The above is a screenshot of a letter titled "Where's the spirit of care?" sent by an Adeline Ang to the Today Newspaper :'ve often wondered if the most effective and productive way to help with (absolutely) unnecessary suffering amongst cancer victims... or to be more accurate - chemotherapy victims; would be to hand out copies of Aajonus Vonderplanitz's "We Want To Live" (together with other essentials such as Byron Katie's Work and the Hilarion material) to every household.
Of course, this cannot be done. Nonetheless, Education remains the key. If people can be educated on the true nature, purpose and solution regarding cancer (on all levels - nutritional, biochemical, psychospiritual and karmic; and on Rife healing technology), and on the *wrongness* of chemotherapy (including the economic-political corruption of the pharmaceutical industry), then Humanity may see a much better tomorrow for our brothers, sisters and children to live in.
Keep up your efforts (of assistantiality, of caring, of sharing) and never give up on them - someone somewhere someday shall benefit from them.