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Studying how to get precognition in dreams (Read 8269 times)
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Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Apr 15th, 2006 at 10:13pm
Hi, I'm writing another book about how to get, well, lets say interpret dream symbols when you are trying to get information about the future.

so I'm doing this now about 5 years seriously and starting to get a handle on it. I want to pass on what I can as I think it can make our lives easier if we don't have to wait for a telephone call to tell us what is up with that deal you just made with somebody, etc. I am enjoying the study, especially if I can write about dreams coherently to benefit some one elses study of this way to get info.

this recent example. I set an intention to find out why my buyer is taking so long to finish buying and moving into my house. taking too long. he has a deal on his end, another buyer involved in purchasing his house so he can purchase mine.

the last I heard from him on the email was "she had her loan in place, and her earnest money was deposited to his account, which means he gets to keep her money if she backs out." so looks good huh?

still, weeks go by, you know. not a word. so I set an intention which took 2 or 3 days to get my dream info. then another 2 or 3 days just to interpret it!

man, I feel slow sometimes, but I'm happy I finally did it. I don't get these kind of dreams but maybe once a month, or once every two months and always have to cogitate on the intention of doing it for a day or so, if you want to try it. read about setting intentions in Bruce's books.

we all have some symbols in common when dreaming. like a house is your house of consciousness, where u live. in this dream I was in the back seat of a car. the car was a symbol of the deal between the 3 of us. the deal is my buyer Jim, would sell his house to Tina, then buy my house. I'm in the back seat watching them argue.
he gets out. they both try to tell me everything is cool, but I notice the car is a little on the rough side for the money they are asking for it.

later in reality Jim tells me she's asking about $50k more than her place is worth. (rough car)

in the dream I'm still in the backseat as I'm not driving this thing. and a spark is under the hood, may cause a fire, but unlikely I think. she backs the car up about 90mph freaking out and I think she's not careful and is gonna crash us and I yell at her let me out of the car. (believe it or not this is precog and I'll tell u why later) she's in a trance state or just doesn't know I'm there asking to be let out of the car. she finally notices me freaking in the backseat and I get out.

so I email my buyer and I lay it out and he emails back and says that I was reading his mind! ha ha!
she's backing out of the deal because her relatives refuse to help her out like they said they would. plus her house is not fixed up for what she's asking.
Jim had been afraid I'd back out of the deal if he told me what was going on.
thats not true, I wouldn't back out because I know his house will sell fast once it gets back on the market.

this wasn't like a full blown obe, where you feel you are there in this other body. this was just a couple of movie scenes in the mind, like a common dream.

my idea like I said, you can make decisions easier if you have more info. and setting an intention to find out something, instead of just getting impatient, I think is better way, as then you don't have to jump to conclusions that somebody is pulling the wool over your eyes when they are just running scared.
sure you can just ask what's up, but people don't always communicate whats up, so you have to find out on your own. Dreams are excellent way to explore what's really going on.

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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #1 - Apr 16th, 2006 at 5:10pm
Thanks Alysia! I'm not really experienced in this area so it's good to hear that it works and how it works to get motivated to try it oneself.

In short the main things would be the following if I got it right:

1. Get familiar with your dream symbology.
For this it would be good to remember, write down, re-read dreams and get an overview of your own dream-language and how it could be translated.

2. Set intention that you want specific informations through a dream, and
set intention to remember it to write it down.

3. Then of course start thinking it over, remembering what you've asked.

A question I have: When you remember a dream and you didn't asked something, do you have a feeling whether it was a precognitive/informative dream or a dream of some other kind?

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #2 - Apr 16th, 2006 at 5:58pm
Spooky said: Thanks Alysia! I'm not really experienced in this area so it's good to hear that it works and how it works to get motivated to try it oneself.
In short the main things would be the following if I got it right:

1. Get familiar with your dream symbology.
For this it would be good to remember, write down, re-read dreams and get an overview of your own dream-language and how it could be translated.
yes, you will start noticing you often dream of the same symbols, perhaps an attic. treasures in the attic. maybe gifts up there u don't notice. or a telephone device symbolizes communication problems. you start to dream the same symbols. sometimes you have to think about it all day before you make the connection what its saying, but you get quicker with trying to make sense of it.


2. Set intention that you want specific informations through a dream, and
set intention to remember it to write it down.
be specific, pose only one question, such as when, a date, or my question to get answered was "why is Jim so silent to me? is he hiding something he knows that I don't?" I'm demanding honesty in this case, and openness, and thats really all I wanted.

3. Then of course start thinking it over, remembering what you've asked.
I found writing it down the most important part. I use a recorder also. as its only when I re-read it a few days that I can get the full implications, more info filters down into the interpretive process with the effort.


A question I have: When you remember a dream and you didn't asked something, do you have a feeling whether it was a precognitive/informative dream or a dream of some other kind?
I don't get dreams anymore without intention setting. but sometimes an intense emotion or a deep curiosity during the day acts like an intention setting and produces dream info on the subject. an emotion is translated to be a communication to yourself and it needs interpretation also, u can never take an emotion for surface value only. its not always precognitive. sometimes, if I'm working on the book I'll have someone say to me in a dream to go work on chapter 17 as I'm confusing there the reader. so thats like present time. sometimes I don't know if a dream is telling a future circumstance until 18 months later when re-reading it I realize things happened that way to come true. the idea is to not have to wait 18 months to figure it out! ha ha! sometimes I know it's an obe circumstance because I'll meet someone out there and talk to them, and the next day I do actually meet that same person for the 2nd time.
nice to talk with you again and u give me opportunity to sort my thoughts!
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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #3 - Apr 16th, 2006 at 6:52pm
Hi again Alysia, you're fast! Thank you. Yes, writing it down is in itself a thinking over and a get-the-details- process.
And what you said:
>>>an emotion is translated to be a communication to yourself and it needs interpretation also<<<
this really is the way to evolve! For example, when I get angry, there now is this watching me telling me: "Now, look, you're getting angry! Why? Want you to be angry?..."

Allright, will soon post 2 similar dreams I had and would be glad if you could read it (but I know you're writing your next book!).

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #4 - Apr 16th, 2006 at 8:30pm
oh Spooky, lol, I'd be glad to read your dreams and interpret from my perspective and u can tell me if it rings true, or you can get your interpretation out of mine..know what I mean?

I only have about 20 pages on this other book so far, as first I need more material! lol. I get the material from going on forums like this so glad to see your dreams friend! probably all the material will start coming as you write, as you understand that point really well, that writing something down, theres an ocean to tap into of further thoughts...
write it down as detailed as u can, I'll talk soon. love, alysia
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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #5 - Apr 18th, 2006 at 5:22pm
PA dream: A dream from last night..there is some thing all made up of metal strings and alive   over and up to my bed's right gives me a creepy is moving flexibly. Mom comes over to my bed and says "it seems it is suffering. there must be reason god made it that way" what she says causes a feeling of pity and love in me about it..i pet it gently..and it grows wings and transforms in to a metal swan shape..still moving... and makes a "purring" sound just as a cat would.

I like this dream a lot. its easy to understand that what at first give u a creepy feeling can be turned into a purring feeling. and your mom tells u that there is a reason for everything that happens, and there is a reason. thats why we're here to find all the reasons, so thats life. precognition to me like reading Seth have possibilities, then you have probabilities and surfing between these two you have a bit of choosing to do if you are aware both could happen. I think I saw the matrix movie. not sure, but everybody talks about it. must be good. not sure intentions for movies for entertainment or sensationalism or for serious thought matter, would make a difference in how much you let it influence your life. it's true whatever you do in life, you are doing a risk thing to even be alive, so takes courage in whatever decision you make, which is to become like fearless, just to put the fear aside. its always there anyway, but you can put it in a little imaginary suitcase, and say, oh, well, maybe I will open you up, but not right now, then u can pretend u are a curious kitty with 9 lives ... as curiosity seems stronger in us than fear anyway in the long run. sure beats being stuck in a cage of beliefs.
love, alysia
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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #6 - May 2nd, 2006 at 1:22am
Hello laffingrain LaffingRain! Wink

Just to add some of my own experiences with some dreams that I have had:

To summarize:
About a year ago I had a dream that everybody that I worked with was sitting around in the workshop and passing money around... I woke up wondering what this dream had to do with the tea in China. Well... I got to work in the morning and we were all sitting around in our chairs in a circle like we normally do before we set off on our given tasks for the day. However, one of the guys that I work with began talking about a friend of his whom was in a recent motorcycle accident and that he was suffering immensely both pain-wise (he lost his leg) and hospital bill-wise... His idea was that we could all pitch in whatever we could afford to help him out financially... Hence, the deja-vu! Everyone started passing money around just like in my dream... I froze for a second because my mind was going into "hyper-drive" (the scrambled eggs effect)... It almost felt like I was an actor in the middle of a choreographed movie, however, this movie was MY LIFE, and I can assure you, I am by no means a "qualified" actor! LOL!

Very surreal! Shocked


P.S. I had another dream not too long ago, but I'm not sure what it means... In the dream I was sitting on some docks overlooking a lake of sorts... I was resting on one dock, and my brother was resting on another... In the dream, I saw a rippling effect coursing through the water between me and my brother... Then, out of nowhere, there was what appeared to be the tale of a huge whale surfacing from the water... I thought, "Hmm..." "Now that's a little strange." A few seconds had passed and the "tail" re-surfaced... However, this time it was not a tail at all... and it shot out of the water and hovered there for a few seconds... It looked like a rainbow colored phoenix. It's wings were transparent like a butterfly, and the blues and hot pinks were extremely bright and vivid...

I'm still not sure what this dream could mean... ???
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Would there be this eternal seeking if the found existed?~Antonio Porchia&&Before enlightenment-chop wood, carry water.  After enlightenment-chop wood, carry water.~Zen Buddhist Proverb&&And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.~Confucius
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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #7 - May 2nd, 2006 at 11:24am
This is a really useful topic and I'm glad you started it.

I am in that category of people who don't recall their dreams. I know you guys who do think it is like falling off a log.....

Still it is interesting to hear you put a time frame on things, Alysia

still, weeks go by, you know. not a word. so I set an intention which took 2 or 3 days to get my dream info. then another 2 or 3 days just to interpret it!

man, I feel slow sometimes, but I'm happy I finally did it. I don't get these kind of dreams but maybe once a month, or once every two months and always have to cogitate on the intention of doing it for a day or so, if you want to try it. read about setting intentions in Bruce's books.

This is under the topic of setting intent. I think some people can just go into a meditative state of one sort or another and "set their minds' and TaDa! it works for them. I'm not one of those.

So it was good for me to hear it takes a few days for you to set intent.

It is so hard to discipline myself to try a new technique thoroughly...always a tussle to know whether to try a way tha has somewtimes worked before or try a new way....

especially fore those of us who are time-stressed and sleep-deprived.

Something else I was reading...on using your mind to create your reality...talks about this. Using the technique of repeating the affirmation 100 times a day. Then the author say sif you really want it to work, you need to write it 100 times a day. Well, I don't know if you've ever tried writing an affirmation 100 times a day, but it takes time and effort.

But I see the author's point. If you really want to set intention and if it takes writing it 100 times a day, then, by golly, you write it 100 times a day. You have to have committment to setting intention.

Now that doesn't mean there is some voodoo formula that says if you write your affirmation 100 times a day, it will manifest. But I think it means you have to find your own level of committing to intention. That's hard, especially if you've not done that before.

Or maybe it is just having some little ritual to tell your subconcious mind that you are serious about this.

I mean, you are practiced at this and it took you a couple of days. And then this kind of dream doesn't come every day...

So this is a good topic because it always sounds so easy in the books.

ps cosmic ambitions
after the dream about money being passed around, I am wondering if you had extra in your wallet so when it happened in C1 you had extra money....just curious. Its not enough to just have the dream, it needs to be useful too.
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Re: intention setting
Reply #8 - May 2nd, 2006 at 5:32pm
Lucy said: Or maybe it is just having some little ritual to tell your subconcious mind that you are serious about this.

yes I think u hit the nail on the head Lucy. it has to do with will, or willing, to impress the conscious mind to get the subconscious mind to do something about or with your intention. also has something to do with releasing the intention. stop worrying in other words, is to release it.  worrying, like doubts seems to block the subcon. from producing what u want to know.

looking back, it took more than a few days. more like once a day I would be bugged about the deal I had made which was not manifesting timely enough. this worry turned into I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING; FIND OUT SOMETHING!  another part of me is relax, it will happen. well, sure, it will happen, but we were past the deadline by about 3 months..even a dodo like me can see its all about communcation in this world and I am too laid back when it comes to business transactions.

so its about self talk too. now, 100 times a day is too extreme for my tastes...ACIM's affirmation worked for me to do 3 times a day....even then Lucy, it was a drag to remember....used to carry a little postcard around, oh yea, I should do this with coffee, lunch and dinner, just glancing at the affirmation was enough to insert it back into the subcon. area to let the wheels begin turning all the affirmations had the intention of getting u connected to one message...seeing things in a different way. opening the mind to possibility and away from denial thoughts.
its simply a reprogramming of the mind back there going on. new software takes time to upload.

100 times a way! theres only 24 hrs in a day divide that 24 into 100 and  u wouldn't have time to go smell the roses outside....

when I first began reading reorganizes your priorities...into one intention. peace of mind.

I think we all agree that peace of mind is a lofty goal. I can say I do have peace of mind now in far greater quality than 20 years ago when I first started practicing it's affirmations, to test them out.

anyhoo, don't mean to start preaching about ACIM but it happens! lol! thank u so much for thinking of alysia to mention The Disappearance of the Universe. the book has arrived, I'm on page 40 and vastly having fun with it. and that friend I told u about who needed to read it! he emailed me that he has to put the book down and go outside and scream...then he comes back in and starts reading it again. he's releasing some belief systems from his body.  see, u Lucy, you did this, you helped another and didn't know it.
so thought I'd let you know, I'mthinking of you too! hugs, alysia
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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #9 - May 2nd, 2006 at 5:54pm
Hi Cosmic. you are very cosmic..hee hee heee.
yes u r qualified, so don't be so humble! you had a precognitive dream with the money.
sometimes I feel like life is telling me "this is only a test." the event of a real emergency you will be informed where to tune in..."

does it bother you to feel like an actor in a play? that your cue to shell out money is given and u already did this once, now you do it again? thats what happened to me when my steering wheel jammed up and I'd already dreamed it would. I blinked out to remember, that I was to remain in control of the wheel even though it sure as heck looked like I wouldn't be in control of it. all was well, despite appearances. I suppose that was the reason for the dream.

some reflections on your powerful dream below.Cosmic said:  In the dream I was sitting on some docks overlooking a lake of sorts..
Lake: life began in water, also we swim in life, water is fluid of movement, like emotions also.

I was resting on one dock, and my brother was resting on another... In the dream, I saw a rippling effect coursing through the water between me and my brother... Then, out of nowhere, there was what appeared to be the tale of a huge whale
A whale of a tale, eh? he he.

surfacing from the water... I thought, "Hmm..." "Now that's a little strange." A few seconds had passed and the "tail" re-surfaced... However, this time it was not a tail at all... and it shot out of the water and hovered there for a few seconds... It looked like a rainbow colored phoenix. It's wings were transparent like a butterfly, and the blues and hot pinks were extremely bright and vivid...
the whale of a tale is's really a phoenix rising from life, bright, vivid, the wings are transparent meaning the wings which indicate flight are not easily discernible in C1. but yet you will see them.

this concerns your brother and you. perhaps it means your relationship with him will change into the phoenix. that you will have a very close relationship perhaps, of something lovely there. maybe he's been lying to you, and now you will see his "true colors?"

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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #10 - May 2nd, 2006 at 8:14pm
Thanks muchos grande LaughingRain Laffingrain!

Your interpretations of my dreams are very useful to me... I appreciate you taking the time to interpret them in such detail.

This doesn't have much to do in the way of dreams, but I thought I would share it nonetheless...

I remember when my father once told me a story involving his parents, him, and a few of his siblings... They were driving down an old country road when he was just a child... It was night time and very foggy out... At any rate, my grandpa (my dad's dad), whom was driving at the time, began to doze off at the wheel... The car was headed directly for a ditch/telephone pole... However, right before impact  they, were all startled to find that the car had amazingly been rerouted back onto the road and they were safe... My grandpa didn't realize what had happened because when he snapped to, the car was where it was when he began to doze!

Ahh! The miracles of guides/helpers/angels! Wink

God bless 'em!

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Would there be this eternal seeking if the found existed?~Antonio Porchia&&Before enlightenment-chop wood, carry water.  After enlightenment-chop wood, carry water.~Zen Buddhist Proverb&&And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.~Confucius
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Re: Studying how to get precognition in dreams
Reply #11 - May 5th, 2006 at 11:24am
Glad the book was intersting. Thanks for the smiles. I look forward to reading it.
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