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John E. Mack : contacts 1&2 (Read 1731 times)
gordon phinn
Ex Member

John E. Mack : contacts 1&2
Oct 15th, 2004 at 6:10pm
John Mack: notes, Oct 1/2004

I move, backwards in time by intent, to JM’s immediate post mortem location.  He is standing beside his prone body. I say hello and ask him how he’s doing.  Surprisingly well is his answer.  Have we met before he asks, perhaps at some conference.  The response of someone who has attended many gatherings over the years and met many people who he can only vaguely recall.  We shake hands as I introduce myself.  I tell him no, we have not had the pleasure.  I know of his abductee work and have followed it with interest, including all the academic kerfuffle.  Ah, that, he muses.  Basically I’m a spiritualist and have come to assist his transition, if he so cares.  He thanks me for my interest; it is very thoughtful of me.  It seems appropriate given his lifelong care of, and interest in, others.  The whole process is quite fascinating, he tells me. Observing your own death.
You’re not upset then, I ask.  No, not for himself; for others yes.  It’s more a puzzle than anything.  I’m wondering if he subconsciously chose this exit, but do not comment. The process has him so fascinated,  I don’t think he’s had time to emote, never mind work out which emotions he’s feeling.  I enjoy your scientific style detachment, I tell him, it’s so unusual.  Well a scientist he is, a detached observer and interpreter of human behavior.  An old habit he can’t give up.  (seems amused by this)  I apologize for stopping to take notes.  He suggests I get a voice activated tape recorder.  I reply that, yes, I’ve been advised of their usefulness in situations like this.  (feel embarrassed as Bruce Moen told me this at least two years ago)
I tell him I’m an afterlife guide and that I can show him where to go from here.  Ah, you’re an out of body traveler.  I comment that he’s likely familiar with the process from talking to abductees.  Yes, and their stories lead him to read up on the subject.  He seems in no hurry to move on as yet.  No panic, no anxiety.  I can see me coming back in a couple of days.  I ask if he knew that the subject of his prize winning book, TE Lawrence was channeled  in Jane Sherwood’s “Post-Mortem Journal”  No he did not know while he was writing the book, but found out much later.  Of course, in his community such communication is frowned upon or completely derided.  Considered very unreliable.  But after his plunge into the abductee phenomenon, his bridges were half burned anyway.  I joke about channeling him.  Oh, so I’m going to publish?  At least on the internet; it’s what I do, does he mind?  No, not really, as long as it’s not slanted to appear scandalous.  No, I assure him, it will be a bare bones report of his state of mind, his well being in this process of transition.  So I’ve done others then?  Oh yes, most recently Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. 
So I’m in good company then?  Most certainly, I assure him. We laugh together.
So I’ll leave him be for now, and maybe come back later and see how he’s doing?  What, I’m not going to take him to his place in heaven?  Not right now I’m not.  He’s having way too much fun here.  Fun of the scientific observer variety.
Will there be aliens about, he asks.  Not unless you go looking for them, I shouldn’t think.  I can’t tell if he’s relieved or disappointed.  I suggest that when he’s more oriented in the afterlife, I, or someone else can show him where the alien intelligences hang out.  The ones watching the earth changes.   Until then, I’ll get out of his face.  He chuckles; we shake hands, I disappear.

Tuesday October 5, 10:00 am

So John, you’ve had an interesting couple of days?
That much time has gone by has it?
Four actually, it’s now Tuesday morning in North America. Est.
Well I never would’ve guessed
Time flies when you’re having fun, no?
He smiles, chuckles.
Seems to me like you’re doing just fine.  Lots of folks I work with are filled with anxiety about the road ahead, or even if there is a road ahead.
I guess I’m so fascinated with events unfolding from moment to moment that I haven’t given what’s coming up much thought.  Plus it’s obvious to me that consciousness continues after death.  It’s merely a matter of which from and expression it takes, and I’m quite happy to watch that process unfold.
How are your family members and friends coping?  Have you been drawn to them?
Yes, of course, it’s just as I read and suspected.  Their emotional states have an overwhelming magnetic quality.  Resistance, if I had any, which I don’t, would be quite futile.
Did you find yourself able to contact and comfort them?
I certainly saw how empathy can be more of a risk than a help.  One’s being becomes swamped with another’s grief.  It’s as if one is drowning.
Surely you learned the value of distancing when working with abductees.
Yes, of course, one balanced the need for sympathy with the need for some measure of objectivity. But with those near and dear the draw is that much more intense. Advice from guides certainly helped.  Now I’m told the memorial service will be a challenge.
Souls are often amazed at the outpouring of love I find.  Be ready to feel treasured !  (He seems a touch bashful)  Have you enjoyed the traveling around?
Fascinating, as is the whole experience.  One moves to the emotional needs of others, regardless of location.  One is barely aware of distance, speed or location.  One merely appears, interacts and moves on.  Flying about, when one has the psychic space to appreciate it, is a wonderful thrill.  Trees, for example, have the most beautiful emanations.  Tell me, how did you get into this line of work?
To be honest, John, I suspect it was a priest’s training in Ancient Egypt that started it, but that’s only as far as I’ve traced it.  I’m almost willing to bet Atlantis and Lemuria had some bearing on the situation.  Maybe it’s suffice to say I’m been a shaman type guy in many incarnations, and I rediscover my abilities afresh in each life.  Of course, with a variety of cultural baggage to explain it.
Just as I suspected, an urban shaman.
Yup, I’m one of those new-age nutbars, and I come complete with all the jargon.  You realize, don’t you, that you can now ask TE Lawrence any question you want?
Oh, you think he’s still around?
I’d be surprised if he wasn’t.  Want to check out the real afterlife? It won’t take but a minute of your time.
Why is it, as you say, real?
Well, that’s reality as defined by the human communities which exist there.  You’re in the borderland regions right now, neither here nor there.  Every country has a counterpart on the astral plane filled with communities of various interest groups and religious denominations.
Do I have to go?
You don’t have to do anything John; there is no coercion, no rules, at least not where I plan to take you.

After a little further discussion, I take JM’s hand and whisk him up a level and move to a city.  Lowest levels of cities are pretty grim, but he needs to see it.  The up to the next two levels, each with its own inhabitants and attitudes.  Then a fly over astral Rockies and down to astral Pacific ocean.  All quite exciting.  Then I tell him about focus 27, and how it’s for free-thinking folks, the kind of have no overt dependence on any belief system.  That’s description seems to appeal, so we whisk to the Park, where I explain the set-up, and how he doesn’t have to tell anyone he’s John Mack from Harvard, he can just be any old John.  That makes him smile.  He certainly seems to enjoy the beauty of the place.  I explain how, through imagery and intent, he can return to the earthplane and visit with his loved ones, and then, using the same process in reverse, come back here to f27.  I also promise to return and show him f35, where the alien intelligences hang out.  Our formal handshake turns into a hug and he says ‘Thank you Gordon’ as I make my exit.
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