I lay down with the intention of reaching out to the people killed in this morning's attack in Lebanon.
I came upon a Muslem woman, sitting in the rubble. I sat beside her, and had donned some Muslem clothing in white. She didn't know she had died. She was in shock, but said she couldn't be dead, because she wouldn't "be there" if she were.
Before I could say much, I felt pulled away..a child on a ball or balloon thing, it was bright green..sort of riding/walking it. He/she tripped and knocked over two chairs..then disappeared off to my left, behind me. I tried to see where he/she went, but they were gone, vanished.
As I turned to follow the child, a face was right in front of me. Male, 30's, long hair and large gaps between his front teeth, he was smiling, sort of reminded me of the Cheshire cat. or this guy
Not sure what to make of all that..and if there is a connection between any of them, or if I was just being pulled from one to another?