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"War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot. (Read 10999 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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"War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Sep 18th, 2006 at 5:05am
(With apologies to Black Sabbath)
Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at Black Masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Dah-Dah... Dum Dum Dum...
Call me sick if you want here...
But the recent school shooting plot (Green Bay,
Wisconsin) has been causing me uncontrollable
giggle attacks. Why, pray tell?
Because here we have a plot which could have been
the worst such incident since the Columbine massacre,
perpetrated by two 300-pound lard buckets. "War Pigs",
anyone? (In honor of Shawn Sturtz, and his equally hefty
comrade-in-arms, William Cornell. I'll vouchsafe that the overcrowding
problem at their state's penitentiary will NOT be helped by this sad
little affair...)
Imagine if they hadn't been caught prior to carrying out
their little "mission." Imagine the spectacle of two humongous
walrus-like geeks waddling through the halls, unleashing
hell from their guns and bombs upon the student body, as
it were. Truly a scene which even Stanley Kubrick (or Tim
Burton) couldn't do justice to when the incident finally got
made into a movie.
What might be the afterlife consequences for our two portly
protagonists (assuming they committed suicide a'la Harris and
Klebold, apparently their role models.) If there is a hell, would
they arrive at their destination greeted by the strains of that
grand old tune, the lyrics of which I posted above?
Would the victims (among whom might be some of the guys
who apparently were making life miserable for our two
lumbering monuments to the bounties of modern fossil-fuel
enhanced, fast-food-enabling agriculture) find themselves having
to learn to forgive - OR would THEY be having to seek forgiveness,
from our heroes (or ZEROES, as the case may be..?)
Interesting questions, indeed!


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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #1 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 5:32am
A good song that B-Man ... and yes, such an awful thing to happen to the innocent people.
How cheap is life to these War Pigs.  We know things happen for a reason but here i think the reason is not karmic .. to me this sad incident highlights the danger of video games and the endless movies that are filled with violence.  These visuals prey on the weak minds and become a festering ground filled with hatered and mental disturbances.

It is the responsibility of the game and movie producers to be accountable for the trash they put out into the market.  Enough violent visuals - real war is bad enough.

My thoughts on this senseless incident.

My post to Wade - the Knight - might come under scrunity here however, my intentions in encouraging strength for all that is good, falls in a completely different realm.  I do hope people here recognise the metaphor portrayed in that post.

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Missoula, Montana
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And a GOOD "sign of the times", augo-e...
Reply #2 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 5:39am
A good song that B-Man ... and yes, such an awful thing to happen to the innocent people.
How cheap is life to these War Pigs.  We know things happen for a reason but here i think the reason is not karmic .. to me this sad incident highlights the danger of video games and the endless movies that are filled with violence.  These visuals prey on the weak minds and become a festering ground filled with hatered and mental disturbances.

It is the responsibility of the game and movie producers to be accountable for the trash they put out into the market.  Enough violent visuals - real war is bad enough.

My thoughts on this senseless incident.

My post to Wade - the Knight - might come under scrunity here however, my intentions in encouraging strength for all that is good, falls in a completely different realm.  I do hope people here recognise the metaphor portrayed in that post.
This time "social blame" is being placed where it BELONGS...
on the SENSELESS, GRATUITOUS violent video game market...
and NOT on civilian gun ownership (the sins of the few, being used to strip decent, honest, law-abiding folk
of the right to defend themselves from violent scumbags.)
I'll DRINK to that one. (I'm enjoying a beer as I write this, as
it so happens...)

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #3 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 6:05am
At 03:57 am B-man Yo!

Well, im anti-guns all together because obviously without guns this could not happen nor could movie and game makers have an destructive icon to use as they do with such freedom.

Drugs also to blame.  Someone high on drugs thinking they are Rambo or something is a dangerous combination.

Beer .. well after a long hot day is nice ... without driving though ..

oh gosh how sick is our world that violent movies and games actually make money .. not to mention drugs ...
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #4 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 6:46am
... but then im also anti-money .. can you ever ever imagine a world that lives without money.  People do things because they want to not because they have to earn money.

It would take a generation or so to settle into the idea .. but imagine how mature this civilisation would be. We all only need one house, one car, one or two jerseys, three meals a day ..

So the theory is .. ok we need a car (well public transport would be the route to go) but the people that make cars .. make them because they want to - they enjoy making cars as do the people who make the car parts.

People might say .. im not going to go to work because i don't have too .. until they get so bored and uncreative that they realise true love is giving not receiving. Material things will be created through love because the pressure of money is taken away.

And if say certain television programmes are not being made or other things.. it is because no-one needs or wants them.  Farmers will farm food because they enjoy what they do, people who make clothes do it because they enjoy it ...

A no-money society will make people feel far more in touch with their spirits and take away rigid structures and class societies. People will feel like people and not robots and tax generating machines.  Also there would be no smutty underhand deals .. like drugs etc ... everything would be natural.

This is getting off the sad topic (in a way) but do you think we could ever realise a society like this and would people want a no-money society?

'my world'
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Missoula, Montana
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #5 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 7:42am
[quote author=augoeideian link=1158570303/0#4 date=1158576418]... but then im also anti-money .. can you ever ever imagine a world that lives without money.  People do things because they want to not because they have to earn money.

It would take a generation or so to settle into the idea .. but imagine how mature this civilisation would be. We all only need one house, one car, one or two jerseys, three meals a day ..

So the theory is .. ok we need a car (well public transport would be the route to go) but the people that make cars .. make them because they want to - they enjoy making cars as do the people who make the car parts.

People might say .. im not going to go to work because i don't have too .. until they get so bored and uncreative that they realise true love is giving not receiving. Material things will be created through love because the pressure of money is taken away.

And if say certain television programmes are not being made or other things.. it is because no-one needs or wants them.  Farmers will farm food because they enjoy what they do, people who make clothes do it because they enjoy it ...

A no-money society will make people feel far more in touch with their spirits and take away rigid structures and class societies. People will feel like people and not robots and tax generating machines.  Also there would be no smutty underhand deals .. like drugs etc ... everything would be natural.

This is getting off the sad topic (in a way) but do you think we could ever realise a society like this and would people want a no-money society?

'my world'
Not sure we'd want that, auto-e...
If the "challenge to survive" no longer existed, we'd find ourselves
so dumbed down after a couple of hundred years, that we might find ourselves unable to survive a major crisis to our civilization (such as global warming, climate change, ect.) and we might see technological progress come to an end as well, sealing our fate as a species. Hardship, competition, and so on are ugly at first glance, to be sure. But we don't want to "domesticate" ourselves - with our descendants becoming "tamed", stupid, dependent cattle- pathetic parodies of humanity. (It's already happening - look at all the stupids in our current society - the couch potatoes, the "reality TV" fans, the George W. Bush boosters, the religious fundies, the tabloid readers who can't even balance their checkbooks...)
Life ain't fair. But if it WERE fair - could we survive, then?
Ask yourself that...

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #6 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 8:17am
.. lol good word .. survival.  But Chumley the survival will shift from pay-packets to survival of the elements and survival of brotherly and sisterly love .. far more invigorating don't you think?!

i don't think it will be a bad thing if technology comes to a stand still - make us far more human.
And we won't become like sheep or cattle .. we'll be free to express ourselves naturally without hinderance of stock markets etc .. bet you we would have less disease ... and if people are lazy in this society .. they will become sick through lack of vitality and vigour .. and have no friends .. and no-one will want to give them the shoes they lovingly made ...

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Missoula, Montana
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #7 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 9:24am
[quote author=augoeideian link=1158570303/0#6 date=1158581833].. lol good word .. survival.  But Chumley the survival will shift from pay-packets to survival of the elements and survival of brotherly and sisterly love .. far more invigorating don't you think?!

i don't think it will be a bad thing if technology comes to a stand still - make us far more human.
Don't tell me you'd want to go back to the pre-internet era, auto-e!
I'm an old guy, I remember it. Wouldn't want to go back to it, lemme
tell ya..!
Seriously though. You'd like to see technology stop advancing?
NOT me. If I can reincarnate, I'd like to live in a world where cancer
was CURED (it's a horrendous, repulsive, and messy disease even when
it is "cured" by current means), you could custom-design your own body and brain via genetic engineering, AND I'd like to live in a "Star Wars" type of universe if such were possible (which it probably isn't - but who knows?) More technology = more possibilities, you can't deny that! It's easy to get all romantic about pre-industrial "civilization", but what about slavery - it ALWAYS happens when the economy depends on manual labor, people are lazy and avoid drudgery when they can! BUT the drudgery must be done by SOMEONE, and guess who gets to do it? Those with the least POWER. Ya dig? (I won't elaborate on OTHER fun things that happened in pre-industrial cultures, like leprosy and the Black Plague.) If that makes us more "human", you can have it. But I think I'll take a rain-check...

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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #8 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 9:57am
auto-e! Chumley .. when i started working 20 years ago it was in the era of telex and even then DOS was modern, no cell phones .. life was so much more simplistic me thinks ... but then i wouldn't have the pleasure of having this discussion with you over the ocean now would i  Cheesy but then i would be talking to my neighbour instead wouldn't i .. and write you a letter lol

Technology has the possibilty of bitting us in the backside .. that word 'up-grade' epitomises our technical generation.  Bring out a 'up-grade' so people feel inferior if they don't have it so they get it (although they don't really need it) and the big guy churning out the 'up-grade' laughs all the way to the bank while his staff in the sweat shop are living such a fulfilling life - a vicious circle with no relief i reckon.

Like the rule .. get up and get to work by 8am - in hetic traffic - work like a dog and head back home in the traffic (i own my own co so im not complaining about work lol i can't) what a waste of time - what a life - everyone like ants back and forwards.  No wonder some people struggle to connect to their spirituality.

Which brings me to the next comment ... do you really think a machine will cure our diseases? Chumley don't you believe that we have the power in us to cure our own ills? We far greater than any machine.  And you talk about genetic engineering .. we'll become like robots .. designer people .. great essence there mate.

In a no-money society we all would be responsible for picking up our own trash but hopefully there won't be that much cos we wont make it.  And if someone thinks they'll be a slave owner than they won't get a pair of shoes ... and no-one will like them so they'll jus sulk in a corner until they realise they create their own happiness ... there won't be any 'power' trips because we'll all be the same ...
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #9 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 10:33am
Hi Chumley Its the same old story,which will go on always on this earth plain,Light against Darkness, Good against Evil.
Drugs and drink feed these evil thoughts of violence and murder,which is what the devil gets a kick out of,but God will take this all away one day and the devil will lose out forever.

There will be no more suffering,just love peace and joy in the hearts of all.God will reign supreme.

If they did commit suicide, I  should think when they passed to spirit,they were given the chance to feel remorse,for the terrible deed they commited and if they did not show remorse ,they are probably on the lower plains.

Love and God bless you Juditha
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #10 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 10:54am
Its the same old story,which will go on always on this earth plain,Light against Darkness, Good against Evil.
There will be no more suffering,just love peace and joy in the hearts of all.God will reign supreme.

Love and God bless you Juditha

Juditha; yes it's like a game of chest, white knight/black knights. Who is the white shinning knight and who's the black one, there're so supple sometimes it hard to know, but truth will prevail, as god conciousness will.

Blessing to you all, Romain
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #11 - Sep 18th, 2006 at 4:15pm
Augoeideian said:
It would take a generation or so to settle into the idea .. but imagine how mature this civilisation would be. We all only need one house, one car, one or two jerseys, three meals a day .. 

Augoeidian, I'm sure I'm being a little picky here, but do we even need all those things?  I had a dream recently where I lived in a cave which was part of a "tent city" and all the cooking was done outdoors. I hope that was not a premonition...but if it was, I was certainly not alone.

It is interesting to consider what our real needs are in this world because we are so often influenced by the media as to what is essential for our happiness. I think we would all be surprised at how happy we might find ourselves if we lived in a more natural manner, closer to the earth. Of course, as B-man often states, a world without the internet would be a very different one.

However, if we seriously look at what our real needs are...they are shockingly few.

love, blink
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #12 - Sep 19th, 2006 at 4:25am
Hi Juditha, Romain .. surely you spoke the truth here.

Blink  Smiley yes now we talking a cave! So simple are our needs.  Nothing the earth does not provide for us.

Lets make an concentrated effort to voice our distaste at violent games and movies.
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Touching Souls
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #13 - Sep 21st, 2006 at 12:31am
I've reported him using the Peer Moderator system.

Love, Mairlyn
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Re: "War Pigs" - the Green Bay massacre plot.
Reply #14 - Sep 21st, 2006 at 5:58am
To All,

Thanks to all who used the Peer Moderator system to alert me to this problem.  Gibb has lost posting priviledges for 7 days for this first offense, and the offending posts have been removed.

Please use the Peer Moderator system to quickly report any further infractions.  We don't need those kind of trash posts littering our neighborhood.

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