Well Curiousgeorge I think no one can fully understand the weird stuff which shows up in our dreams lol! (But I've heard that it is a discipline in special forms of Yoga to become totally lucid all the time so that one either plays/manipulate with odd things in dreams or just have only reasonable experiences while asleep)
My dream fragment of last night I remember is I had an appartment, a one-room appartment, and the wall was sort of crumbling at one spot so that finally there was a hole in it; then a huge lizard moved at the wall, it stomped it's feet against the wall so that they attached to it, and that way the lizard ran along the wall, diagonally upwards to that hole and moved through it to the other side. I wasn't concerned about the lizard so much, but about that rats and anything else, as well as noise, could come through this hole in the wall into my appartment. I went to this hole and got somehow to the other side of that wall, there was another room, in it was the heating for the building, big very dirty metal boilers fired with gasoline or oil, seems no one was there for years. I was angry about the hole and all that, had a feeling of uncertainty, unsafety, insecureness about my dwelling situation. It was a very large complex of buildings. I walked off this complex, met someone, but, as you said, it's difficult to remember. Something of this is reflecting my real physical situation, would like to move in a better area, and the winter is coming so I have to turn on the heating in my appartment, but the lizard? And the hole, and this strange heating plant, I just don't know.
Yes there are a lot of tricks to get lucid in dreams more often. One is, in waking state, to look conciously at your hands or feet regularly, many times a day, so that it becomes a habit, then you would do it in your dreams too, and that can cause a waking up inside a dream- well or you fully wake up. Also affirmations, that you state in a powerful way, maybe saying it loud, that you will wake up within a dream and control it. It's very impressive when it happens.