drive-by before THAT happens... although I WAS
glad to see the GOP get their much-needed trouncing last
BTW, "neo-con" here in the good ol' U.S. of A means "neo-conservative" (which is just the old Southern Democrats with a fresh coat of paint. Are you from South Africa then? Are you
black? Then you WOULDN'T have liked the old Southern Democrats, who are today's neo-cons - who allowed New Orleans to descend into chaos after Hurricane Katrina hit. Same old racists, different color of necktie.)

Politics, politics...

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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South Africa
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Re: Senator-Elect Tim Johnson - and the HORROR...
Reply #6 - Jan 31st, 2007 at 10:36am
You see already Ms. Clinton is doing good by giving the GOP their much-needed trouncing in November (lol whatever that means!)  Neo-conservative ok .. democracy is okay isn't and being (slightly) conservative is not to bad surely?

Bob Marley:  a man should be judged by the colour of his eyes and not by the colour of his skin. 
Wise words from da Rastaman!

Mmm Hurricana Katrina was awful I hope life in New Orleans is improving for the people who live there.
Na im not black just a bit burnt round the edges from the extra extra sun waves. 

Hey Chum you should be a politician - you'll just tell them straight!
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