gordon phinn
Ex Member
Friends, as you can see, contact 3 turns out to be as much about me as John. Not intended; just worked out that way. Sorry if it's irritating. Just before that, I was emailed by one M.T., colleague of John's "here", who was contacted personally and was interested in what we do on this board. Apparently he's contacting people all over the world and wants it all put together somewhow. Fascinating, huh? gp
Wednesday October 13/04 10:30am
In the interim, I have received an email account of John and Montgomery Keen “coming through” at a British séance, ‘Monty’ having made a splash in British new-age/spiritualist circles by coming through as promised very soon after his sudden and rapid transition. I have a hunch I briefly met Monty at the 1991 International Crop Circle Conference in England, but I briefly met so many there I could have him confused with someone else. I suspect John was greeted by Monty sometime between my first and second contact, but did not mention it out of deference to ‘my’ project. Plus I think he was just plain intrigued to see what everyone had in store for him. On expressing intent for personal contact I meet him walking through an astral plane university campus, New England style. Graceful old stone buildings set amongst trees and gardens. Very Ivy League. Introduce myself and remind him of my name. He’s still identified with earth plane style forgetfulness. When asked of his impressions so far, declares himself to be absolutely amazed. Can’t get over his astonishment. That such a world should exist and most to live in ignorance of it strikes him as the greatest absurdity. He will be pondering the significance of it for years he thinks. I agree with him; it is a gap in understanding that deeply shocks all thinking souls. Why we exist mainly in ignorance of our spiritual heritage occupies the thoughts of many. And of course, theories abound. Repressed by organized religion is one favorite. A function of skeptical materialism is another. A challenge to overcome on the journey out of familial and tribal consciousness is another. A plot by the dark brothers, who may or may not be extraterrestrials bent on our psychic enslavement, is another. John chuckles at my list, as if perhaps he’d already touched them quietly but had refrained from expression. I advise him that the endless hypothesizing on the meaning of existence continues unabated here in the afterlife, at least amongst those who have seen through the pleasures of paradise. I tell him his communication experience with Montague Keen has been posted on the internet. He knows. He found the experience fascinating. Especially after reading accounts of other-side communication in the spiritualist literature. Funny to be on the other side of the fence and see just how difficult clear communication can be. Yes, I agree, accuracy can be a real challenge. I myself am never sure just how accurate my renderings are. I just hope that there are no outright mistakes in the texts I provide. He’s already heard about the communication devices in preparation. Several teams are working simultaneously he says. How it will change the world, he enthuses. I tend to agree, but suspect that it will also throw up new challenges, especially amongst those who already feel that communication with spirits is wrong and that we should advance by faith alone. John adds that he was more familiar with the skeptical opposition than the faith-based one. I ask him how he’s enjoying the food: marvelous is his response. Far better than on earth, although he notices that his appetite is somewhat curtailed. So he’s settling in then? Settling isn’t quite the tone he’d use. Far too exciting for that. Is he ready to visit f35 as I’d suggested? Where is that again? Where the extraterrestrials hang out. Well, he’s on his way to meet up with some academic colleagues right now, could I fit him in another time? Certainly, I’ll be back.
Some hours later, I practice a ‘forward’ projection, on the assumption that I can now connect with the ‘time/opportunity’ when John Mack and ‘I’ move together to focus 35, the so-called ‘Gathering’. Certainly this brings up many thorny questions about free will and the past-present-future continuum, but I have learned that I can still practice this ‘art’ while teasing out the possible metaphysical and ethical consequences. Warning John that I suspect the alien intelligences could manifest in any number of unforeseen ways, and answering his queries concerning movement to new and undefined spheres, we clasp hands and move. Initially I sense no outward form, other than the wisps of irridescent smoke/steam, all of varying but indescribably delicate hue, wafting about us. Is this my expectation? Perhaps. The formless spheres are famed for being completely unpredictable and endlessly mutable, depending on the usually unconscious assumptions/ preferences of the experiencer. About the only constant seems to be an intense glow of light, somehow both brilliant and subdued. On some formless levels this glow is populated by golden spheres which float gracefully about, being either human souls, higher selves or angelic beings of some type. I wonder if the entities observing will manifest thusly. In case I might be cramping his style, I ask John if he’d care to explore on his own. He seems enamored of the idea, and as we wave ‘au revoir’ he grins mischieviously.
I telepath a thought-desire to interact with an alien entity. The thought returns to me as “Which type of being do you wish contact with?” That throws me: I see I do not know what exactly I want. I ask for beings who see themselves as disinterested observers. Nothing appears, but a voice emanates from the mist about me: “We are three who are also one. As you request, we represent a civilization which has no vested interest in your planetary evolution, as some do, but are here merely because we heard an interesting, as you say, rumor.” About our so-termed ‘earth changes’? “Yes. We are interested in how you will move from isolated egoistic consciousness to the shared vibrational state in which you will no longer be able to hide your negativity from each other. We are also interested in your transition from mortality as a given to immortality as a verifiable fact. And no, to answer your thought, we are not involved in the hybrid breeding program, nor have we ever been.” I asked where they learned English. “From your own brain, Gordon being. And we hope you trust us to learn and not manipulate, as others might do. We take your request for communication as an invitation to express most clearly to you what is our intention, and to do that English seems the most effective tool.” I said that I did indeed trust them not to mess with my wiring. “That would be an expression of your sense of humor, Gordon being, yes?” I telepathed a smile/chuckle combination. It seemed effective, judging by the sort of wobbly vibration that returned. “Your chuckles come across as wobbly to us, Gordon being.” “That’s okay, I understand and am amused”. “As are we.” I asked if their own culture’s sense of humor was significantly different than the human. “It changes depending on whether we are in form or not.” So they moved from body to bodiless essence at will? “Yes that is so. Our civilization is, to some extent, an extended experiment in combining the two.” Are there laws or guidelines outlining the movement, I wondered. “Guidelines, yes; laws, no. We have free will as do humans, but we have advanced beyond the need for a centralized authority structure. We are like your anarchists but without the desire or ability to destroy.” I wondered if that made their lives a bit predictable and maybe even boring. “By your standards maybe yes. You humans thrive on conflict. We have seen, by traveling through what you call time, that it brings out the qualities you most seek. Does not one of your famous holy books take place on a battlefield?” They must have been thinking of the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna in the “Gita”, where Krishna urges Arjuna onward into battle, that it might sooner relieve him of his illusions of separateness. “Yes” they telepathed. Our lives are an ongoing examination of the One versus the Many. Quite like your discipline called Zen. And as to your unasked question, when in form we live in what might appear to you as enlarged shiny soap bubbles which float about in the somewhat contradictory breezes that are created by us when we are out of form.” I thought it all sounded kind of zany and fun. “By your standards it is. By ours an amusing pastime. Boredom is becoming a reality for us. We are beginning to see the need for a challenge. Angels from your system have invited us to ensoul baby planets, and some of us are indeed taking preparatory classes for such an undertaking. Have you yet realized that we are the beings you sketched in your first novel?” Back in 1984 I’d written a short comedy called “Kissless”, with a Greek chorus of highly evolved but slightly bored aliens who were monitoring some of our activities as some rascal among them had deliberately wiped some of their vast memory banks. Well, I telepathed, I guess I should not be surprised. But there was no denying I was stumped for a next question. They suggested that this was enough for now and that perhaps I should chat with some others. I said sure, why not, and felt that wobbly vibration as they merged and faded. I expressed s desire to encounter a being or beings from Galactic headquarters. A response came. “They are all too busy, but I have been assigned as a representative for this focus level. How can I assist you?” I wanted to know why Galactic central, or whatever it was known as, was actually necessary. “Your question is noted and answered thusly: the members of the Galactic central, as you call it, conce