Back a few decades Wilhelm Reich was going to use orgasmic energy to heal people, but in more limited numbers than by changing the whole earth.
Call me old fashionned, but Princeton U's take on doing so seems a bit flip since love and peace are meant to be transmitted. If the act is done as a joke-off I think it will lose some of it's potential.
I believe all this relates to loosh and to the interest the Hindu gods take in loving humans, and in all these examples it is a sacred activity. 'Tamas' , as I recall, is a lower form of activity to bring about orgasm and those who participate in tamas leave themselves open for unwanted spiritual interventions.
IMHO what seems like a new idea here relates to concepts eons old and so inherits much of what beliefs are already grouped with it. Those beliefs include that it is not hard to get some Higher Spirits' interest with such activities, but whether that gives humans the right to tell HS to alter Earth's plans is more iffy.