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The Love exercise in the guidebook (Read 10959 times)
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The Love exercise in the guidebook
Jul 21st, 2006 at 2:03pm

Bruce expresses out of all the exercises he gives us, feeling love is the one he would like to see practiced for 5 minutes a day and it helps when you start exploring the afterlife and doing retrievals as it increases your awareness and perception in these areas, raises your thought pattern in other words.

I tried this and he's right. thinking about times when we felt love, it begins to work the heart area daily. then we have less heart attacks my opinion. love is very healing thought.

also, writing down images during meditation can bring up stuff about love for us to examine. does anyone here practice the love exercise visual? if so, would appreciate if you can describe what happened..and then I'll tell my story.
hugs, alysia
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #1 - Jul 21st, 2006 at 4:28pm
Greetings alysia,
Do you mean by the 'love exercise visual' ---
what we see when we recall first feeling love? or
What we see when we first try projecting love to another?
(both on pages in the 120's of AKG ?)
Hey, I like doing both, so it doesn't matter. Sorry I'm unclear tho.
Love to you,
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #2 - Jul 21st, 2006 at 9:31pm
hmm Bets, let me reread page 120; will get back with you shortly. thanks for the feedback.  Cheesy

back again. can modify here a post but not on other threads...hmm.

interestingly, a love feeling can be generated by remembering when you were feeling good within a nature it can be that subtle. the trick to increase vibrations and open perceptions and awareness will seem to be tied into following Bruce's instructions on the breathing and holding of thought and feeling from 20 seconds up to 60 seconds, to two minutes, then five minutes a day, can be broken up into 2 minutes twice a day.
why is timing so important? I think because the average person cannot concentrate on anything singularly before the effluvia of the mind distracts them, 2 minutes seems to be our general limit. just my take on it for now.

this love exercise will be done in your individual way. for me I draw in a breath and see it as a love all over my body, air as love, like that. so it's individual. then when or if you get uptight about something during the day, you can feel the love around and in you for a few seconds and center yourself and see the disturbance as not the truth of your being.

I'm amazed and wondered how Bruce came up with 10 seconds on one thought and 30 seconds on another visual...etc. and I'm thinking because it worked for him that way. every time I followed his instructions before I must say if I adhere to each suggestion to the letter, it also works for me to produce some results in my life. back to the book...hugs, alysia
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« Last Edit: Jul 23rd, 2006 at 1:31pm by LaffingRain »  

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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #3 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 3:00pm
Hi Alysia,
What is it about the word "love'?  Look at the responses your questions usually get, then at this one.    Tongue  Lips Sealed   Huh
Is PUL always an equal substitute for 'love' in the afterlife (as based on Moen's books)?
Do we have any other substitute words for spiritual love so that people like me would not avoid it?
How sad we're not addressing it (spiritual  Embarrassed love ), as it is the basis of All.
Does anybody have any ideas on how to 'fix' this?
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #4 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 3:54pm
so, ah, Bets I see you're having a problem with the word love. I admit I did too awhile back. I'd cringe when I said it or heard it said. even got called a few names here and there, like mother Theresa. Huh  finally learned not to take it personally or feel the negativity of being called names because of other's interpretation of who and what you are; these others who cringe like I used to are measuring themselves by another's expression and comparing. every time one gets uptight with another's expression of language, and language is all it is, they are talking about whats in their head about who they think they are, not who you are. thats how I dealt with objections to my using the word love, throwing it hither and thither. I should stick to PUL word, because p=pure, u=unconditional.
but even the PUL word is just a word and people equate PUL to love with its misconceptions what it is. love cannot be taught. it must be experienced.
so far as I know you are damed if u do, and damed if u dont to be using any kind of language because down through the centuries we gather misinformation around the words and insist that we are right, and the other interpretation is wrong, when different interpretations of what love is are all genuine indications of where one is on their pathway and so we are all right whereever we might stand.

I believe that eventually, the intentions of what a person is describing or communicating will come before the words fall from their lips and be understood and we will read between the lines during the shift in consciousness to be more accepting of one another.  the shift is just another word for seekers of knowledge who are balancing the mind with the heart activily.

these days, I can say when I write the word love to my signature, I actually feel the love go into the letters and wasn't always like that. the freedom to express love is a wonderful freedom feeling, but I sense the freedom gets even more pronounced as we go along, to cultivate the feeling within the exercises by focusing on it.

my best to you! pushing my buttons again are you? Wink
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Re: more about this thing called PUL
Reply #5 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 5:33pm
introduction to A Course In Miracles.

  “This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time in which you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.”

an exerpt from my book is below. 
  This  was a required course? Maybe after all, something was required of me if I was going to stick around here.  No free rides, I should have known. The material said I could take this course next year, but sooner or later I’d be taking it or I couldn’t pass go and collect.  Graduation was an attractive idea but why couldn’t this book tell me what the meaning of love was and what could be blocking the awareness of love? A teaser for sure.  Then it teases me even further to say that fear is the opposite of love, but it can’t be the opposite, because this love thing is all there is. It seemed to me a lot of people were singing about love, even I did that. Maybe there was something to it. It seemed weird to think there were only two emotions, love or fear, and if you listened to folks they either expressed one or the other. This was like the planet of fear; was that what all the wars were about..fear? Everything started to make sense.

I guess this explains a little why I toss the word love around like it was candy. slowly beginning to realize all the messages I give to others belong soley to myself. in the words of a song by my idol, "I ride on the mail train; I cannot buy me a thrill, I went to tell everybody, but I could not get it across. if I die at the top of the hill, if I don't make it, you know my children will."

in love and thanksgiving ...alysia
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #6 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 10:47pm
Alysia, you quoted your book: "This was like the planet of fear"

I hear some ways that is so true. If we look at the origin of any anger or any sorrow we can most certainly trace it back all the way to fear if we examine it closely enough. I think fear is programmed into us from childhood. We learn fear in order to survive within the many versions of "love" that are offered.

However, in time, we can create our own definition of love. That seems to be what freedom is all about. It doesn't really matter to me anymore if someone understands what I mean when I say "I love you," or even if they remember it was me, but only that they feel it. And I know that somewhere, someplace, they do feel it.

I've begun to think that none of us can actually walk away from real love. Even if we've been walking in circles in the desert for weeks, years, or lifetimes, it catches up with us every time.

love, blink
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #7 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 11:25pm
agreed Blink..nowhere to is built into the survival instinct, perhaps the dna strand, the fight or flight instinct is like a programmed response.

but as you say, we go on to make our own definition of love. I have heard as a race we are now changing our dna with assistance. sounds good to me. have to just wait and see. hugs, alysia
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #8 - Aug 9th, 2006 at 5:37am
Nice thread - i believe Love is the joining or blending of two people's (or more) heart chakras.

i agree with Blink as well, fear is a product of society and upbringing - dont do this dont do that -  we are so stiffled and when someone offers love it seems not to be able to be trusted because the social brainwash has been to presume fear creates safety.

Also, i think it is human nature to be at enmity with one another first through this mistrust of love.
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #9 - Aug 9th, 2006 at 1:09pm
I don't mean to stray too far from the guidebook, but ACIM, A Course in Miracles, has an affirmation in it regarding trust..just sharing my experience.  it went like this "I trust my brothers who are one with me."

that was one of the hardest affirmations to do for me. you were supposed to think about 3 or 4 times a day. I've not stopped thinking about after 20 years though. as we all want to trust our brothers who are one with us.  but we have to think a long time about what it means. I think what I trust is not individual personalities I encounter, but in the heart of the matter, where spirit of PUL dwells, I trust that it is in each person I meet and if I don't see it, I just think about it must be there. in a way we can pull it out of each other to meditate on how to reveal the presence of love underneath all the words and the programs we can be run by.

thanks for being here Caryn.
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #10 - Sep 5th, 2006 at 11:18pm
LaffingRain wrote on Jul 21st, 2006 at 2:03pm:

does anyone here practice the love exercise visual? if so, would appreciate if you can describe what happened..and then I'll tell my story.
hugs, alysia

Alysia, you were asking a question..well here it is.

The love exercise visual was excessively hard for me to understand until i went to his (Bruce) seminar, and after we did the exercise and i was still having nice grandmother who was in attendance with her daughter gave me her take on it and how she does it..Smiley

She knew i live in a remote area and knew that ther're a lot of beautiful mountains around here, she ask me how do I feel when i look at those beautiful mountain? i said i just love the peacefullness and the beauty of it..then she said "Used this a your trigger for love visiul exercise...Smiley

So one day i walk up one of the mountain, oh my god..took me 2 1/2 hrs of hiking up..but when i got there and saw the wonderful view i had from the surrounding area on a clear day, the other mountain/ the inlets and small island surroung the main one, the fresh  breaze and all tthose eagle playing in the current overhead and other bird chirping in the background,and the peacefullness;i fell in LOVE with the scenery. Brought it to my heart and keep it there until now
So when i need to bring back the feeling of love for whatever purposes i need i think of that lovely moment alone on top of the world, and it does the trick. Smiley

Sometimes all we need if one person to point us to the right direction. Wink
And for myself this is also PUL.
Pull to all

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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #11 - Sep 6th, 2006 at 12:13am
You're right Romain, to use that trigger is excellent idea, even for retrievals. The guidebook mentions nature lovers do this sort of thing for part of their exercise. theres something about mountains that will make everything feel majestic, even daily perhaps..just looking into nature is like an affirmation of love.
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Re: The Love exercise in the guidebook
Reply #12 - Sep 6th, 2006 at 1:37am
LaffingRain wrote on Sep 6th, 2006 at 12:13am:
You're right Romain, to use that trigger is excellent idea, even for retrievals. The guidebook mentions nature lovers do this sort of thing for part of their exercise. theres something about mountains that will make everything feel majestic, even daily perhaps..just looking into nature is like an affirmation of love.

Agree dear one;
"Looking into nature is like an affirmation of love"

I'm sure it happend more than once to you too, especially when you receive a nice bouquet of flowers as a gift/present and you look at them and sure you've said ..I love those there're beautiful, you get kind of musshy inside..a good feeling to keep and remember.!!!

Just remember that special moment ( I think Bruce and others call this...State Specific Memories) if my memory serve me
and there you go..Smiley

With love, Romain
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