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Nightmare, of another person, failed retrieval? (Read 1621 times)
Number XII
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 96
Nightmare, of another person, failed retrieval?
Jun 27th, 2006 at 12:08pm
I've never tried to search out other spirits and such, but lately I've been very open minded and pretty much opening myself to anything if it would give me knowledge about the afterlife.  So I was wondering if maybe I had come across another 'spirit'.

The dream started out like this, some, I guess it was a man, it was masked with a cape, but they were leading me around this very dark, horribly scary house.  I lost track of them, but I kept looking around this house, and for some reason I felt very uncomfortable and anxious.

I kept hearing bumps and noises in the walls and below and above me, but it was extremely dark.  I remember walking up a short flight of stairs and looking down a hallway, I walked down the hallway and into one of the doors and out the other side which lead me to another hallway. 

But in this hallway there were 3 mirrors lying on the ground.  You know, like those small mirrors that you hold in your hand, there was one right in front of me on the floor, and 2 at the very end of the hall in the two corners.  I don't remember why I but I stepped in the mirror and smoke puffed out of it and all of a sudden a loud horn, like one on a 18 wheeler went off, so loud.  Big light bulbs started blinking also and the noise was getting louder.  I was freaking out.  I took off running as fast as I could down the hallway toward the 2 mirrors and I looked into one of the mirrors and I could see the man I was following in the reflection, like he was standing in front of me, but I couldn't see him there, only his reflection. 

I picked up the mirror and busted through the door and there was a room full of mirrors with all these designs and they were each making a different noise.  The mirror in my hand made a hissing sound so I threw it at the other mirror and ran back out the door, down the stairs and outside where it was bright, and very warm.  I remember there being a car, and remembering I left my keys inside or somthing like that.

Then I woke up.


I either just had one hell of a dream, or I was supposed to help this guy out and I failed.  I'm not sure.
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Re: Nightmare, of another person, failed retrieval
Reply #1 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 9:23pm
Hi Molta,
what do you see usually when you hold such a mirror in your hand and look into it? It's yourself, isn't it? I very much believe, I am convinced, this dream is important. I had similar experiences in meditation, and I know they were about me, about what I am in a greater perspective.
The caped figure lead you, invited you to have a look at yourself (and maybe this guy even was yourself) and the dark house symbolized that you are at the start to make yourself for you more transparent, which it isn't yet. You walked into the mirror, it lied right before you, it is such near to you but you don't realize it, and when you walked on it, there was this big show, saying "Hello?! Molta! Open your eyes! You're one eyeblink away from finding out more about you!" And there are even more mirrors of the same design, there are many opportunities to have a look at yourself, and maybe everyone stands for another aspect of you, or another life, or disc member etc.
So now, what do you think who was the guy you couldn't reach? To me it sounds that it was simply you.
You drove there with a car in the bright and warmth, so it's easy to go to it, outside it is comfortable, in the house it's dark and uncomfortable, but this is only because it's something new, and that caused that you were afraid, you just didn't know what awaits you. It's like with all new things.

I once had a mirror experience where a dropped or broken mirror (I don't remember it exactly) turned into a smoke, haze or something like that, and it was about past lifes of mine.
Another time, I met a lady showing me a mirror. She was waiting for me that I start to be proactive, that I express my will to meet my greater self, and there was also a hiss sound involved, if you'd like to read it, it's here:

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Number XII
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 96
Re: Nightmare, of another person, failed retrieval
Reply #2 - Jun 28th, 2006 at 12:23am
That would make sense, I do remember feeling a strong urge to run back inside because I had forgoten somthing.  I think I should listen to hemi synch tonight before falling asleep and set my intentions on going back to this house, this time I hope to look around a little and not let the loud noises scare me off  Wink
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"Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned."
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