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PE February 25, 2006 (Read 20397 times)
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #15 - Feb 26th, 2006 at 7:45pm
Hi people, (haven't read your posts so far),

to answer the question: I'm from and living in Germany (which I tried to get through in this PE setting as well). So, Alysia, well remembered that I "know German words"!

Now PE:

Feb 24th:
There was a curtain in my field of view, and I pushed it aside, then many doors appeared which opened and closed randomly like pushed from an unsteady wind. Then the view was free to the lawn with the crystal, and for a brief moment there were some people, naked, in the next moment wearing clothes, then the scene faded.

Thought of mattb1000, imagined playing along with him Chris Barber's "Untitled Blues".

Then I asked if I could get some infos about one of the other PElers. I saw briefly a face, thought of ap and betson. There was a round tower, flat top with a parapet, seen from above, and it looks like a chessman-tower, it was a little model. There was another model, looks similar to a children's slide, I thought it could be a model of a monument (where I live there is a monument shaped like this), one side vertical, the other like a slide. Someone is handling these models. Then it becomes cylindric, and this person was wrapping a piece of stuff around it, as if this model represents a king and the piece of stuff the king's regal coat (that long ermine-purple thing).

Feb 25th:
When I thought of mattb1000, I saw to my left a hand holding a ring, and another hand to my right with one finger pointing in the direction of the other hand, and the ring was going to be slipped on that finger of the hand to my right.

There was a person who was closing the entrance of a parking place with a chain or a rope, before she (paranoid android?) had done that she had let a car drive off the parking place. It was dark, so I thought it's evening. Then she went, and I thought "now she wants to drive off too with her car? Then she would have to open the chain again!" But she went into a building, into an office with a window where the parking place could be seen, and she put a cd into a cd player. She seemed to be alone.

I imagined to play my musical instrument, "Train And The River" (Jimmy Jeffrey, Bob Brookmare, Jim Hall, I've seen them on tv in a documentation named "Jazz on a summer's day" about a festival), "Kansas City" (old blues tune).

I met someone at the crystal-lawn, hugged him/her and moved him/her around like a merry-go-round, like you do with children.

I was physically sitting my kitchen table and felt something like a strong flow from my forehead to the top of my head. I thought "Maybe someone is calling me?" So I closed my eyes and tried to tune to the PE meeting place. When I phased I noticed that I was sparking in various colors. "Hello" I said, "...yes, from Germany." I thought of Bets. "ahh, yeah, that color..." [We talked a bit about a particular color on this board]. I imagined this color and it appeared as if it were on a rectangular flat something, like a paper. I must concentrate to keep the color stable, it tended to get too reddish. I thought it might be easier to keep it stable when I combine it with an item. So I imagined a disc before a dark background, an orange fruit, a sunrise, then again as a disc, but this time with signs and/or letters on it, and thought it is appropriate to imagine the basic color of this pantakel/coin like thing as golden, and the signs/letters as white glowing. [Betson talked about discs with signs before on the AK board] Then, the original color as an energy ball would be fine I thought, so I imagined the disk to rotate around it's long axis very fastly, such fast that it became a solid ball, and it was somehow energetic due to it's fast rotation. Another person showed up and watched us and our energy ball. We didn't know what to do with this ball. In the physical I made a hot camomile infusion to drink, and I told them "there" "yes, I'm actually physically sitting here in the kitchen and preparing a camomile infusion. By the way, my kitchen table-cover is of this warm-yellow-orange color."

Session 3:
As usual, played a bit on my instrument at the crystal's lawn.
Then there came to rows of people in my direction. They passed me by and behind me they turned and came back until I was the first one of this two rows. We marched to crystal and then I was pushed into it. It was a flickering light like from a neon tube when just switched on, then it turned completely dark. I sensed that there is someone, one single person, small and shy. I asked: "What you're doing here in the darkness?" The answer was something like "Don't know." I: "No let's get ouf of this darkness. It's easy, we just have to think to get out of here into a brighter place." Which I did, and then we were near the crystal. This person's look was very odd. He/she was very small and had two pairs of antennas, one on the head, the other one on the nose. He/she was wearing a wide coat of a dark color with a hood (but not put on the head) and for a short time I saw this person wearing a feather crown, like some native american chiefs do (or at least shown that way on tv). This person walked away and it didn't react to my attempts to make contact. Because I felt this person was in a bad shape and very "locked in" I thought myself to be right in front of this person and looking straight into this person's eyes. He/she stopped and was like in a trance, and I thought this person always wanted to have contact with others, in the way I was just trying, but in the same time this person always avoided it, and was badly stuck in his/her own world. I asked "Please, could someone take care of this person, help is needed." Then there was a sort of parently appearing cloud or energy field which "embraced" this person and took him/her away.
Then, in the crystal there was a group of people, and my point of view was alternating between in-the-group and outside the group, from a distance. They/we had come to something like a contract or an agreement.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #16 - Feb 26th, 2006 at 8:09pm
Well let me think...noo, don't play flute. I did at school, wooden flute (okay some had plastic wooden flutes, the English word is "recorder"?). When I say "played my musical instrument" of course I do it on purpose that I don't tell you what it is Grin .
Orange? This special color I told of is in between yellow and orange, at least in my color-code.
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #17 - Feb 26th, 2006 at 8:53pm
Well, friday night my friend Abby suggested we try to meet. Even though I didn't end up at the crystal, (well, nowhere near actually lol), I will post what happened anyway. These are from my notes:

It was 1:05 AM when I slipped in bed. Before I went to sleep I decided I would do a little reading. I looked over the notes I printed out earlier on lucid dreaming and my old dream journal entries. Eventually, I started to get tired so – I retired. Because I had previously spoken to Abby about meeting her at the marketplace, I figured I would do a little meditation first and then start the phasing process.

I started off by pretending I was walking to the marketplace. I really tried to focus on the sensations associated with walking while at the same time visualizing my surroundings. Suddenly, everything became real. I recall seeing Abby sitting at the table in front of the marketplace waiting for me.  I couldn't believe how smooth and quick the transition was. It truly shocked me to see just how real everything was. As soon as I realized the shift had taken place, the scenario vanished and I found myself moving in an upwards motion. I was snapped back to my room.

I find myself in my bed, faced downwards feeling the usual symptoms of a traditional OBE. In the blackness I saw a number “3” etched in pinkish-yellow light. I think to myself, “its backwards” (it wasn’t).  As I twirl in midair, I remember my mission to meet with Abby. I tried to get back to her but with no luck. Instead, I ended up being pulled upwards, through the ceiling and into the sky.

I wake up and think it’s over. The lights are on and I pick up my i-pod. I decide to listen to it while I go back to sleep. I put on a Tool song. Soon, I start to feel strange sensations. My eyes are vibrating and moving back and forth, much like they would during REM sleep. My brain feels funny and my wrists are bulging. I soon find that my thoughts are creating my reality. Quickly, the realization that I was enduring a false-awakening dawns on me. Yet, I still wondered how the music sounded so real.

I must have lost a little lucidity here because when I went downstairs, I thought about getting a pen and paper to write down my experience down. When I reached the bottom floor, the house was lot bigger than usual. I saw my dad sleeping on the couch. He was non-responsive and I covered him with a blanket. For some reason, I had a strange desire to rearrange the (unfamiliar) chairs in the living room. The “dream” shifted and I soon found myself in Reno, Nevada.

I was in some sort of dark building, on the first floor. I think it was an airport/cafeteria. It was nighttime. Suddenly, I’m looking at a bird’s eye view of the town. It looks European. The “dream” shifts and I end up getting off of a bus. Two lesbian girls greet me, in which they ask me of my sexual orientation. I say I am straight.

I then start to tell them that I know I am in dream and that (struggling to find words) it’s “not true”. The girl to my left nods her head and looks down. Together, we leave the chubby lesbian girl (who also liked me) and walk to a bus waiting station and sit on a wooden bench. There is a roof overhead so the area is shaded. A bus comes by and splashes us with mud. I cover my face before it’s too late. Playfully, the bus comes by again and tries to splash us. (Didn’t work that time.)

Again, the dream shifts and I find myself on an “open roof bus” (thinking back on it now however, I think it was just a continuation of the dream – as I was still with the girl). The weather is rainy and to the left is a river. T here is a man (spanish) along with the girl and I. He tells me that I’m going to have to go on some wet rides at the theme park we were heading to. I say I’m not the bathing suit kind of girl and then ask, “What ever happened to bumper cars? Why can’t we do something like that?” He decides that would be fine. Sadly for me, the dream changed before I got to ride the bumper cars.  Cry

Anyway, I end up in this white house. There are duplicate homes within the home – although they are somewhat different in size. The house is all white. As I walk around, I see a sign on the pantry door which reads “Pan and Bread”. I laugh to myself – for Pan in Spanish means the same thing as bread. In my room, I confront a large/medium mirror. I notice my pants are quite baggy. I then wake up (for real) at 3:05 AM.

I was “asleep” for approx. 2 hours.

So. Although my intentions were not to go to the crystal that night (I was planning to do it in the afternoon) I thought maybe I should post it here in case anyone happened to share some characteristics of my eh, experience.

But yes, we should try to meet more often. Things are finally starting to get exciting around here!!  Tongue
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #18 - Feb 26th, 2006 at 10:30pm
I set my intention to meet whoever might be at the crystal and went to sleep.  The only thing that I can remember is that we (I am assuming that it was our PE group) were singing.  Oddly enough it was not a song in any of the genres that are usually mentioned on this forum but seemed to be a song that would be sung in a stage musical!  Weird, because I realized right away that I had never heard this song before.  I remember a descent (sp?) downward when we were all singing and we kept repeating a name all the way down.  It was a feminine name and for the life of me I can't remember what it was.  I woke up and that was the end of that!  Lol.  
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #19 - Feb 27th, 2006 at 12:36am
Hello all!!!! I first have to say I'm sorry. I was most likely the village idiot so to speak and perhaps shouldn't of went to the crystal. I have been taking pain meds for quite sometime for my back and siatic nerve. I stopped taking them and been going through withdrawl since thursday. I have a tatoo on each arm so apparently I was  most likely the young guy who pushed the group back so to speak. I have also been really down so I would like to appologize to everyone if there was any offense. I am doing better as far as pain and withdrawel now. And the no shirt thing sounds like me also. I dont remember any of it. When I went there I was imagining a song from the movie HERO with jett li. It was playing in the first fighting seen. I also added a flute to it. Other then that I dont remember anything else. things have been very turbulant and stressful for me on so many different levels. Perhaps I shouldnt go to the crystal for awhile till I get my head on straight. Once again I am really sorry LOVE WADE
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #20 - Feb 27th, 2006 at 9:31am
A few years ago obe's were happening on a regular basis, very spontaneously. It went on for some time and then I had the Kundalini experience. That lasted for a long time, it's still active, but not as intense. The first episode actually damaged my left eye.   That's the short of a long story. So I was a bit reluctant to try this.

Anyway, here's the bits and pieces I remember.

A cave and Marilyn entering the cave.

A sword, like a King Arthur sword, but smaller.

A conversation about recycling.

And the names Jerry and Isabelle.

I know there was more, but I couldn't bring it back, I'm sure my reluctance didn't help.

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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #21 - Feb 27th, 2006 at 11:24am
What an eventful get-together!
I was dissappointed to not feel well enough to go, so instead I then thought about what I've been learning so far on these boards. Was thinking of the 'orange' disks. My interpreter frequently uses a phone call to alert me to a spiritual message, so maybe i did call you, Spooky! Spinning the disk into a globe answers alot for me--simple yet brilliant move! (have to find the right board thread to explain.)

Paradroid, you said no one would play your game with you, and Spooky found someone who was not going along with events---is there a connection there?

Wade, could you also have been at the crystal 2 weeks previous? Some guy (with his shirt on but slightly unbuttoned) was waving his arms there but seemed happy at what he'd found. He did hold one part of group back from another part tho. His discovery then didn't seem to relate to the group. Had you by any chance just found some effective medicine then?Just wondering. Time is not of the essence, I'm told, so maybe it was same event? He had brown hair, not very dark.
Mairlyn went into a cave? She can go deeper into the unconscious than some. Can you share what you find in there, Mairlyn?
You all are wonderful !
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #22 - Feb 27th, 2006 at 2:59pm
Actually I dove into a hole in the ground that, if you've read Bruce's books, he and fellow participants in a TMI program, created down to the ECC (earth core crystal). That's where I went. However I fell asleep this time. But I have been there many times. The earth core is made of iron and there's a humungous iron crystal there. Everyone has their own experience there but as I said, I fell asleep this time and don't remember anything more.

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #23 - Feb 27th, 2006 at 3:36pm
Gee Mairlyn,

I wonder if there is a connection between the hole you dived into and the descent down which I experienced?  Hmmmm......
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #24 - Feb 27th, 2006 at 4:11pm
well betson yes I was there 2 weeks ago and the half unbottoned thing sounds like me as well in everyday life!!! And light brown hair I do have. The medicine well as for that, I was on the couch crying while watching an episode of roswell. Max was healing kids with cancer in the hospital. as I wept my pain intensified in my siatic nerve and gently went away. Perhaps the medicine I found at tmi was finding its way through. I was still on meds then and felt everthing went fine. I just dont remember what I'm getting and why the heavens am I always waving my arms around and about like the village lunatic. Also sorry for holding half the group back. I can only feel that I am so happy to just be there maybe? What can I do to stop being such a distraction? anyone?
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #25 - Feb 27th, 2006 at 5:05pm
Nice to meet you now in the digital.
I get happy and excited when I'm with this group too. (Also, my brother who is 6'4" likes to bear-hug people in the physical and seeing how eople react to him is teaching me some restraint.)
It seems like now we can see that over-excitement might 'hold some people back'. But now we know it's not overt agression, so maybe next PEParty, other souls will be braver in approaching such enthusiasm. And I'm going to try to find other ways to communicate my happiness to be there. Some of the more experienced ones dance or bring musical instruments and jam. Might be worth a try.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #26 - Feb 28th, 2006 at 1:10am
hey bet!!! Thank you and its nice to meet you also. I am a bear hugger in the physical although it seemed to be not much till recently!!! I don't want o hurt anyone either. But perhaps someone else who was there could fill me in a little more. I was a hunter when I was young and coming back from hunting from maryland almost home I hit a rabbit!!!I pulled over and tried to comfort him and started crying. I never hunted again. Perhaps someone a guy , with alot more experience should approach me. We shall see. I feel like thanks and will see you soon!!! Love to all wade
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Touching Souls
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Posts: 1966
Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #27 - Feb 28th, 2006 at 1:29am
Gee Mairlyn,

I wonder if there is a connection between the hole you dived into and the descent down which I experienced?  Hmmmm......

Sure sounds like a hit to me. Wink

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #28 - Feb 28th, 2006 at 2:18am
You might have to put your question over on afterlife knowledge to get the responders you want.

I've read Bruce's info on emotional changes when our view of these afterlife possibilities hit you.I think it's in Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook. It sounds like that could be part of what's happening to you--a 'belief system crash' and you're rebuilding now. Might just shed that sciatic problem going thru this too--great.
Best wishes, bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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centreville Virginia
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Re: PE February 25, 2006
Reply #29 - Feb 28th, 2006 at 5:12pm
That would explain the crying spells silence and internalizing so much lately. I have bruces book but I havent read that far cause he said not to skip around cause of the exercises.thanks for the fyi bet. It does make sense.   wade
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