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Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M. (Read 34582 times)
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #15 - Apr 11th, 2006 at 3:19pm
It is so telling that when subjected to honest criticism, you New Agers simply ignore a devastating contradiction between Moen and Monroe and reinforce each other's mindless dogmatism.  In replies 9 and 13, I have exposed absurdities in RAM"s OBE and reincarnational claims that only the most narrow cultic mentality would embrace and no one even tries to defend RAM against his Humpty Dumpty level absurdities.  But then I'm dealing with people who see nothing wrong in grandiosely claiming to be St. Peter (Marilyn) or St. Paul (Hilarinon).  With no limits in your delusional mentality, it is no wonder that it would never occur to you to question the legitimacy of your astral impressions.  Collectively,  your naivite provides the best argument AGAINST belief in an afterlife.

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Touching Souls
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #16 - Apr 11th, 2006 at 4:32pm
Feelin' a bit frustrated there Berzerk?  You need to release, release, release.

New Age Ghetto NOT
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #17 - Apr 11th, 2006 at 10:05pm

I am simply trying to get you to address the obvious discrediting contradiction I pointed out between Moen and Monroe on parallel lives.  The silence of New Agers on this point is deafening!  Why do i even bother when people simply reply by transforming their own subjective impressions into iron-clad dogma?  Because of the honest seekers who thank me for exposing the site's cultic fundamentalism and thank me for it.

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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #18 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 6:04am
thats funny. I couldn't sleep lately and started thinking about this board and a voice said or maybe my higher self, or maybe I'm psychic or could be I've just been around here too long? (insert laughter) but the voice said they are over there arguing in the announcements thread of all places. oh well. theres probably a reason.

I don't read Don anymore but that doesn't mean he's not in my head. so since he's in my head, the best way to get him out of there is to express it. whats in my head and since PA mentioned it first, it's in my head about Don's experience with his girlfriend. ever since I read that Don it stuck in my head as a profound and real experience which you deny as real. thats your perogative. you actually set out to retrieve her, then you had to bust through your own disbelief when they wouldn't let you next to her. that was your own disbelief blocking your entrance. wasn't anybody in charge of keeping you away from her. so then you amazed yourself that you had the strength of intention to get through. next she tried to calm you down by letting you know it was cool, she was all right. still you couldn't believe this either. you were sure you were the cause of her decision, the choice she made. her words seem to say the opposite though. still you carry guilt that u don't need to.
the sad fact is when loved ones committ suicide, we the ones left behind think it must be our fault, if only we had acted differently, said or done this or that. I know because I had a similar circumstance on my hands and went obe and met my husband out there. I went through the same guilt, that I was powerless to stop the chain of events, even though I have been a faith healer in this life, I was not allowed to heal the one I most wanted to. the same with you Don. for you set out to retrieve your lady, and retrieving is an act of restoring, or healing. and you did not feel you accomplished that, so you have decided none of this business is real, but just wishful thinking.
I disagree. I think your experience was as real as it's going to get, but you won't get any more of these type of experiences because you simply are blocking them from happening with your powerful nonbelief energy. and so your growth in these areas will be stunted by your own self.
for me, I got over the guilt of the situation with my husband, realizing he was a man who had to make his own decisions, there was nothing I could have done to make him stop killing himself, but I found out by going obe and talking to him, that what he was going thru had nothing to do with whether he loved me or not, he did love me, just as I'm sure whatever your girl went through, it wasn't just about what you had done or said to her, it was about her whole life and sometimes people choose to leave us through death and that was their plan all along, to not become healed here.
are they chickening out? maybe. but it's not for me to judge this. I just changed my mind, to stop carrying guilt and stop suffering because of love, he didn't want me to suffer for him. Neither would your girl want you to go thru life blaming yourself when she's the one decided to do the deed and must have been willing to face whatever's on the other side for her. from what you told us, nobody was beating her up for it.
so why don't you try to talk to her in your mind and pretend like it's real and see what develops for you afterwards? you should try this instead of coming here harangeing people because you cannot believe anymore in the good to prevail and love to win out over fears and guilts and lack of forgiveness.

cheers, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Touching Souls
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #19 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 10:52am
I totally agree with you Alysia regarding Don and his girlfriend. But that's not proof for him so therefore he doesn't believe it.

I've read in many spiritual places to not push someone to believe anything. So I'm through with Don too. I rarely read his posts too because it doesn't do me or anyone any good to be brought down in vibration when we Lightworkers are already up there pretty high. So Don is on his path and we are are ours.

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #20 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 5:13pm
Or, Pa, I really doubt what u say Wink u r joking me around of course. about going to hell. c'mon, look around you, hell is a state of mind available right here and many of us go there mentally all the time.
to believe in heaven and hell as locations we go to after death is an idea only. been around for centuries, used to control the masses. of course u know that.

I for one was inspired by your post through spirit to express myself. I have noticed your light from the start. if you are going to die anyway, I'm still glad you took the time to communicate with us before you die.

its just funny to me what folks say here. I found out there's tons of benevolent guides out there in the ozone, taking care of things on both sides of the veil. you don't think for one minute, the good guys are setting up hell situations for us to encounter as we make our transition?
it's not that they throw roses in our path or anything like pearly gates, whatever, but they certainly don't sit around plotting how to get your goat.
Death is the biggest adventure of all! I can't wait! well, yes I can. I'll go with you and hold your hand when it's time..or you probably have plenty of relatives to do that who love you.

love, alysia Grin
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #21 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 6:28pm
Hi PA/D.,
I very much like your post, yes, I have to say that. You know this when you read something and you're thinking: "Yes...yes...exactly...right.....", that's what I thought reading yours. I knew I would have become a little upset if I would have written on this as it seems never-ending dispute so I didn't but now I noticed maybe you became a little upset too, haha, yes I know that. Well, could it be when you're going to hell you would clean up there and open the windows to let some light in? That's how I see you anyway.
Cheers, Spooky
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #22 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 1:21am
Paranoid Android,

That's good.  Simply deny what might cause your belief system to crash!   First, Roger has posted about Laurie Monroe's denial of Robert's ongoing availability on this website.  He took Moen's course and talked to Laurie himself!  Second,  RAM explains on p. 174 of  "Ulitimate Journey" that he has just one parallel incarnation-- a female one.  This excludes Bruce's absurd claim to be a parallel incarnation of RAM.

Third, any outside observer with a modicum of common sense would see the absurdity of RAM's claim that cave men and flying machines coexisted in our distant past, that Catholic priests would order him to ritually rape a young girl (who, giggle, just happens to be his future wife Nancy), and that alens come to earth for the express purpose of collecting our jokes.  New Agers need to recognize that there are limits to the credibility of astral nonsense.   I respect and use RAM's Hemi-Sync technology, but as a thinker, he's totally out of touch with the instincts of normal people.  He isn't even aware of how such delusions come across to normal readers.      
And you're wrong, Marilyn (or should I say St. Peter
;D)?  I believe in most paranormal phenomenon.  I simply believe we must protect the astral planes from kooks who will bring astral exploration a bad name.   And I have experienced more verifiable paranormal experiences than you have.  It would be convenient for your fear-based attacks if you could paint me as a total skeptic.  Hah!

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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #23 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 4:05am
yes PA I do feel people's gratitude and thanks. and you express your thoughts and feelings in a total way and very well. I'm sure many people benefit from your communication, not just me. and if it helps any, what you go thru in your feeling way with people who do not believe the same as you, or me, or Mair, or Dave, or anybody here, is something I understand as well and you are not the first to express to me some sadness, some conflict here, some frustration. Not so long ago I made my goodbye speech from this forum and look at me, still cooking along..must be having fun eh? and I came to the same conclusion u stated above. that the discussion has been ongoing for years literally and leads to nowhere and cannot be resolved to be in agreement, and so talk to whom you resonate with, as for sure, we do not resonate with all people. but its important that we speak our truth when and where we wish so long as we don't force our truth onto another I think its good. exactly as you worded it, i couldn't say it better, that life if to each his own, and u can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
and thanks to say for one day, I might have accomplished something good. it is words for my soul to drink in. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Bruce Moen
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To Don re: mistatement of facts
Reply #24 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 11:40am
And yet a few years ago, his own daughter, Laurie, the President of TMI, repudiated claims that RAM is still manifesting hiimself to astral explorers.  Laurie made this claim at Bruce's Virginia workshop!   It is hard to believe that RAM can be contacted by outsiders and not by insiders at TMI.  This is an old controversy, but I want newbies to be aware of it because it calls into question the astral abiities of some on this site to contact the dead. 


Newbies and others should also know that your beliefs are based on very outdated information, misunderstanding of some of the facts and mistatement of other facts.  And that just because you find it hard to believe that Bob could be contacted by "outsiders" does not make that a fact.  As recently as two weeks ago Frank DeMarco (who lives near TMI and is in regular contact with Laurie Monroe) published a series of conversations he was having at the time with Bob Monroe.  (I'll post a few samples as a separate thread on this forum for those who might be interested) This was published to an online TMI Explorer Group and became a running series of posted conversations.  These conversations were about the formulas Bob often used when he signed copies of his books for people.  Over a period of more than a week members of the online TMI Explorer Group emailed the formulas Bob had signed in their books to Frank.  Frank would then visit with Bob to get his explanation of the formula and post the resulting conversation, with Bob, to the Explorer Group.  So, contact with Bob continues to this day, whether you find it hard to believe or not.

What I think you are confused by, Don, is the difference between "channeling" and "contacting."  What Bob said while he was physically alive was that he would not allow himself to be "channeled" after he died.  He did not say he would not allow contact.  I suggest you do some research to learn the difference between channeling someone and just communicating with someone.  It appears that in your zeal to call into question and discredit anyone or anything you don't agree with or believe in you are letting your misunderstanding of the difference become an excuse for stirring up controversy where none exists.  This is a fairly consistent pattern in your posts on these forums and probably the reason, along with your intimidating, bullying style and personal attacks, that many visitors find it difficult to understand why you haven't been banned from this site.  Personally, I find many of your posts to give thoughtful voice to the skeptical side discussion.   

A  serious contradiction calls into question Bruce Moen's claims of ongoing contact with RAM.  During one of these alleged contacts,  Bruce claims to learn of his status as a parallel incarnation of RAM.  But in "Ultimate Journey," RAM contradicts this and claims to have only one parallel incarnation---"a female one."   So I think all claims to have contacted RAM in the past few years are bogus.

Don, what you say here is a mistatement of the facts and downright misleading, but again perhaps it is just that you don't understand the concepts.  First, your statement that I claimed to be a "parallel incarnation of RAM" is not true as I have never claimed to be a "paralllel incarnation" of Bob Monroe.  I find it irresponsible of you to mistate the facts and then claim that your mistatement of the facts indicates that a "serious contractiction" exists in what appears to be just another of your attempts to discredit me or my work.  Shame on you Don.

In his book Bob claimed to have discovered that he had a parallel incarnation (as you put it) and that this was a woman.  He explained that she had incarnated in the same time frame as Bob as a sort of backup in case he was unable to complete the tasks he'd incarnated to do.  In other words, she incarnated with the mission of accomplishing the same thing he had come here to do.  In the event Bob couldn't do it or complete it she would undertake to accomplish the same mission.  I have never made any such claim.

What I said in my book is that I discovered that Bob and I are connected to the same Disk.  That is, that we are parts of the same Higher Self, or as Bob put it, the same I/There.  This is not all that unusal an occurance.  Bob personally felt that many of those who came to the Monroe Institute to participate in its programs were parts of that same I/There.

While you are certainly entitled to your belief that "all claims to have contacted RAM in the past few years are bogus" your misleading mistatements of facts and personal attacks go beyond mere statement of your beliefs. 


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Bruce Moen
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #25 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 1:33pm
It is so telling that when subjected to honest criticism, you New Agers simply ignore a devastating contradiction between Moen and Monroe and reinforce each other's mindless dogmatism.  In replies 9 and 13, I have exposed absurdities in RAM"s OBE and reincarnational claims that only the most narrow cultic mentality would embrace and no one even tries to defend RAM against his Humpty Dumpty level absurdities.


"Honest criticism"??  More like misleading mistatement of the facts, (see my previous response to you) personal attacks, and trying to use your mistatement of facts to stir up bogus controversy.  Frankly Don, I'm trying of your tendency toward intimidating, bully, name calling, personal attacks. 

"Devastating contradiction " ??? Don, just because you don't understand the facts surrounding your bogus "devastating contradiction" doesn't mean such a controversy actually exists anywhere but within your own beliefs.  Perhaps others see that, and see no reason to respond to yet another bullying, personal attack by Berserk?  Today I finally just got tired of it, lost patience with it and decided I would comment about my intense dislike for that bullying style of personal attack and name calling you are so fond of using.

"Mindless dogmatism"??  Exposed absurdities??  Don, maybe folks didn't respond to you because they also feel there's "mindless dogmatism" and "absurdities" involved in doing so?  May folks think it's not worth the time and trouble to respond to your name calling, bullying, self rightous, negative approach  toward them?

I for one am really getting tired of it.  I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from using your negative approach in the future.  Stop the name calling.  Stop the intimidation and bullying.  In other words, clean up your act or find another venue that will accept your posting style.  We're done accepting that style here. 


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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #26 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 2:50pm

Perhaps you should worry about the contradictions in the things you believe, rather than worry about everybody else's supposed brainwashed mind.

Do you think the Bible is without contradictions and makes total sense?

How about Leviticus? Supposedly God tells Moses things such as when people should be stoned and when they should be killed; which things shouldn't be touched because they are abominations (e.g., shellfish); homosexuality is an abomination;  incredible details of how to do animal sacrifices; how a woman is unpure after child birth and has to go through a means of purification that involves animal sacrifice, twice as impure if she has a girl rather than a boy; rules for owning slaves; and so on.

Noah had to build an ark because everybody but Noah and his family was evil, and God wanted to kill everybody but his family.

Abraham had to show that he was willing to sacrifice his son, as demonstration of fear of God.

God killed just about everybody in Sodom and Gomorah because they were homosexuals etc.

Examples abound.

The Bible sure doesn't give God much credit when it comes to viewing him as an infinitely loving and wise being.

I find it hard to understand that even though man's current existence shows that men are free to misrepresent God in any way they want, for some reason, no such misrepresentation manifested when the Bible was put together, even though numerous people played a part in determining how it was put together, and even though numerous versions exist.
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #27 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 3:00pm

The below is absolutely true. It is obvious that your dialouges come from a particular limiting belief system. This is how humans are. I'll admit that I have problems in this regard too.  The only thing I can say for certain is that I exist, I'm aware, I like love and happiness, and I want to all beings to be completely happy. Otherwise, there aren't too many things I'm 100% certain about. And I'm not talking about obvious relative things like 2 + 2 = 5. :)

[quote author=Bruce Moen link=board=anounc;num=1142581648;start=30#33 date=04/13/06 at 13:33:32]

"Mindless dogmatism"??  Exposed absurdities??  Don, maybe folks didn't respond to you because they also feel there's "mindless dogmatism" and "absurdities" involved in doing so?  May folks think it's not worth the time and trouble to respond to your name calling, bullying, self rightous, negative approach  toward them?

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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #28 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 3:21pm
I do have to admit that a few of the Monroe stories Beserk points out, are likely to lead to skepticism. In particular, I find it hard to believe that human beings are one in a million when it comes to races of beings having a sense of humor. Of course, one in a million is just an expression.

The airplane/cave thing: I believe the book states that Robert Monroe didn't know when and where it happened. It wasn't necessarilly the planet earth.

I never met Robert Monroe, so I don't know him on a personal level. But it seems like he was an intelligent guy. Therefore, I wonder why he included stories a lot of people would be prone to question. Did the events actually happen; were they symbolic (for example, regarding the humor thing, each race of beings has something unique to offer); or was it a matter of getting people who are too left brained to not proceed any further with the reading of the book, because a left brain person might have a hard time with the I-there viewpoint?

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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #29 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 6:07pm
Thank you Bruce for clarifying some things and for stating what you think about all this.

If I had written about this, I would have been accused of "linguistic fauxpas" (since I'm not a native English talker) or similar things ("cultic ignorance" etc.).

And recoverer, yes you too are one of them who could have said many things about those posts. I know, it is soo draining.

Last but not least, PA, yees, I think I felt something Kiss Grin .

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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