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Libra (Read 2256 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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South Africa
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Sep 29th, 2006 at 10:41am
Happy Birthday Libra  Smiley


Air - in which equilibrium is brought about.

This is paramountly the sign of balance and equilibrium on all levels as its symbol illustrates.  Under its influence experiment is made through careful weighing of values, determining and choosing, with the object of resolving the problems of the opposites - for example, those of sex, positive and negative, selfish desire and spiritual aspiration, etc.  Libra is also concerned with establishing of right human relationships, and its influences work to achieve the ultimate equilibrium, the balance between soul and form.

Its methods are the tests and trials of the interplay between soul and personality, and there is frequent swing between the pairs of opposites.  It also brings interlude, pause, as balance is found, pause that can perhaps last for a whole lifetime.  For those on the Path this is not only an interlude but also a prelude, for it is esoterically said both of its polar opposites, Aries, and of itself: "before creation, silence and the stillness of a focussed point." 

This applies to Aries in a cosmic and creative sense; and to Libra in an individual and progressive sense.  Libra is said to "guard the secret of balance and equilibrium, and finally to sound the releasing note."

Its particular domains are Justice, Law and Government, and the energy rays which predominate are of the mind; aiding discrimination and right choice, aiding law, order and organisation; and to a lesser degree the ray of intelligent activity.

Exoteric ruler - Venus, bringing the energy ray of mind for assessing, considerating, making choice, judgement and decision.

Esoteric ruler - Uranus, bringing the quality of order, lawfulness and the expression of Spirit through form.

Tasks, goals and opportunities
Libra offers the path of choices.  Under its influence we learn to make decision rightly and remain poised between the pairs of opposites with which the path of evolution is beset; we begin to conduct our lives with some sort of order and balance, instead of being swept by events in all directions.
The goal is to establish equilibrium, achieve that point of central stillness at which the decision of the Scales is made.  It also provides the point for reorientation, refocussing and redirection of effort for the next moving forward on to a higher plane.

The energy of law and order and this quality of balance make Libra a propitious influence for all that is connected with government, world affairs, judgement, law and relationships, whether of international, group or personal dimensions.

The gift of organisation also paves the way - if rightly used - for building the forms through which spirit can manifest.  The Libran period is therefore a good time to reorganise the structures through which we expend our life energy and the patterns and forms of the inner as well as the outer life.

To be guarded against
Indecision, fluctuation, apathy, failure to evoke the will to choose and then follow the way that has been determined upon.

Polar opposite - Aries, with its energy of will, direction and action.

Birthstone:  Sardonyx and Opal
Birthflower: Cosmos and Calendula

Message of the Soul
"I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force."

Poem my AA Milne
There was once an old sailor my grandfather knew
Who had so many things which he wanted to do,
That whenever he thought it was time to begin
He couldn't because of the state he was in.


LIBRA the seventh seat at the Round Table.

In the first half of the Zodiac we have seen the dissociation of man from memory of his Divine origin and from his real relation to his surroundings and his fellow men.  In Leo comes conflict through the development of the of the self assertive ego.  He experiences loneliness, like the Ancient Mariner.  As he passes from Leo, through Virgo, into Libra, there arises the beginning of a dissatisfaction with life based only intellect and rationalism.

He begins to feel aspiration for return to unity, dimly echocing out his ancestral memory.  Through the dawn of the new nascent faculty of intuition under Virgo, he knows that he has a soul which can
contact Spirit and associate anew in full consciousness with the world of men and Gods.  The seperation and loneliness can be overcome.

In Libra we enter the second half of the Zodiac.  From the downward involuntionary cycle we move upward again, from dissociation to association.  Intuition establishes a balance between all the faculties, and through inspirational flashes he begins to glimpse the great Truth.  Inner seeing and hearing awaken, and he begins to acknowledge his subtle affinity with the Being of Nature.

History has been overloaded on the masculine side.  Western intellect is an essentially masculine attribute with its power of analysis and dissection and its readiness to fight for the gaining of its ends.  Our present society and its thinking is terribly over-masculinated.  True equality in the relationship of male to female, both within the individual and between the sexes, is a pre-reuisite if mankind is to come through without catastrophe.  It is the feminine receptivity, protective of life, which can, with imaginative intuition, apprehend the Living Whole and sense how to serve it.  The balance of awakened personality now is possible in Libra.

This sign stands opposite Aries.  The First Principle divided into two, and magnetic attraction brought about creative association.  In Libra should be the perfect balance.  The two lines of the glyph represent spiritual essence and substance.

The Ruler is Venus Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Art.  Her son, Eros, is the aspiration to Love of the Highest Good.

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 212
South Australia
Gender: female
Re: Libra
Reply #1 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:50am
my hubby is libran
A leo and a libran lmao Huh im 19/8 and he is 8/10 waht a combination!
makes for interesting times
love Cathy xxx
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Hold fast to dreams&&For if dreams die&&Life is a broken-winged bird&&That cannot fly. &&&&Langston Hughes
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