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Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M. (Read 36116 times)
Merlyn Munro
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Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Mar 17th, 2006 at 3:47am

             Just to mark the 11th anniversary of Robert Monroes passing

  happy spirit Birthday  R.A.M

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Touching Souls
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #1 - Mar 17th, 2006 at 4:53pm
Yes, Happy Spirit Birthday RAM. Perhaps I'll visit you tonight. Wink

With Love,
Mairlyn Wink
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #2 - Mar 17th, 2006 at 5:31pm
I had heard that no one has had contact with him in some time.  When I hear his voice on the Hemisync CD tapes, he sounds very much like and active presence to me.

Happy Birthday

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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #3 - Mar 17th, 2006 at 7:17pm
Matthew, I've seen him a few times in the past few years. And Rosalind McKnight writes about her contact with him in her book Soul Journey.  An aspect of him is always availble for contact. Wink

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #4 - Apr 2nd, 2006 at 11:10pm
I had heard that no one has had contact with him in some time.  When I hear his voice on the Hemisync CD tapes, he sounds very much like and active presence to me.

Happy Birthday


If Bruce doesn't mind me sharing this...I had asked him if he still has contact with him now and again, and he said yes.
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #5 - Apr 7th, 2006 at 9:52pm
And yet a few years ago, his own daughter, Laurie, the President of TMI, repudiated claims that RAM is still manifesting hiimself to astral explorers.  Laurie made this claim at Bruce's Virginia workshop!   It is hard to believe that RAM can be contacted by outsiders and not by insiders at TMI.  This is an old controversy, but I want newbies to be aware of it because it calls into question the astral abiities of some on this site to contact the dead.  

A  serious contradiction calls into question Bruce Moen's claims of ongoing contact with RAM.  During one of these alleged contacts,  Bruce claims to learn of his status as a parallel incarnation of RAM.  But in "Ultimate Journey," RAM contradicts this and claims to have only one parallel incarnation---"a female one."   So I think all claims to have contacted RAM in the past few years are bogus.

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« Last Edit: Apr 9th, 2006 at 7:28pm by Berserk »  
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #6 - Apr 9th, 2006 at 8:17am

This brings up a new age conundrum; that of division of spirit or essence.  Some, like M. Newton state that the same spirit or essence may be in several places at once - a dizzying concept.  I tend not to believe that a spirit may be incarnated on
earth in two bodies.  It seems far to distracting.  Afterall, if our memories are "wiped" as new agers claim so we are not distracted from past lives, why would we want to be distracted by simultaneous incarnations?

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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #7 - Apr 9th, 2006 at 10:15am
I heard that very very few souls on earth are capable of being in 2 places at once, maybe only 3--4 incarnating in the same time period. One was the RCatholic monk/activist Thomas Merton, but he only did it while he was alone. It takes alot of concentration at first. Then his soul came right back after Merton's death and did it as a sherpa guide, another vocation that gave him the necessary solitude.
Its a developmental step for those who seek to become Oversouls, a further step for Earth. But some prefer to develope their higher faculties in other spheres.
I heard Monroe is one soul who can do this, but it makes sense that if now he's in his new incarnation, his life events may be too distracting for him at times to answer to every contact.
So it's not either...or, it could be a matter of timing.
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #8 - Apr 9th, 2006 at 10:50pm
When I think of the higher self like Bruce and RAM("disc", "I-There") then I cannot see any problem with several incarnations of the same higher self in the same physical timeframe.
When I get back fully to the nonphysical and don't rest somewhere in the astral but go right back to my home, I will not be this "I", this person I am here, this person will be one of many experiences of MeThere. I'm not proclaiming here that this is actually the case, but I personally like this idea and get very much used to it, and some experiences in meditation are pointing in this direction.
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #9 - Apr 9th, 2006 at 11:37pm
It is very telling that New Agers respond to the clear contradiction I pointed out between Moen and Monroe by simply reaffirming his doctrine of parallel incarnations and ignoring the contradiction that helps descredit this claim.  Since the New Age Ghetto predictably chooses to ignore the absurdities of many of RAM's OBE claims, I shall again repost them for the newbies' benefit.  

I'm willing to concede that RAM may have had some genuine OBEs.  But in an experiment conducted by Charles Tart, RAM's gift did not bear up very well under close scrutiny.  "His [RAM's] continuing description of what our home looked like and what my wife and I were doing was not good at all; he `perceived' too many people in the room, he `perceived' me doing things I did not do, and his description of the room itself was quite vague."  [See Tart's Introduction to "Journeys Out of the Body."]

In  his college days, RAM gained acclaim for a play he wrote.  It is his creativity as a playwrite that is on display in 3 of his obviously delusory past life experiences during supposed OBEs:

(a) a prior incarnation as a cave man pilot of a mentally controlled aircraft that is forced to dodge the spears of primitive hostile natives (UJ 157): The combination of prehistoric and modern technological motifs exposes the delusion here.

(b) an incarnation as a "vibrationist" from a "probably" non-human race whose members "have and use the ability to manipulate matter to suit whatever need through mental vibrational energy (UJ 158f.)  Sure!

(c) a prior incarnation as a novice Christian priest invited by his fellow priests to rape " a frightened young girl" who is tied down and spread-eagled for a kind of spiritual test for RAM: RAM asks us to believe that the girl is a prior incarnation of his wife, Nancy (UJ 154-56).  As corrupt as some in holy orders sometimes are, no Catholic order would formally invite a novitiate to rape a young girl!

RAM offers an earlier version of this memory in "Far Journeys," 115-16.  The 2 versions contradict each other in enough absurd ways to discredit this whole past life memory.  In both versions, a young girl is tied down on a church altar, but RAM is dissuaded from performing the nasty ritual by the deep expression in her eyes.  In the earlier version, his assigment is to kill her with several stabbings from a sword.  Supposedly, these stabbings will cause her "exquisite ecstasy."  In the later version, he must simply rape her.  In the earlier version, RAM is already a priest and is well aware of the deadly ritual he must perform.  In the later version, he is only a novice and has no advance inkling about the nature of the ritual.  In the earlier version, a mob will stone him to death if he backs out of the ritual.  In the later version, the ritual is just a test.  The other priests would stop him if he proceeded.  The earlier version has a fairy tale ending: a bright white ray melts the sword and severs the ropes that bind the girl.  In the later version, the white light simply signals the end of the vision of RAM'S past life.  Need I say more?

Equally absurd is RAM's alleged OBE encounter with an alien who emerges from a flying saucer looking like comedian, W. C. Fields.  this alien confesses that his species has come to earth not to do DNA experiments, but to collect jokes (UJ 48-50).  

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« Last Edit: Apr 10th, 2006 at 4:49pm by Berserk »  
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Lights of Love
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #10 - Apr 10th, 2006 at 7:06am
Interesting in the way a simple spirit birthday wish has developed in this thread. 

About a year or so ago I was doing a focused meditation.  At the end of this I distinctly heard a voice in my head tell me that Bob was teaching a class on Distant Planetary Evolution and Climate Change.  I also had the distinct feeling that "Bob" was RAM. 

Based on my experience I do not find it necessary to limit the possibility that some aspect of our higher self splits or fragments portions of its energy to do whatever it chooses to do.  If there is no time on higher dimensional levels, then to me that means everything is taking place simultaneously on some plane of existence.  Quantum physics, string theory, etc. seems to indicate that simultaneous time does exist and if this is the case, then why is it so difficult for us to conceive of us having the ability to tap into other aspects of our existence?  Why would anyone think that it is impossible to have contacted someone on another plane of existence such as RAM?   Certainly some aspect of each of us is capable of this in a quantum sense.

Happy spirit birthday Bob!  And thank you for the many blessings you have given to our world.

Love and Light,
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #11 - Apr 10th, 2006 at 10:11pm
Yes Kathy, that's the way I look a these things too.

And therefore, Don, it's just you read those books differently than others, you look at it as if it is a report of a witness in the courtyard, or like one read scientific measured objective physical reports. But RAMs books are about his experiences, and obviously he had them in altered states of awareness, in other worlds, alternate realities or maybe in his imagination (who knows what imagination really is?). So your critics in my view fail to hit a target. And even you don't know what things ever had happened or will happen in different times and different places and realities. And, regarding the New Age mentality, I don't say this is true, that is not. I too had strange experiences in meditations. Should I throw them all away and take it as waste of time? Maybe I should, maybe not. In the end it's up to everybody to decide what's made up meaningless garbage and what's not. But the conception of the I/There or "disc", whether one finds contradictions or not, is not touched in it's theoretical possibility and it's resonance to some people like me.

Now ok, to set one on top: When I had my first trip to Focus27 (which of course you never know if you are really there or if it's a place at all or just a suggested mind-state) there was a narrow entrance to that locale. When I had gone through it, I perceived after a while a wooden hut over the fog which was below it. I moved into it and it was like a pub. There was a very friendly man behind the counter, like a barkeeper. His name was Bob. To that time, I wasn't familiar with RAMs shortened forename. His behaviour and style as well as his face matched with reports and photographs about/of RAM I read and saw after this meditation. I also saw this person on mind-journeys to the TMI There.
Now, what does that mean? I DON'T KNOW whom I met and if I really met one at all. I just don't know. That's all.

See what you want to see.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #12 - Apr 10th, 2006 at 10:27pm
I like Kathy's take on it, and Marilyn's for this thread; Happy spirit birthday R.A.M.!  The sentiment is enough even if the contact is or isn't there. 

Our loved ones may seem to give fewer contacts over the years after they pass away.  Who knows the whys and the wherefores?  Yet NDEs often show our loved ones waiting for us when we cross over.  Are they temporarily allowed those meetings after they have passed on to higher realms?

I don't doubt that R.A.M.'s family may not be aware of any recent bonafide new contacts with him, but Spooky may have had a form of contact, and sometimes, when I hear him on a TMI CD, I get the distinct impression that he is very much around and amused by the whole thing.

So happy spirit day, and to all a good night

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Touching Souls
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #13 - Apr 11th, 2006 at 1:20am
Matthew, RAM's family and The Monroe Institute KNOW about all the contacts that are still on-going with RAM because of the different groups of people who have TMI related email groups. We all post our experiences, etc., in the group. Just a week ago, Frank DeMarco (Hampton Roads) posted his conversations with RAM. Bruce belongs to the group too. I don't expect Berserk to believe because he doesn't believe anything but I wanted you to know as I know that you trust and believe me.

With Love,
Mairlyn Wink
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Re: Happy 11th Spirit Birthday R.A.M.
Reply #14 - Apr 11th, 2006 at 6:40am
oh, he's around and about all right. I've told my story here about meeting him, back in around 2001 but I'd like to tell it again for the newbies.

and happy birthday Mr Monroe! ...

I was just starting my retrieval training adventures following the guidelines given here established by TMI, which i might add I've never been there in person, but had my first spontaneous retrieval after reading Monroe's story of a curl which attached itself to his energy field while he was out and about obe-ing.  many years passed by until coming here and meeting Bruce. I followed the guidelines to establish a place for myself out there. so I imagined a beach cottage for retreivers in training and went there a few times in my mind, I was letting guides know I was available to learn the ropes by doing so.
one time I was wandering the rooms where others like me sat waiting to be called on to do a retrieval.
I saw Bob talking to people in the living room. I floated by wishing I wasn't so shy with a low self esteem problem, whatever, I was a mess. I'd float by, back and forth. he called my name and I tried to stay focused but I faded away. couple of days later in C1, he said "I'm here, please come and sit down." I said sure, wondering if I was imagining this meeting in full C1 in the middle of the day. I started getting friendly vibrations and sat down to listen. I felt honored. what he was telling me was I was going to call this board a home for a long while and he made me feel good about myself. and he was right, I poured my energy onto this board over the years, like I said before, as happy as a pig in mud. when Bob was there, I didn't know I would be here. I stopped questioning what he was saying and was just basking in his smile on me and couldn't think of a single thing to say back, so thinking I should say something, I asked what he was doing now? dumb, huh? well, he saw right thru my nervousness and just grinned and said he was here, there, and everywhere or anywhere he wanted to be, like there was more than one of him. of course I don't understand then or now, how you can split yourself up like that..I aint no einstein, but my mind is wide open. so he strengthened me in the heart area. each heart area is personal proof enough when you feel movement makes your day. and he made mine. a shy girl is my spirit heart..the age of the body makes no difference what u are on the inside of your spirit. he spoke to my heart, and he's just a man, a man who cares about others and who is reachable if that is your plan. I'm no longer the same person I was then. I have more attitude for one thing and I know what I know. matter of fact I'll never be quiet again! ha ha!
I think I understand better about being an unlimited being, in that you can be in two or three places at once now, but for the record, C1 by definition is limited consciousness focused in on a certain experience, and we pass this way for an individualized experience but once in this particular body, so remember to enjoy it and get the most from it. love, alysia
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