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Bruce Workshop in Calgary Alberta Canada (Read 1398 times)
Touching Souls
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Posts: 1966
Metaline Falls, WA
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Bruce Workshop in Calgary Alberta Canada
Jul 29th, 2006 at 2:02pm
I received this from a friend in Canada:

Friends -

It is with great pleasure that I send out the following information.

Jim Szpajcher

"Exploring the Afterlife" - A workshop led by Bruce Moen

This is a 2 day workshop, which Bruce Moen developed, where participants can learn to easily access focused states of consciousness, and interact with non-physical entities in these states. By following simple, basic routines Bruce presents, one moves through a measured sequence of relaxation and breathing exercises to making contact with Helpers and engaging in working with non-physical individuals who need or desire assistance.  

The premise which drives this workshop: When a participant interacts with those who exist in these realms, it is easier to know these states really exist. By lowering one's fear threshold regarding the afterlife, one can free up energy to enjoy our current lives more.

Date: September 16/17, 2006

Place: Ramada Inn, Airdrie, Alberta (403-945-1288) (Airdrie is 10 minutes north of Calgary, on Highway #2.)

Time: 08:30 am to 6:30 pm on both days.

Cost: $265.00, including tax, per person. This will cover basic beverages and morning/afternoon snacks.

What to bring: Bruce's workshops require little in extra material which participants might find useful, as his basic techniques can be learned while sitting in a normal chair. However, there are a few things which may prove valuable:
1) Bring a notebook or a journal, to write notes during Bruce's presentation and to recapture one's experiences during the exercises.
2) While performing relaxation exercises, a participant might feel cool or chilled. A light blanket or throw might be useful for comfort.
3) There is a Smitty's restaurant in the hotel, but if you have special dietary concerns or preferences, bring foods and beverages which suit your needs.  
4) Some participants find that laying down while doing the exercises is more confortable. Feel free to bring a foam pad and pillow. There will be some "lounger"-style chairs available, for those who wish to recline. The general seating format calls for regular chairs.

How to register:  Contact Jim or Annie Szpajcher at 780-645-5511 (home) / 403-803-4869 (cell), or via email at

Workshop Size: In order to allow Bruce and participants to interact, an ideal workshop size is 12 - 16 participants. If you are interested in attending, please ensure that you register in order to secure a place.

Note: If interested participants are constrained by financial difficulties, call or email Jim Szpajcher, in order to discuss optional arrangements.

Additional note: There will be a selection of Tapes/ CDs and books for sale, including material from the Monroe Institute.

Further information: Bruce has a website at:

The following is an excerpt describing the workshop in Bruce's own words.

Exploring the Afterlife Workshop Course Description

A Two-Day Workshop that teaches you how to explore the Afterlife and other nonphysical realities.

Developed and taught by Bruce Moen
I am neither a medium nor a psychic who communicates with deceased friends or loved ones for you. Instead, I teach you to do that for yourself and others. Learning to explore our afterlife and prove to yourself that it actually exists might seem like quite an accomplishment. Yet, workshop participants routinely contact and communicate with the deceased and have their experiences verified as accurate and real during the workshop. And for as amazing or unbelievable as that might sound it's just a first step in exploration beyond physical reality.

This workshop teaches a system of simple concepts, techniques and exercises anyone can use to explore beyond the boundaries of physical reality, including our afterlife. It's a mix of sharing insights gained from my experiences, lecture, discussion and group exercises. This is a hands-on workshop in which you'll learn by doing. And it's an opportunity to meet others who share your interests. In addition to about twelve hours of classroom format instruction, time is allotted for open discussion. The workshop generally runs from 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM both Saturday and Sunday. A ten minute break is taken each hour and a one hour break for lunch. You'll get a lot more out of the workshop if you've read at least my first two books, Voyages Into the Unknown, and Voyage Beyond Doubt prior to attending.

The workshop teaches the Art of Retrieval as a means of learning to make contact and communicate with those living in the Afterlife. You'll learn to make contact with nonphysical Helpers, you might call them guides, angels, or some other name. You'll learn how to work with Helpers to perform retrieval of those who get stuck after death. Just in your interactions with Helpers and those who are stuck you will begin to learn, firsthand, more about the structure and inner workings of human afterlife existence. Continuing to work with Helpers, you'll learn how to explore the areas of our afterlife I've written about in my books. And, you can use what you learn to explore any reality or dimension that exists beyond our physical world. That might sound like an outlandish statement, but the experiences of previous workshop participants demonstrates its reality.

Some Workshop Topics

How to explore nonphysical realities including the afterlife
Imagination as a means of perception
The role of pretending and fantasy in real perception
Am I making it all up? How to tell if it's real
The Interpreter & Perceiver, the Balance leading to perception and memory
Affirmations & Placing Intent
What to do about doubt
The role of Beliefs, Doubt & Identity in perception
How integration of experience leads ever widening perception
Changing and replacing perception-blocking beliefs
The role of Love in perception & exploration
Methods of exploration: Dreams, OBE & Focused Attention
A map of afterlife consciousness
Retrieval, what it is and why it's sometimes necessary
Helpers, who they are and how to contact them
How contact and gather verifiable information from specific deceased individuals
Guidelines for the Novice Ghostbuster
The role of Pure Unconditional Love in expanding awareness
Curiosity, coincidence and guidance
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