Hi, nice read everybody! Always glad to meet you Alysia, you know I often think of you when I do my mind journeys, so this time too! Haha yes, I saw my "training astral body" leaping very sudden off the ground through the air twisting and screwing and looked very strange.
Betson, I just remembered I told of a ring in a PE thread, but concerning mattb1000: >>>Feb 25th: Session1: When I thought of mattb1000, I saw to my left a hand holding a ring, and another hand to my right with one finger pointing in the direction of the other hand, and the ring was going to be slipped on that finger of the hand to my right. <<< well, don't know if it means anything. Maybe you really did share you hopes and I felt good about it!
"I wanna hold your ha-haha-hahahahand, I wanna hold your hand...."