Have you all said before that if the retrieval seems all set up to go, but the Helper and retrievee are not seen leaving together that it could still be a retrieval? Could I describe this please, and you let me know? And if it is one, I'll feel more confidant about these and not come running to you with every little experience I have.
Thank you.
This was different for me because it was not directly intended and just sort of happened during that waking-up phase in the early morning. Someone had said to let the Helpers choose what retrievals were appropriate (rather than going after relatives and being sort of an 'ambulance chaser' like I've been doing mostly), so that I wouldn't be kidding myself or hurting myself perhaps with the results. So I took that to heart but hadn't set an intention.
So in this dream
two old friends from where I used to live showed up, one lost to cancer almost 10 years ago and her husband, possibly still living but quite ill. First it was just the husband standing by their car, then he said something I didn't understand and his wife popped up, smiling and happy. I asked how he got her to do that and he said, 'oh, just some old Ojibiway chant.' (So now I'm contacting mutual friends to see if they knew he had an interest in Native American lore.) They said they were detained there by the road because all the roads to where they were trying to set up a party were blocked. They had always been 'super-host and hostess' in the small village where we all had lived. They were so happy and smiley that I didn't think about this being a retrieval situation so I suggested they look for another place to have their party. They said no, nothing was available, and they were stuck. A glimpse of two men who looked like they were from 'Skid Row' confirmed that again there ws too much alcohol involved. So it dawned on me what was happening and I said
'oh, here's a fellow who can get you through to where you want
to go; would you like that?' I sensed a uniformed officer to my right behind me and Carol jumped at the chance and disappeared in that direction. When I looked back toward the car and John, John had dissappeared. I woke up immediately.
If this was a retrieval it will be my first one using Bruce's method. I had been using a system that accidentally developed for me several years ago when I was trying to get rid of some fears. (I've never seen a helper but am getting along with my Guides without antagonism, and I do respect them now that I realize what they do.) I'll appreciate your honest opinions. (Except for Lucy and Alysia who are trying to get me to go out and play in the lightning.
Thank you, bets