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Ecstasy and Disillusionment (Read 21125 times)
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #15 - Mar 1st, 2006 at 2:42pm
Don I felt I should address your posting concerning your disoppointment. Weither it be dreams, OBEs, it doesn't matter. All of these are alternate realities where one can pass and enter. Often people that have passed often appear in our dreams. It is our world they can enter to communicate with us. Actually a lucid dream is a form of a OBE. There is no connection to the physical body in either case. I agree the two are confusing to say, or label each of what it is, this is why labeling them under the umbrella of Alternate Realities is important. Trust your intuition, what you get is just that, do not judge them too harshly.  Be thankful for what you have experience and look forward to more of them. As time goes on more doors will open.

About 4 years ago, I posted this story on Bruce's site.  But the landscape here has totally changed since then and I thought I should post it again so that newbies might discover what makes me tick with respect to this site's retrieval claims.  

I dated Janet seriously when I was in grad school.   Our relationship came close to engagement, but I was a poor young grad student distracted by great academic pressures and by compatibility issues.   Besides, Janet, a social worker, was unusually prone to depression and I found it hard to deal with this.   So we eventually broke up.  

She occasionally threatened to commit suicide and I somehow sensed she was serious.  But you can't marry someone just to prevent suicide.    She moved to D.C. and dated other men, who basically treated her like a sex object.  Janet was very pretty.  I was worried about her and kept tabs on her for a year or so, but then we lost contact.   To my horror, I eventually learned that she bought a gun and blew herself away.   It was then I realized how much I love her, despite my hang-ups, and I felt intense remorse over how I had mishandled that relationship.  I can only say now that sometimes we grow up at other people's expense.  

At that time, I had never heard of retrievals, but I desperately wanted reassurance of Janet's postmortem wellbeing.   Using self-hypnosis, I taught myself how to have an OBE.  I floated up to the ceiling and looked down on my body in my bed.  I was struck by my messy hair!   Then I worried about whether I could safely reenter my body; so I floated down and lay on top of it.  But my astral fingers just couldn't merge with my physical fingers.  This frightened me and I woke up.

Not long afterwards, I had a particularly vivid dream.   I floated up to a small booth in the etheric realm, where I encountered an official looking woman at a  desk with a green curtain behind her.  I asked to see Janet.   She informed me that Janet was not ready yet to see me.   This should have sent me on my way.  But suddenly I was overwhelmed with emotion--a combination of love for Janet and rage at the thought that she was still in deep distress.  With an omnipotent-like  feeling, I blurted out, "But I must see her now!"  

At that, the woman vanished and the curtain shook violently as if buffeted by an etheric wind.  Janet suddenly appeared before me and we embraced passionately.   She kept saying over and over again, "I'm OK, Sweetie, I'm OK, I'm OK!"   The tenderness of that reunion was one of the most profound experiences of my life.   I was struck by the fact that she appeared to me as a smaller teen-age version of Janet rather than as the mature young woman I had known.

I was ecstatic about all this for a few years.  My glee vanished when I taught myself to experience lucid dreams.   I wanted to know if a lucid dream about astral projection might invalidate my OBE and retrieval experience.  I decided to project to Boston at high noon when it was midnight in my New York home.   During this projection I was fully aware of my sleeping body back home.   I stood opposite the Boston Common on a sunny day at noon, heard the honks and the din of many pedestrian voices, smelled the gas fumes, and saw the scenery and buildings in as much detail as in real life.   I was awestruck: never before had I had a dream this real!

Then I was struck by the thought that I was god in this dream universe because I had created all I saw and experienced.  As pedestrians passed by, I decided to stop a lady and discuss the dream with her.  But when I grabbed her arm, she screamed.   I calmly explained that I was dreaming, that my body was "back there" in bed, and that she was a mere fignent of my imagination.   She looked at me like I was a wacko and got more scared.   By now I was attracting the attention of others and got scared myself.  The woman was acting just the way a real woman might react if accosted by a stranger and I had no control over her reactions.  
My increasing fear soon woke me up.

After my initial elation over this dream faded, it gradually dawned on me that this dream was every bit as real as my OBE and my retrieval of Janet.   I eventually came to the reluctant conclusion that those treasured experiences were also just lucid dreams and nothing more.  

This disillusionment makes me a bit too touchy about this site's poorly verified retrieval claims.  Most posters here seem to construe every dream about deceased loved ones as a genuine contact.   This strikes me as naive.  But I'm glad people are still trying and I wish them success, despite my skepticism.   All my bogus OBEs have occurred during sleep.  I've never had an OBE in the waking state and hope that if and when I do, I may finally retrieve Janet for real some day.  Until then, I must content myself with my belief in the possibility of retrievals on biblical grounds.

I don't have the time to both post regularly here and experiment in a disciplined way with astral exploration techniques.  So when I complete my extended dialogue with Spitfire, I will abandon this site indefinitely in the hope of finding the discipline to seek astral travel.  I will use my Gateway CDs and the techniques in the Brian Mercer and Robert Bruce primer "Mastering Astral Projection."  I've used both apporaches in the past in an undisciplined way.  If those methods fail, I will probably buy Bruce Moen's latest book and experiment with his techniques.


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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #16 - Mar 1st, 2006 at 2:59pm
Since your perspective views this as a waste of time then that is what your result would be, a waste of time. The 10 years was worth it, and I am a much better person today for it. Yes 10 years was frustrating, the short cuts didn't work. There are no short cuts unless you resort to drugs. Negativity brings about negative enviorments, you just go no where, and you stall out.
As with your comment on belieiving. One can believe in anything, fantasy or not. To truely believe is to experience it first hand. Belieiving is what gets you to truely belieiving, and achieving ones goals. In this case OBEs, the afterlife. I hope someday you can believe enough to get you to where you can truly believe without doubt.  For now you have grounded yourself. Those who do want to fly, should have the freedom to do so without those who are grounded trying to hold them down.

10 years of trying to have an obe? seems like a waste of time if it takes 10 years, might as well wait till you die and stay there 24/7.

Robert monroe, goes well beyond whats considered feasible, he claims he's met someone on earth who's thousands of years old, and that he's met a race of umpa lumpa's, not to mention meeting future and past versions of himself.

all these claims are very nice story's, but without real time experimention, thats all they are.

I dont believe it requires, personal experience to believe in the afterlife. some people choose not to fly, but they know it's possible.

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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #17 - Mar 1st, 2006 at 6:15pm
Since your perspective views this as a waste of time then that is what your result would be, a waste of time. The 10 years was worth it, and I am a much better person today for it. Yes 10 years was frustrating, the short cuts didn't work. There are no short cuts unless you resort to drugs. Negativity brings about negative enviorments, you just go no where, and you stall out.
As with your comment on belieiving. One can believe in anything, fantasy or not. To truely believe is to experience it first hand. Belieiving is what gets you to truely belieiving, and achieving ones goals. In this case OBEs, the afterlife. I hope someday you can believe enough to get you to where you can truly believe without doubt.  For now you have grounded yourself. Those who do want to fly, should have the freedom to do so without those who are grounded trying to hold them down.

It does'nt take the smartest apple on the tree, to realise if you have to spend 10 years on something like going oob, then you must have been doing something completely wrong.

A belief, gained at the cost of truth, is an action for a fool. i could believe gravity did'nt exist, but i would regret that blind faith when i decided to jump off a cliff. Do i need to jump off a cliff to prove gravity's there? the answer is no. i mearly understand the patterns and come to a conclusion, just as evidence of the afterlife can be.

I could easily reverse your grounded statement, perhaps it is you that is grounded - and you are mearly holding others down. But only a person stuck in there own ego, could not entertain the possibility that they are incorrect.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #18 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 10:52am
10 years were the years of undoing alot of damage from various sources. When dealing with alternate realities, the baggage you carry often holds one down. I held too much baggage. Spitfire your making judgements on glimpse of the whole picture.
We can debate this into the ground. It would still get us no where. I am not here to proove anything, just to share. Your lack of experience is also a learning experience for all of us.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #19 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 5:59pm
hahaha!!  Grin Grin where had he talked about umpa lumpas exactly?  Grin   his first book?

hmm, i think it was ultimate journey, yup.

and dwdream, you make going out of the body, sound like reaching enlightenment, but all it is, is the accumulation of abit of knowledge which has been put into practice. how can emotional baggage hold you back? it's a process. sit down for 1 hour a day, plug your self into your hemi-sync and try not to think.

god does'nt count how many brownie points you have earned, and how good and loving your mind is, and give you an admission slip.

Everyone who goes out of body, has no intrest of proving anything, which tells me either - going out of body makes you extremely selfish, they cant prove there claims, or they are experiencing self delusion, and they are happy living in it.

I dont like any of the options, and it gives me a very negative learning experience, as i find myself getting p*ssed of with people who make claims that would change the very foundation of human civilisation. Yet have no repeat "no" drive what so ever to do so.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #20 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 6:14pm
It is enlightenment in many ways. Maybe with age and experiencing life you will come to understand this.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #21 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 6:31pm
It is enlightenment in many ways. Maybe with age and experiencing life you will come to understand this.

Maybe with age, and experience - you will understand proof, is what makes the physical world go around, and if this catalyst cannot be produced by the claiment, then the claiment has to face the fact they are wrong, until the point they become wise enough to understand the principles to which this mortal coil is held up by.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #22 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 6:41pm
If that is what you need, keep hunting for it. I found my proof and content with it. It could be your journey to find the awnsers to your questions, and it will take time, and patience.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #23 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 6:46pm
If that is what you need, keep hunting for it. I found my proof and content with it. It could be your journey to find the awnsers to your questions, and it will take time, and patience.

Buddists teach, every mans journey concerns every other man.

now if i could speed you on your way, with my unique skills, i would not hesitate - unfortunately from my experience, this is a value seldom common amongest people who go out of body.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #24 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 6:53pm
I have helped many on thier way, through classes, and tutoring through email. I agree knowledge should be shared.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #25 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 7:12pm
I have helped many on thier way, through classes, and tutoring through email. I agree knowledge should be shared.

knowledge, is sometimes not enough. Actions speak louder then words.

i could teach an african how do design a website, but it does'nt mean he/she will have the tools available to them, to actually make one.

then we all have talents, to which we are naturally gifted - it does'nt matter how much an average composer writes music, he will never match beethoven.

If i was a medium, who was talking with someone who lost a relative, do you think the first priority on my mind would be, were can i send them?, to the  the nearest mediumship course, which is probley a load of trash?, or do you just give them the information they seek. now. with ease.

the answer is now, time is a predator which stalks us all our lives, and if we stop to try and learn everything by ourselves - we shall become that predators main course.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #26 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 7:37pm
Thanks to all,

I'm usually very aggressive in my threads, but deem it best to assume a low profile here because I appreciate everyone's take on this issue.  TMI grads will often say that the dream state is an astral state.  My main concern there is this: if it is and it can be convincingly fictitious like my Boston--at-high noon dream, then how can I trust any astral contacts as genuine without adequate verification?  

But one reason for my low profile is my awareness of how convincing some of my spiritual experiences have been which didn't lend themselves to verification.  So any of my generalized critique of OBE claims might just melt away if I could have one convincing waking OBE.   To be honest, I think I may actually want it too badly because of its potential to lead to retrievals.  But after I leave this site to explore my Gateway CDs more regularly, I'll immediately return if my astral efforts seem to be succeeding.  For all my crtique of Monroe's books, I am in awe of the potential of his Hemi-Sync technology.

Thanks again for your input,
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« Last Edit: Mar 3rd, 2006 at 4:30am by Berserk »  
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #27 - Mar 3rd, 2006 at 12:14am
Swedenborg used the hypnagaugic state to eventually communicate with spirits, angels, and visit the heavens.  He apparently had to master maintaining conscious awareness, for prolonged periods of time in situations where most of us would fall asleep. 

I see no problem with lucid dreams, as I don't believe they are all necessarily pure imagination.  The subconscious connects our waking minds to the divine in many ways.  If Bruce and others are right, we are constantly receiving imagery and sensory input that we are unable to interpret while awake because of the focus of our minds in the waking world of reality.

Part of TMI and Bruce's methods use imagination as a tool of exploration.  This is tricky, as imagination could make up virtually any scenario.  However, if imagination begins and opens the doors of perception, then real contact may be made.  This is why, an imagined contact or oobe may in fact be true.  How do we know if it was real or not?  By our perception.  Some things strike us as real to our core.  Is this verifiable?  Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Bruce brings up examples of receiving names and other verified data in one of his books from a deceased relative of someone he couldn't have possibly known.  Many seek this type of verification.  Some on the board will simply say, they just know the experience was real.  This I can relate to.

I have only had one oobe a few months ago, which I described on this board previously.  I was on a train deliberately meditating and I found myself in my bedroom.  Literally.  Everything which I could not imagine normally, such as my three year old's socks strewn on the floor.  The clarity was no different than any other reality.  I began to walk forward, and then my rational mind said "wait this is insane, you are on a train."  I pulled back with a start and was back on the train.  Was this my imagination?  Perhaps.  When I got home, the first thing I did was go up to that room, and it was arranged in an indentical pattern. 

Part of what interests me here is what is imagination and what is mind?  We are told that in focus 27 or "heaven," thought can immediately manifest into reality.  Imgaination literally creates reality.  If this is true there, perhaps one should not feel the use of imagination is illegitimate in making contact.  Indeed, it may be vital.

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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #28 - Mar 3rd, 2006 at 7:42am
Spitfire your way too critical, with a hositile edge. Your not even a bit friendly. Enough is enough. On to more enlightening converstion.
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Re: Ecstasy and Disillusionment
Reply #29 - Mar 3rd, 2006 at 9:25am
Often you have put words in my mouth, I never talked about love, budda. As for the snide remarks they were polite rebuddles to your comments. Age comes experience, and thats a fact. It is impossiable for you to think of every scenario, because with time the scenirio changes. Your 19 as your profile claims, I am 46, and have been involved with this stuff, and various well educated professionales in the field for quit sometime. The key is listen and learn. Asorb what feels right, and be open. In no way was this a ego trip for me, and reading back on my postings, where did you get that? I would question you. what insecurities are you dealing with, and get over them. You seem like a very intelligent guy who is searching. Keep searching, but be nice about it, and work with people, don't fight with them, and cut them down, because you can't see eye to eye.

Im critical, because i have already thought through every single scenario to come to my conclusions. While you may think you have been peachy, you have actually added some quite snide comments of your own, namely calling me young and in-experienced, and also adding that you think going out of body means you are next to budda on the list of gods favourite little bon bons. Namely elevating your self, above us regular joes.

If you want me to be friendly, simpley admit that people who go out of body - should provide real time proof that there claims are correct, before they start blabbing about universal peace and love.

It's not much to ask. [/quote]
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