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The Brownian Jiggle Meets Woo-aahh (Read 8372 times)
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The Brownian Jiggle Meets Woo-aahh
Aug 21st, 2006 at 10:31am
In the Appendix of Bk 2 Bruce gives a wonderful explanation of how the Universe is made of electromagnetic energy (as he explains Dr. Ed Wilson's theories.) The denser the energy is packed, the more mass it has and the less perceptible movement. Quartz is dense enough to have alot of energy packed into it. Its energy/mass was packed in groups of paraallel channels that affect its appearance as crystals and these channels can be quite long.
How does this relate to the spiritual qualities of quartz?
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: The Brownian Jiggle Meets Woo-aahh
Reply #1 - Aug 22nd, 2006 at 12:29am
hi there, haven't read of Wilson's theories yet but have heard crystals will amp up your thoughts. don't know if this is true or a rumor. has a resonation factor. think they were used in radios along this principle at one time? I like to use them by putting someone's name on a piece of paper and placing the crystal on top. I ask for their highest good and for the light to surround them in that according to the cup they are holding up. then I use the imagination to see that its done. but its more of a prop for me now, like a candle would be a prop, or tarot cards might be a medium for the light to come through. like that. I really know very little about the subject. welcome thoughts. love, alysia
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Re: The Brownian Jiggle Meets Woo-aahh
Reply #2 - Aug 27th, 2006 at 6:06pm
Hi Alysia,
Are these radio crystals mostly vertical in shape, so that they channel light vertically in shafts or channels, similiar to light's rays being beams?
( If so, I need one on my brain, because I'm trying to figure something out and I can't get it right. )

My idea-to-be has to do with verticality being in tune with polarity of the energy all around and of Earth. It has to do with relating beams of light to beings of light, and how we try to clear our channels. Then we channel spiritual healing and channel spiritual beings, etc.

Once we get our energy field (its channels) cleared, are we so in tune with uprising spiritual energy fields that the background mix of random (Brownian?) energy cannot permeate and irritate and distract us so much? 

Buddhist meditation posture has the whole torso vertical and since they get into meditating for hours at a time, I guess, perhaps that's the most vertical form we humans could hold. Did we just recently adopt  lying down as a way of meditating because in current culture sitting upright like a stone would be distracting to others?
If we try to do our retrieving and meditating lying down, are we working against the natural polarity that previous spiritual explorers have used to their advantage?

(   Wink I'm telling you ahead of time, I'm going to disregard any comments that use celery or pine trees (vertical energy) compared to dauschunds or flounders (horizontal energy)  since we don't know what they aspire to.

I'm serious

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: The Brownian Jiggle Meets Woo-aahh
Reply #3 - Aug 27th, 2006 at 6:25pm
darn, betson, Huh I didn't know celery and pine trees were vertical energy. cool!

I don't claim to be a meditator so i can't speak on it with any authority only my experience that when I lay down, no matter what intention I may think or wish to have and incorporate I am instantly snoring.
so I do agree body position is very important but only if you wish to remain awake through the whole thing Wink
the only thing I know about crystals is they had used large crystals in egypt for healing purposes and if we could harness the power therein we could drive our vehicles with that power and do away with oil. very mysterious harnessers aren't they? maybe in the future, we could do crystal implants in our brains! Huh nah, but heck, we do heart implants and such, so possibly we are in the stone age right now as compared to where we are headed.

love, alysia
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Re: The Brownian Jiggle Meets Woo-aahh
Reply #4 - Sep 11th, 2012 at 4:57am
Hi folks, I've only read this book in the series.  However, I was directed psychically (?) to the appendix on gravity.  Interesting stuff.  Now, my reason for posting: Bruce wrote that there was much more info that had been passed to him. So, has this material on gravity been published?  If so, where?
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