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Alysia!  I really want that trinket.. (Read 3248 times)
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San Antonio
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Alysia!  I really want that trinket..
Nov 12th, 2005 at 5:46am
Last nights dream:

We (a friend and I) arrive at a large gathering.  The building is like a large hotel/convention center/school.  An amalgamation, if you will.

Alysia is there, with a booth set up outside the auditorium, selling little knick knacks, jewelry and some food items in small packets.

One item really catches my eye.  A figurine of some sort. Cylindrical in shape, open at the top. A nail/needle protrudes from the bottom.  Another object, a bassinet with a baby in it sits on top of the needle.  You wind it up, and it spins.

I commented it was like something I has a child (which I didn't ??? ) I really wanted this "thing", but so did alot of other people.  It was a $1,but because so many wanted it, Alysia decided to auction it, like a silent auction.  Last price was $7.

My friend was with me the whole time. My aunt was coming and I wanted them to meet so they could speak in German to each other.

People would flow in and out of the auditorium for some kind of class.  Soon, it was our turn to go we went in, I woke up.

There were other details about the place itself that I've not included here.  I haven't even written them down yet, but they are quite clear in my mind.  I don't think I'll lose them too easily..I've been up for a few hours now.

So..Alysia..can I have the trinket thingy? Grin
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Re: Alysia!  I really want that trinket..
Reply #1 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 2:19pm
I hope u wrote it down by now!!?? har! Shirley, dreams are so funny!
now if we can just get a clue......

I love it.  have to read it a couple of times to be able to comment.
let me pick it apart, my standard method Smiley and lay it up to some recent dreams I've had.

u said: We (a friend and I) arrive at a large gathering.

1)  this could be symbol of our PE today on the 12th.
2) could also be a symbol for this forum gathering
3) could be related to the shift in consciousness
4) or related to my dream

traveling with a friend means you are not alone out there. the friend could be a guide posing as a friend.
the other night I was involved in a gathering and we all had food to celebrate. I went in the kitchen to prepare miniature cupcakes and they were pretty and lined them up in a row. there were other tables with food and cakes of all size and flavor.

u said: One item really catches my eye.  A figurine of some sort. Cylindrical in shape, open at the top. A nail/needle protrudes from the bottom.  Another object, a bassinet with a baby in it sits on top of the needle.  You wind it up, and it spins.

I'm hoping to make my book spin by winding it up. my book I've often dreamed is a baby. hee. this would be something I would be selling outside the auditorium.
u said:  I commented it was like something I has a child (which I didn't  ) I really wanted this "thing", but so did alot of other people.  It was a $1,but because so many wanted it, Alysia decided to auction it, like a silent auction.  Last price was $7.

(do I sound like ElvisPresley yet?) actually, in reality, I really do think we are doing a PE here together. and I really do think we are connected because of this dream and u are a strong explorer, I know. currently, as a reflection I am editing the book down further as otherwise the price will not be affordable. I am trying to get it reduced to the price of $17 retail at Barnes and Noble; that would mean I either have to make it a size 10 point, or whack that sucker to pieces! if I left it the way it is, the major book stores would have to charge $34.  3+4=7.   isn't that a coincidence? that u would dream the number 7?  maybe we are meeting out there dear!

ahhhh, shirley...u made my day by saying that a lot of people wanted pov I'm just a hawker with a little table out front....Grin

the auditorium I have dreamed of this auditorium also before and I think it is the shift in consciousness we all are involved in these days...

yes dear, u can have any trinket on hand here Grin
let me finish editing and I'll send u the whole baby! but that would mean u would have to rear it..ha ha!

spin spin ...
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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San Antonio
Gender: female
Re: Alysia!  I really want that trinket..
Reply #2 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 7:40pm
That is too have seen both the numbers 1 and 7 associated with a dollar amount!

The other details included a restaurant in which a waiter looking guy was preparing food..I went through a door and down a long hallway type place to get to the toilet.  Now, the side that faced the restaurant, where I saw the waiter guy was only covered by a curtain.  I saw him through a break in the curtain..and while I thought it odd that the restroom was set up in such a way, it didn't stop me from using it.

The other detail had to do with an outdoor area.  It was like a..hmm..can't think of the area in the middle of the building?  Walls all around, and part of it was covered with a cloth roof that resisted rain.  It was grassy, the grass looked like it had been palleted and just placed there.  I looked out and there were children on bikes there.  I thought "They are going to ruin that new grass."

Those two things happened in between the rest.

As to the friend being a guide, rather than the person she appeared to be..yes, that makes some sense.  She couldn't seem to say my aunt's name properly..which she should have been able to, being they are both German.

As a guide, she probably could have said her name, but perhaps that was a clue to me that all was not as it appeared.

My aunt's name is Gisela..pronounced hard "G" eesahlah.  She also seemed not to understand "Tante"..which again, she should have.'ve given me food for thought..
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