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The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdalene (Read 12164 times)
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The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdalene
May 20th, 2006 at 1:19pm
I'm just back from Bedok Princess cinema where I caught Ron Howard's movie "The Da Vinci Code" based on Dan Brown's book, and the part of the movie I felt was really beautiful and deeply touching, was in the very last few moments of the movie in which Tom Hanks realizes the (supposedly) true location of  Mary Magdalene's tomb ("She rests at last beneath the starry skies..."), and kneels in deep reverence before it.

The feeling of the presence of  Mary Magdalene, and all of the higher spiritual energies that she represents, is such a deeply beautiful and powerful energy. That was *the* moment, of the entire movie.

So thereupon, I remembered  Mary Magdalene had a brief guest appearance on last year's 2005 Hilarion Winter Solstice channeling. So I check Jon C Fox's, and lo and behold! I see Jon has posted up the transcript of the 2005 Hilarion Winter Solstice channeling (thanks to volunteer transcriber Lori Dunn!).

So here it is, our updated webpages :

Hilarion on Jesus Christ, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene  :

2005 Hilarion Winter Solstice channeling (our mirror) :
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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #1 - May 20th, 2006 at 3:07pm
Hi Kyo,

I had read the book; I'm not sure I want to see the movie, as the book alone was well written fiction. 

Brown's point that what he calls "the sacred feminine," has been repressed by men both of the church and in power for eons is unquestionably true, whether or not the question of Jesus and Mary's union is fictional.  As I asked Don in another thread, if there had been a union, I think it would have only validated Jesus' message, and show a complete life on earth as a human being.  The fact is, however that the evidence is not there to support the premise, nor is there any good evidence to show that offspring of this fictional marriage were born, and sheltered over the centuries. 

I am not a christian by birth, but it seems to me that Jesus' example was to be taken to heart on how he lived, and was resurrected.  The notion that offspring would somehow by crucial never came across in his teachings or history.

There has been a gospel allegedly written by Mary Magdalene after the crucifiction.  This, as I'm sure Don will point out was not authenticated and written/found many decades after the event.  Of course it was never included in the christian bible.  Brown's hypothesis went so far as to say that to suppress the sacred feminine, that Mary Magdalene who had noble Jewish parents was branded as a harlot by men of the eary church, so that no one would ever look into her true connection with Jesus.

At least these issues are thought provoking.  None of the hypotheses would cause me to doubt Jesus' ministry, parables, or teachings.  If taken as creative fiction, I don't think any church member should be threatened by the movie or book.

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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #2 - May 20th, 2006 at 9:55pm
  Some may be interested in this excerpt from a Cayce reading:

         10. (Q)  Is it true that Jesus in His youth loved Mary, Martha's
             sister as a sweetheart, or did He never have a sweetheart?
             (A)  Mary, the sister of Martha, was an harlot, - until the
             cleansing; and not one that Jesus would have loved, though He
             loved all.  The closer associations brought to the physical
             or filial love, were with the children - and not with those
             the age of the Master.
                                                 Reading 2067-7

 I find the last part interesting, cause it seem like Cayce's Source is saying that if it could be said that Yeshua had had any personal love for others, it most would have been with children (yet even then it was not limited at all).

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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #3 - May 20th, 2006 at 11:31pm
Hello Matthew,

I suggest for the reader, to let go of any preconceived notions regarding value attachment to historical fact/fiction, accuracy, Biblical references and scholars. While it is clear that Dan Brown's novel is a work of fiction based loosely on some historical fact, how much of it is fact (eg. that Jesus indeed had a wife, etc) and how much of it is fiction and made up (eg. the Priory of Scion, etc), it is not important and not to be focused on.

Because it is easy to fall into the same trap of dogma that religions fall into, when one focuses on the details (and scholars obsess themselves with what's 'right' what's 'wrong'), and lose the true energies underlying these. The true purpose of these events.

I do in addition, suggest that in speaking of the highest aspect of Jesus Christ, not merely that of the incarnated man Jesus, but that of the Great Being who by virtue of his/its/their purity of highest vibrations of Love, can truly be said to be the incarnation, embodiment, and representation of the Christ (or Love aspect of God or the Cosmos) energy that is within, nay, that truly *belongs* and *is* each and everyone of us, of the entire Cosmos.

We know him by the name of Sananda. He who by his purity of Love, represents the Christ that is each and all of us. He who incarnated as the man Jesus.

Again, may I suggest that the reader bookmark / add to favourites the url to my webpage here, for the words of Sananda (Jesus Christ), of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, and of course of our dear friend Hilarion  :
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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #4 - May 21st, 2006 at 12:30am
Thank you for this Kyo. Do you have anything where Hilarion has talked about Maitreya?  Thank you.

With Love,
Mairlyn Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #5 - May 21st, 2006 at 12:35am
Hi Kyo,

I had read the book; I'm not sure I want to see the movie, as the book alone was well written fiction. 

I suggest you do not see the movie, they changed it a lot, and IMO ruined it.  I disliked the movie... a lot.  Undecided
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"Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned."
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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #6 - May 21st, 2006 at 3:23am
Dear Mairlyn,

Hilarion hasn't mentioned Maiterya specifically, in the public channelings. Though one could always ask Hilarion anything of interest in a personal Reading.

If the day should come, dear Mairlyn, that you strongly feel the need to do a Hilarion Reading, and you're given symbols from your guides & helpers to encourage you to do so (the signs would be pretty clear, together with your own intention), you will surely receive the financial assistance from others around you, to help you do this.

If such a day comes (for yourself, or anyone whom you know could badly use a Hilarion Reading), let us (the people on Linn's forum, on Bruce's forum, etc) know. I'm confident there are many other willing folks like us, dear Mairlyn, who would be willing to contribute a bit of $$$ each, for genuine people sincere about this.


Thank you for this Kyo. Do you have anything where Hilarion has talked about Maitreya?  Thank you.

With Love,
Mairlyn Wink

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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #7 - May 21st, 2006 at 3:29am
On the Rife forum (which is based on Rife technology for healing of diseases including cancer), Annie Audrey posts an excerpt of a "supposed channeling" from another source, regarding Mary Magdalene.

For those interested, here is the link to our thread there :
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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #8 - May 21st, 2006 at 12:09pm
Hello Matthew,

I suggest for the reader, to let go of any preconceived notions regarding value attachment to historical fact/fiction, accuracy, Biblical references and scholars. While it is clear that Dan Brown's novel is a work of fiction based loosely on some historical fact, how much of it is fact (eg. that Jesus indeed had a wife, etc) and how much of it is fiction and made up (eg. the Priory of Scion, etc), it is not important and not to be focused on.

Because it is easy to fall into the same trap of dogma that religions fall into, when one focuses on the details (and scholars obsess themselves with what's 'right' what's 'wrong'), and lose the true energies underlying these. The true purpose of these events.

I do in addition, suggest that in speaking of the highest aspect of Jesus Christ, not merely that of the incarnated man Jesus, but that of the Great Being who by virtue of his/its/their purity of highest vibrations of Love, can truly be said to be the incarnation, embodiment, and representation of the Christ (or Love aspect of God or the Cosmos) energy that is within, nay, that truly *belongs* and *is* each and everyone of us, of the entire Cosmos.

We know him by the name of Sananda. He who by his purity of Love, represents the Christ that is each and all of us. He who incarnated as the man Jesus.

Again, may I suggest that the reader bookmark / add to favourites the url to my webpage here, for the words of Sananda (Jesus Christ), of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, and of course of our dear friend Hilarion  :

Hi Kyo et al,

  I do agree with the above for the most part.  It's important not to get hung up on all the little details, etc, when looking at the life of Yeshua.  I believe his example, his pattern is the most important part..

  Yet, the above sounds like it is polarized almost completely to the right brain Archetype.

  One of the reasons why i really like Bruce's info, is that it seems rather balanced overall, kind of like the Hemi-Sync state.

  This state is where people and their happiness, growth, etc. is optimized.

  It seems that many are polarized to one or the other to some extent, and so there beingness and expression isn't optimal--and of course those who are of the predominant one or the other expression, believe their viewpoint is 'right', more accurate, etc. even if they don't overtly say so.

  Heart and Head, they need to be balanced.

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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #9 - May 21st, 2006 at 7:50pm
Hi All,

I was going to write some diatribe about the kerfuffle over this 'dammned' book!, but then, I came across this little item and thought - seeing as it states what I was going to write (and more), you would all like to see it.


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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #10 - May 21st, 2006 at 8:03pm
Hi DocM,

The following link is for thee. Concerning the Magdalene Gospel. Makes interesting reading, and is quite spiritual. That is, out of the context of organised-religion.
Could it be that the shift of global consciousness is a move away from the institutionalized concept of religion to a more personal understanding of what the texts actually state. Could it be that we are moving through the violent times towards a more peaceful era. Perhaps, it really is 'end-of-times', that is, end of times for ignorance.


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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #11 - May 21st, 2006 at 9:10pm
Elysiumfire wrote:

"Could it be that the shift of global consciousness is a move away from the institutionalized concept of religion to a more personal understanding of what the texts actually state. Could it be that we are moving through the violent times towards a more peaceful era. Perhaps, it really is 'end-of-times', that is, end of times for ignorance."

(I think that you've touched on something here Elysiumfire.) Wink

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Would there be this eternal seeking if the found existed?~Antonio Porchia&&Before enlightenment-chop wood, carry water.  After enlightenment-chop wood, carry water.~Zen Buddhist Proverb&&And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.~Confucius
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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #12 - May 24th, 2006 at 4:59pm
I and a friend have been experimenting with dowsing as a means of communication with guidance. It's a yes/no medium with messages clairvoyantly added on occasion.
I asked for a guide to assist and I got someone who, in Newton's explanation of things, is a member of my immediate soul cluster. He is a junior guide and far from infallible, but accurate in things except when predicting future events with precision. I have verified several things he's said with more senior guides.

"Were Jesus and Mary Magdelene lovers?"
Answer: Yes.

"Did they have children together?"
Answer: No.

I didn't get verification on these particular questions, but I'm a lot more inclined to believe him than a movie or a book. Not that any of this really matters.



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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #13 - May 24th, 2006 at 7:13pm
Rob Roy said that not that any of it matters. This is why I haven't taken the time to figure this issue out. I don't believe that Jesus would lose his holiness even if he was involved with a woman. Some people might not like it because of that satan at every corner thing. Ya gotta fight him all the time. Wink Doom and gloom.

Regardless of whether or not the code is a myth, it shows how easy it is to get a myth going. Especially if some people can make some money as they get it going.

What's dowsing?

[quote author=Rob_Roy
I and a friend have been experimenting with dowsing as a means of communication with guidance. It's a yes/no medium with messages clairvoyantly added on occasion.
I asked for a guide to assist and I got someone who, in Newton's explanation of things, is a member of my immediate soul cluster. He is a junior guide and far from infallible, but accurate in things except when predicting future events with precision. I have verified several things he's said with more senior guides.

"Were Jesus and Mary Magdelene lovers?"
Answer: Yes.

"Did they have children together?"
Answer: No.

I didn't get verification on these particular questions, but I'm a lot more inclined to believe him than a movie or a book. Not that any of this really matters.



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Re: The "Da Vinci Code" and Mary Magdale
Reply #14 - May 25th, 2006 at 8:46pm
 Hi Rob,

 I've a little experience with pendulums, and know someone who has more experience.

I know from both of these perspectives that questions for such things, need to be VERY specific.

 So, if you don't mind, could you and your friend ask another question?

 Something like, "Were Jesus and Mary M. lovers in a physical, sexual sense?"

 You might be surprised, because sometimes guides are quite literal, or like to use a situation to show us something.

 Anyways, Recoverer wrote Quote:
I don't believe that Jesus would lose his holiness even if he was involved with a woman.

 Neither do i, but there are a few reasons why i believe this wasn't the case, besides Cayce saying it wasn't.  

 There is an interesting concept in the Cayce readings which i have experienced in life as well.

A woman asked Cayce how one could lose their sex drive if they wanted too.  

 He said that when and if during meditation the Kundalini energy consistently reaches the Pituitary gland--which corresponds to the Crown Chakra, then the drive is automatically lost.  

 This Crown stimulation is akin to the White Light experience, and often the seeing of the White Light is an indication that the energy has fully flowed through all the Chakras.  

 During the periods when i meditated very deeply and consistently, i noticed i didn't have any drive at all, it wasn't something i was trying to achieve or anything, it just happened. 

 During these various times, i was in my early 20's and have had quite a drive since puberty, though i practiced moderation in this aspect of my life (partly because of excesses in other lives in this regard, which created mucho karma).

But my meditation wasn't always consistent, or very deep, and after those periods, it would eventually and invaribly come back to more 'normal' again.

 Now it seems like Yeshua was oft in meditation and prayer, you could perhaps say that his life was one long constant meditation and prayer to a very deep and pure degree.  

 I really don't doubt that he had a full circle of energy flowing from his Base to his Crown, in fact this is one of the things which happens when someone becomes Enlightened, there is a continual circuit created between all the glands and Chakras and the aura becomes pure White Light.

  So if any of the above is true, and in my experience the Cayce readings are correct on this aspect of energy, then perhaps he just didn't have a sex drive at all after a certain point?

 And if didn't have a sex drive, then why have a lover?

 It would be pretty pointless, especially since he came specifically to teach, preach, and be an example of completely impersonal love to all--to the point where he even eschewed his own family.

 Having a lover would somewhat interfere with this message, because lovers are of a personal love.  I'm not saying that spiritual people can't have lovers, not at all, but rather if you came to the Earth for one thing and one thing only, to be an example of Universal and impersonal love, THEN it wouldn't make much sense.  Remember that even at age 12 he gently lectured his mother that he came for God's work, and wasn't here for family or personal love.  

 Besides, i believe Don brings up some rather logical points on this aspect as well.
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