Very well said; our elder deserved more than than being put away in rest home, or away from the eyes of yourger ones/familly members, because they're in a state of not being themselfs/sick/handicap/bit out of it.. etc.
They do deserve more respect, we should all take care of them as best as we can, because they do have wisdom, and that wisdom and experience SHOULD be pass down to the next generation, as we will pass it on to our next generation.
Granted they don't know much about information technologies; but they knew the cycle of the moon/earth/harvest time etc.
Winter time was the time of rest and storie being told around the fire in community house/hall; how to harvest such and such food/medecine and how to preserve/use it, yes they know quite a bit, and loosing that knowledge would be a shame..
My heart always goes to those elder in hospital/rest home that i know have familly close by (community) that do not go and visit or very seldom, they feel lost with no need to keep them from going on...OH what stories they could tell, if you only let them tell their stories, and some just want a good hug and a good ear to listen.....
Thank you for re-inforcing my believe in our elders.
Thank for postisng this
Pul to you, Romain