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dream or retrieval? (Read 6498 times)
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dream or retrieval?
Jan 4th, 2005 at 9:45pm
I was just reading the Resources section of this site where Bruce gives instructions on how to contact the deceased and talks a little about retrivals.  He says sometimes we'll have dreams of transporting someone in a car we know or don't know and that could be a retrieval.  It reminded me of a dream I had about a month ago.  Here it is:

I was driving in my car with an old man.  I have no idea who he was, but he told me he needed to go to the bank.  I was thinking to myself that since he was so old and slow, it would take all day to do whatever he needed to do at the bank and I felt like I was losing my patience.  We got to the bank and I parked the car.  I looked up and I saw my Mom (Note: she died about a year ago) walking out of the bank.  She looked like she did about 20 years ago, but I seemed to be the age I am now.  I told the old man he had to leave because my Mom was coming and I didn’t have time to wait for him.  He asked how he’d get home and I told him to call a taxi and if they wouldn’t pick him up, to let me know and I’d come back later.  He was taking a long time to get out of the car and I asked him if he needed help.  He said he was fine and he got out of the car, but he had a hard time.   I saw my Mom walking towards my car and then the dream ends.

So would you all classify this as a retrival since I did transport the old man to the bank?  I admit I wasn't all that nice to him in the dream so I'm not sure what that means or what the significance of my Mom in the dream means.  Thanks.
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Touching Souls
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Posts: 1966
Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #1 - Jan 4th, 2005 at 10:45pm
Polly, in my opinion, this was a retrieval. The clincher (for me) is you seeing your mother and her looking 20 years younger.  We'll see what others say, but I do feel strongly that it was a retrieval.  Smiley

Mairlyn   Cheesy
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #2 - Jan 5th, 2005 at 12:22am
Hi!  It sounds like a retrieval to me.  And it sounds like your mother was there to verify to you that you were on the other side.  Maybe your impatience with the old man served to help him realize it was really time to move on...that he had waited long enough.  Michelle
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Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #3 - Jan 5th, 2005 at 2:08am
Hi Polly! Dreaming that you are driving your car with someone in doesn't mean that you are doing a retrieval,people believe that because it is written in books. But i think that it is symbolic,there are messages in our dreams,but it is not always easy to find them. Happy new year !
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Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #4 - Jan 5th, 2005 at 11:01am
hi Polly  I believe it was an incomplete retrieval due to the old man asking how he would get home from the bank (the bank is symbolic of making a withdrawal, or needing some resources in order to get from one place to another place such as in movement of consciousness. he obviously was stuck in age symdrome belief) this leads me to believe you yourself have an issue with infirmity to deal with as most of us deal with that anyway at some time as our body ages (it's buggin' when it won't do cartwheels like it used to Grin ) each retrieval is something to do with you personally. I can't help but wonder if the old guy is a member of your family that you can bring to remembrance also. I often meet people in dreams that I cannot place until much later, that information comes in, and I say, wow! now I know who that was! Shocked  when there is confusion you can return in imagination to the scene and continue the retrieval by imagining taking the person to focus 27, the reception area and leaving him in their care as they are used to handling this sort of thing; there, guides will let him know he need never take another trip to the bank again Grin will it work? sure, because every thought of kindness is never lost, never disintegrated. thoughts are things, things are thoughts. you and I are thoughts. before reality, so called, was the birth of the imagination. Einstein said "imagination is more important than knowledge." can u dig it? Roll Eyes if u cannot imagine focus 27, you mother walking towards the car is another option to ask mom to take the old guy there herself as it looks like she was making herself available to you by walking towards you. congrats to you Grin Wink you have just entered the heart of the matter through the back door of retrieval business, your heart chakra is opening and it only gets more interesting from that point! one more thing...tell the guy that if he wants to, he can shed off a few years just like mom did..that might be interesting to observe the look on his face if you get through to him..hee. Grin
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Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #5 - Jan 6th, 2005 at 12:08pm
I don't know if this was a retrieval or simply a dream. 
I awoke on Sunday morning, glanced at the clock and decided i could sleep a few minutes longer before getting ready for church.
I fell back asleep and saw that I was on the devastated beach in Sri Lanka.  I picked up a rusted bike and started up a rocky, narrow road
full of holes filled with water.  I fell a lot as I had not been on a bicycle in years and the road was so
bad, full of rocks and holes.  My shoes kept falling off.
As I went on, I noticed a woman following me.  She seemed confused and exhausted.  I told her I
had come to help and she could come with me if
she chose.  Soon, there was a long line of people
following us, all of them seeming to be lost.  When I got to the first house that was inhabited,
I went to the door and asked if they could take in
any of the people with me as they were homeless.
The first homeowners took in the first lady who was following me.  I stopped at each house we
came to and asked the same question and each
'house took in from 1 to 6 of the people.
During all this time, I kep thinking, it's time to get
ready for church and finally the message got through to me and I got up and bathed and dressed for church.  During my bath, I was surprised not to find any bruises on my body from all the times I fell off the bike.
During the time since the tsunami, I have been
very concerned about the situation in southeast
asia.  Since this "dream" I have felt much better.
Does anyone have an idea of what this experience
I am new to this group.  Knowing
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Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #6 - Jan 6th, 2005 at 1:42pm
[color=Purple][/color] Cheesy  hi, thanks for posting. I feel certain it was a retrieval due to your own feelings you had afterwards. (feels good huh?) that's what PUL feels like. (pure unconditional love) you're a natural. a lot of retrievers do this in dream state. some remember, like you, some awaken within the dream later, some like me, do the imagination method which can turn into the dream activity. but dreams are not "just" dreams to discount therefore. with a little study, this physical world becomes the dream, and the real world becomes unreal, or to put it another way, the two worlds become equalized in importance as both being valid fields of exploration to discover who we are in a more fuller sense while surfing out there meeting people or doing retrievals from a heart space. the reason the people were following you is they picked up on your frequency signature. you are still alive, so you have a signal which speaks to them. they too, believe they are still like you, alive in body. therefore you are the "light" they follow, because you are expressing PUL. pure, unconditional love, which is otherwise known in the past as "God." God is love. God is all things therefore God is us too. In a sense, we can only go home by taking each other's hands, because we are the ones we have been searching for. you have an open heart and this is rather rare Cheesy these folks are real, they were just in a state of subjection to their confusion. they were not in hell or suffering, unless u call confusion suffering. I see the act you performed as a service to them as non physical guides can often be assisted by physical retrievers because of our particular frequency signal from the heart of the matter. If you feel good after a retrieval that is an indication of success, so good on ya mate!
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Touching Souls
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Posts: 1966
Metaline Falls, WA
Gender: female
Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #7 - Jan 6th, 2005 at 6:46pm
I completely agree with Alysia. This was a retrieval.  Very good job.

Mairlyn Cheesy
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #8 - May 2nd, 2006 at 2:06am
Hey is this a retrieval dream well after my grandpa died i took it hard and well i had this dream and he was in it and he said dont worry ashley i have a strong heart and i told my mom n shes like yes he did have a strong heart but everything else went. so is that a retrieval dream?
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Touching Souls
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Posts: 1966
Metaline Falls, WA
Gender: female
Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #9 - May 2nd, 2006 at 11:43am
Actually Ashley, this sounds like a 'contact' dream but not a retrieval. You really need to read Bruce's books and this whole website. If you can't afford the books, you can ask your local library to get them for you. Or you could go to and buy used books for much lower prices than new. 

Not everyone needs to be retrieved. Not everyone gets stuck near the earth plane.

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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St Petersburg Florida
Gender: male
Re: dream or retrieval?
Reply #10 - May 3rd, 2006 at 6:03pm
Sounds like a possiable retrieval in progress. The man needed guidence, and your mother could of been the one to arrive just for the job. Agian your life force is very present in alternate realities, a energy he would connect to if he recently died.
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