We have eight now. I think one more is coming. please sign up. heres a suggestion: write each persons name down on paper before the actual PE.
as you write their name allow yourself to feel their signature. we do not know each other, but this is a way to connect in the subconscious area, to make our journey yield up more info.
then when Saturday comes and u sit down to do the journey, unplug the phone and give yourself at least 10 minutes to stay with it, without falling asleep.
let your imagination go as wild as you want, no matter what crazy symbol you see for the group or the individual. u will interpret as you will and we will interpret as we wish also. nobody will judge what you get negatively. at least I won't!
and the main thing is don't make it a chore. make it a fun thing. hugs, alysia
and i invite any of you to make suggestions for us as we are floundering a bit here to start...each one of us has a piece of the puzzle so don't go shy on me...
can u tell I'm speaking to myself and you are all a part of me?