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Seeing It Not There (Read 9218 times)
Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Seeing It Not There
Aug 13th, 2006 at 3:08pm
Starting in the first chapter on the Oklahoma City Bombing on page 19, Bruce talks about 'seeing it not there', something taught to him by Rebecca, a loving friend in the physical who taught him much. Bruce says that 'seeing it not there' is not the same as making something disappear.

This was such an interesting concept to me. The first time I used it was at the World Trade Center on 9-11-01. As I was going through the tremendous rubble, I wondered how I could get to people. Then it popped into my mind to 'see it not there' and I was amazed to see that it works. I went to the WTC 3 times on 3 different days and used this wonderful tool each time and have used it many times since then.

For those of you who are reading or have read this book and go on to do retrievals, I highly recommend using this wonderful tool. I cannot thank Bruce enough for all he has taught me.

Please feel free to comment. Wink

With Love, Mairlyn
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Re: Seeing It Not There
Reply #1 - Aug 13th, 2006 at 10:13pm
Hi Mairlyn,

This technique is one I haven't had experience trying yet but would like to.  Its concept seems very simple and straightforward. 

To me, the concept means to remember what something looks like without the "whatever it is" there.  However, on page 19, Bruce describes actually replacing the debris with light.  Could he have instead just imagined there to be no debris at all? Or is that the same thing as attempting to make the debris disappear? 

On page 19 he writes, "I focused my attention on the debris pile surrounding the woman and began to see it--not there.  A spherical shape perhaps two of her body lengths in diameter began to take form around her.  This ball shape replaced the debris with a dim whitish-gray light.  In a few moments she was floating freely inside the ball.  From her floating position it was a simple matter for her to move toward me.  She was greeted by a Helper who stepped out from behind where I was standing". 

What I understand from reading this passage Bruce says that he focused on not seeing the rubble.  And in its place, a ball shape appeared which replaced the debris with light.  Was it Bruce's intention to produce the ball for the woman to float in?  Or how did the ball come about?  If he focused on seeing the debris not there, then why was the debris replaced?  Was the ball shape an automatic by-product of seeing the debris not there?

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Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: Seeing It Not There
Reply #2 - Aug 14th, 2006 at 2:44pm
Vicky, I don't think Bruce set his Intent to see the ball, just to see it not there (rubble). I feel that the ball came about because this was the way spirit had it working for him. For me, I didn't think about what it would look like without the rubble. When I went and saw it not there, it just plain disappeared and I was able to pull people out.

One time when I went and saw it not there, I saw a bright light and told everyone to go to the light. They were coming to me. Then I saw that I was the bright light. I didn't set my Intent for this, it just happened. For me in doing retrievals, all I have to do is set my Intent to help out and I do. Many things happen that surprise me, that I didn't plan for. All I planned to do was retrieve souls.

However, with all these souls coming to me, I wondered how I should get them out of there as there didn't seem to be any Helpers there right then. Into my mind came Bruce's magic carpet and there it was. I didn't Intend it, again it just happened at the same time that it came into my mind. And as the carpet filled up, I saw that it needed more room so it grew to the size it needed to be.

Retrievals aren't as complicated as some might think. Just set Intent to do one is all that's needed. Spirit takes care of the rest. Wink

Love, Mairlyn
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channy aka cbuk
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Re: Seeing It Not There
Reply #3 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 9:17am
I have just finished reading Chapter 1 and I am now reading Chapter 2.
Marilyn, I am glad to find your post here.

I take it when you use the Tool “Seeing it not there”- the impediment is removed from
your point of view and also from the point of view of the trapped soul –enabling the trapped
soul to be released. You “Seeing it not there” - enables the impediment to be shifted – from both
points of view.

I have yet to come across the Magic carpet.

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The lifting of the fog of forgetfulness will lead you to the realisation of your true spiritual  nature-CBUK.
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Re: Seeing It Not There
Reply #4 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 1:29am
channy aka cbuk wrote on Jun 8th, 2008 at 9:17am:
I have just finished reading Chapter 1 and I am now reading Chapter 2.
Marilyn, I am glad to find your post here.

I take it when you use the Tool “Seeing it not there”- the impediment is removed from
your point of view and also from the point of view of the trapped soul –enabling the trapped
soul to be released. You “Seeing it not there” - enables the impediment to be shifted – from both
points of view.

I have yet to come across the Magic carpet.


Welcome to the board Channy. Mairlyn has not been coming here for awhile, but I know where to find her. I'd say you have a good grasp on the principle of seeing it not there.

the way I see personally, it's to see it not there, is to not make it real.

I think this works well when a person heals another, they will not believe that the illness has the power to be real truth about that person, so you see their perfection and the illness as not real.

then they other person if they have faith, they can see the illness as not real either and the illness can either disappear right away or it can start the process to become unreal more slowly.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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channy aka cbuk
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Re: Seeing It Not There
Reply #5 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 2:11am

I found your comment about Healing useful.

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The lifting of the fog of forgetfulness will lead you to the realisation of your true spiritual  nature-CBUK.
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Re: Seeing It Not There
Reply #6 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 5:01am
hi, about the magic carpet. it doesn't mean that your own mind will see this device..I often see other modes of travel in operation, such as the common car.
When doing the exercises in the book, it is useful to imagine at first a carpet; you want to establish the feeling of movement.
this movement is what is important to get past the doubtful phase, as I see it. everybody's journey is highly individualized.

one time i used a go cart for to crank up the imagination.
all the time the mind is saying this is not real. it's annoying.
the trick is to let yourself become very easy with pretending, then it is that you can encounter some real information to get past that point. sometimes just a sense of motion will happen. sometimes there are not many images, but sense of something happening.

seeing it not there, can also be understood as focusing on the opposite of what you see at first, by shifing your attention to focus on something desirable, you are not looking or focusing on the problem, you are focusing your attention on the solution.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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channy aka cbuk
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Re: Seeing It Not There
Reply #7 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 6:39pm
Oh! Great. Thanks, LaffingRain for information re the Magic Carpet.
Thanks for the detailed explanation.

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The lifting of the fog of forgetfulness will lead you to the realisation of your true spiritual  nature-CBUK.
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