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On LOVE and FORGIVENESS (Read 1762 times)
Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Oct 9th, 2006 at 5:47pm
Amish Tragedy

There was a recent event whereby an individual in a rampage shot ten young children in an Amish schoolhouse. At this point five have perished and one other is in danger of dying from her wounds.

This was a horrific event yet these gentle Amish not only went on with their lives, but immediately went to the family of the killer offering their forgiveness and even attended the funeral of the man who had killed their children.

Carolyn Evers
-:¦:- * -:¦:- * -:¦:- * -:¦:- * -:¦:- * -:¦:- * -:¦:- * -:¦:- *

What was the purpose behind these events?

This, my dear friend was given to the world events to demonstrate the fullness of love and forgiveness.  Know that nothing is a mistake and nothing is a loss.  Everything on the surface of this planet is planned and not a random act of violence.  This was completed at this time as an example of what world peace would look like if all accepted their journey in love.

Love turns the other cheek.  Love is whole and complete.  This group that you call Amish is the remnants of an ancient belief system started in Atlantis and journeyed to Germany  to lay down roots in peasant stock.  Their simple style is to live in detachment and focus inwardly, as they understand their God on a basis where many do not find such strength.

You see, their roots may have been in Atlantis, but more recently they surfaced as the Cathars and then moved to America as the Amish.  Understandably their roots were not known as Amish, as this name is of recent origin, but the tenants of faith are of the Law Of One. 

These events were planned for this time on Earth as a reminder of what peace and love would appear to be to the eye of human endeavors.  You will note that even the authorities in their area of their lands, hold them in great esteem and sheltered them from the prying eyes of the news reporters and other curiosity seekers. For the young children who were murdered were old souls.  They appeared as young souls, but they held wisdom and great achievement in their records. 

They were there at the fall of Atlantis and came back to demonstrate obedience to the laws of civilized companionship among all the members on the surface of the planet. These young children were greeted on the other side and cared for by many who ministered to them.  There is great loss among their family members, but they are moving towards the peace and unity of their clan.

It was reported that one young girl asked to be killed first to allow the others to live. I believe she was age 13.

It is not age that brings courage to a child, but rather love.  This was this soul’s ultimate desire to show love even if she must die.  That is a familiar refrain is it not; to love another enough to give up their own life?  This is a reflection of a lesson that was extolled by another and we say that these demonstrations have not been performed in vain.  The desire to love and show compassion is even now being reinforced as it was placed in the etheric grid above the planet.

Angels have the ability to increase this deposit of love and they will.  Since this is a planet of free will a human must enter this information first.  It is the desire of the Spiritual Hierarchy that this energy be reinforced and there are events that the angels hold in their care of grace and love that can be added to this deposit.  Even now it shines or rather glows as it grows. It will eventually shine even brighter and will act as a force to rebalance those who use warring emotions in the other part of the Earth in an effort to destroy it. 

We say to the one who writes this as she asks if this is not becoming a victim.  A victim performs the acts with a sense of being a part of a necessity to perish for the sake of what they perceive as god or a sense of negativity surrounding the act. They perform the act as one who is powerless and is destroyed as one falling prey to what is considered evil.

In this case the one who asked to be killed to save her friends and neighbors was not dying as a victim but rather in great love and acceptance of her fate as one who would save another.  There is a difference.  Let me ask you, if you saw one who was drowning and you tried to save the one who was drowning and died in the act, would you be considered a victim?  We would answer no to this rhetorical question, but rather answer that this is the noble path and followed in great light and not the dark of personal powerlessness. This one was walking in her own personal power, and did not succumb to dark thoughts, but rather merciful thoughts. Her heart was open to compassion even at the end.

We would like to question the planning of this event.  Some might wonder if Source planned this event in some fashion.

We say no, Source was an observer.  It was the souls of the young women themselves who planned this event. Their souls along with the elders of the community designed this siege. The parents of the children had a part in planning this event for their own personal soul growth.

There are events designed by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Elohim and sometimes Source, but this event was a personal event detailed and cooperated with, by and through, this community. As we said, they are advanced souls.  To construct a group event of this magnitude that would affect the world, it is necessarily planned by several complete souls that were guided by their monad. These souls and their acts of compassion and love have adjusted the grid system for the benefit of all on this planet.

Can you give me an idea of the man who killed them?  What are we to learn from this soul?

It would surprise us if you did not ask about this man as he is a focal point of this tragedy.  We say that he is here on this side of the divide and he is in deep slumber because of the violent emotions which surrounded him and the self hate and loathing that he carried in his soul. 

His rage was also a demonstration of what happens when the power of past inhibitions come forth to take over the soul and becomes a deep source of pain and containing that pain within and not transmuting it.  He also is an example that must be examined and explored by all who have seen this act of rage.  Each holds within the heart the possibility to hate and range in utter destruction.  It is up to each soul to transmute pain and control from the dark forces.  We say that he had allowed the dark forces to invade his personage as he had brooded for many years concerning his incessant pain. 

He had covered over his pain and appeared to be a mild mannered man and husband, but the pain within had festered and kept alive the passions of hatred.  His hatred was turned within and eventually without. 

These acts will cause him many years of pain and suffering on the other side and he will be nurtured by those who do such work on the side that he now resides in.

We the cherubim would say only one thing to you in this respect.  Honor all pain.  The emotional body which resides in the physical or rather very near the physical must be cleared of all past lifetime pain and suffering.  This man represents a soul who suffered silently without clearing the pain from his physical.  Much of the pain in the world is held within until it rages outwardly as a force of destruction.  Unless pain is released and transmuted, it will fester to violence if it is turned into hatred. This is the lesson; all pain on every level must be integrated, transmuted and released if one is to live in love.  It is the lesson for this age as we approach the division of the dimensions.

Blessed Be
From the angelic realm of the cherubim, the holder of the Universal Akashic Records,

Delivered by Carolyn Evers *  Ask Archangel Michael questions of a general nature and he promises to answer. Go to: ; * Readings from different levels and dimensions; from family or friends that have transitioned, people from past lifetimes, Jesus, other members of the Spiritual Hierachy, or bands of angels.  Go to: * ;  * ; *
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Posts: 212
South Australia
Gender: female
Reply #1 - Oct 9th, 2006 at 7:04pm
thanks mairlyn
i have to say, that I agree with these sentiments
It is very beautifully written

thank you for sharing
love Cathy
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Hold fast to dreams&&For if dreams die&&Life is a broken-winged bird&&That cannot fly. &&&&Langston Hughes
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