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Bloody palms dream (Read 20102 times)
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Bloody palms dream
Nov 7th, 2005 at 4:00pm
I didn't want to take over Vicky's thread, so I decided to start another one about bloody palms.

I dreamt that for whatever reason I was living with my parents. I came home from work and my dad expected me to work. He expected me to do this every night.

I told him, I don't have time to do the work he wants me to do. I work during the day, and at night I have something else to do. I showed him my palms which were bleeding in order to prove this.

Perhaps the point is that I do healings while asleep, without being conscious of doing so. Therefore, I can't be using up my energy to take care of more physical responsibilities than I usually take care of (a full time job, chores around the house, etc.).

By the way, usually I don't need a lot of sleep (6 hours at most), but Saturday night I slept for about 10 hours, and this morning my energy felt drained after I woke up. It was hard to muster up energy when I meditated.

Also, a couple of nights ago, I had a dream that related to healing a cousin of mine, and the actual healing was done after I woke up. I talked about it at Linn's forum (the grape thread).

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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #1 - Nov 7th, 2005 at 7:43pm
you have a way about u I'll admit. a healing energy within you, so I'm not surprised you will do healings while you sleep.I see retrievals as healings too.
love, alysia
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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #2 - Nov 8th, 2005 at 4:46pm
  Your dream/C1 experience is pretty interesting...  I've haven't had quite that kind of experience, but i can relate to energy affecting the body in a very real way.

  My Fiance and I were wrestling one time and she hit her head a bit, and before i even thought about it, i laughed.  I felt bad after and i didn't mean to laugh at her pain, and i don't really know what struck me as funny about it.

  Later on we went to bed and fell asleep for the night, when we woke up the pain in her head was gone, and my head hurt exactly where her head had been hit..  Lol talk about "instant karma".

Another time we did a "substance" together, which the Native Americans had used in ceremony and initiation...  I approached it in that manner, and with respect, but Becky didn't. 

  During this experience i was having a great time, and got a really intense vision which answered some of my questions... Becky wasn't having such a good time, and she got a really bad head-ache...  So i sat with her and held her head in my hands and meditated.   Very shortly after she said the pain dissipated, but then a bit later i got a splitting head-ache which lasted for awhile....  So yeah, energy/thought/emotion etc. can and really does afffect the physical, and i very much believe you about your dream/healing experiences.

Thanks for sharing Smiley
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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #3 - Nov 8th, 2005 at 5:27pm
One thing I forgot to mention, my parents came to visit this past weekend, plus I visited my aunt. They all have physical problems. Especially my aunt. Perhaps there's a relationship as to why my energy was drained. It was a nice visit, so it wasn't something psychological.

 Your dream/C1 experience is pretty interesting...  I've haven't had quite that kind of experience, but i can relate to energy affecting the body in a very real way.

 My Fiance and I were wrestling one time and she hit her head a bit, and before i even thought about it, i laughed.  I felt bad after and i didn't mean to laugh at her pain, and i don't really know what struck me as funny about it.

 Later on we went to bed and fell asleep for the night, when we woke up the pain in her head was gone, and my head hurt exactly where her head had been hit..  Lol talk about "instant karma".

Another time we did a "substance" together, which the Native Americans had used in ceremony and initiation...  I approached it in that manner, and with respect, but Becky didn't.  

 During this experience i was having a great time, and got a really intense vision which answered some of my questions... Becky wasn't having such a good time, and she got a really bad head-ache...  So i sat with her and held her head in my hands and meditated.   Very shortly after she said the pain dissipated, but then a bit later i got a splitting head-ache which lasted for awhile....  So yeah, energy/thought/emotion etc. can and really does afffect the physical, and i very much believe you about your dream/healing experiences.

Thanks for sharing Smiley

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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #4 - Nov 8th, 2005 at 11:19pm
One thing I forgot to mention, my parents came to visit this past weekend, plus I visited my aunt. They all have physical problems. Especially my aunt. Perhaps there's a relationship as to why my energy was drained. It was a nice visit, so it wasn't something psychological.

  Yeah, i definitely would agree... Healer types often give out their energy, even if it is unconscious on their or both parts.  Illness, dis-eased bodies radiate inharmonious, slow vibrating, and asymetrical energies, and a healer type takes in this energy, harmonizes and raises the vibration and sends it back out.   But this takes some energy from the one doing the healing.

   In the New Testament, there is a part where Yeshua is surrounded in a crowd, and a women who is ill, but afraid to ask for healing, gets close to the Master to touch him because she knows that if she can touch him, she will be healed.

   In the chaos, she does this, and Yeshua loudly asks something like, "Who hath touched me, i felt some virtue (healing energy) go out from me?"   The lady speaks up, and Yesh blesses her.

  Interestingly, Cayce's Source said that even before Yeshua was conscious of his mission and his abilities, his body was so perfect and harmonious that even as an infant, people who touched his garments oft were healed of illness.   Cayce's Source said, His body being perfect radiated health and that which is of life itself...

  When older and when he healed consciously, after healing many, and in some cases instantaneously and "miracously", even he needed to rest and withdraw for a period.

  I've had dreams where my Higher Self tells me that i need to get myself more intune, meditate more, need to eat "mummy food", and that when this happens my energy will heal almost automatically.  Like what the Bible says of Peter, "his shadow passed them by, and they were healed."

  But a good healer needs to heal themselves first before they can be really effective for others in a holistic way, and they need to know when not to heal since true healing doesn't always mean making someone physically whole again...  Sometimes its realizing that the person has that specific illness for a higher purpose, and that they still need it for teaching purposes.

  Yet when one can become a channel of healing like the Master, then this often goes beyond this, because it shows people what we are truly capable of and that sickness is in essence not necessary (only when it becomes necessary...), and only results when error is happening in either the physical, mental, and/or spiritual aspect of life.  And these so called miracles often produce more long term healing for many by their very extreme nature and plain example of God among humankind.

This error aspect doesn't apply to those highly advanced Souls who take on a weak body for the express purpose of teaching others, and of being a willing and conscious "sacrifice" in a sense.   Some of the "Indigo" children born with cancers, or aids fall into this category--in these cases, it is not karma or cause and effect (though there is cause and effect on the physical level).
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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #5 - Nov 9th, 2005 at 10:06am
Thank you for the input Justin.

Regarding meditating more (as your higher self suggested), I've been meditating a lot, and it definitely helps. I don't expect spiritual growth to be handed to me on a silver platter, without my putting some effort in.
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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #6 - Nov 9th, 2005 at 6:50pm
Hi Justin and recoverer,
I know this drained feeling mostly after retrievals I did when they are partly subconscious (I experience it as quick, not getting the whole story), strongest when I do more than one in one session. I always think this must be the wrong method I apply!? Recently I had a short experience that I was acting as an attractor of many stuck souls, supported by others who shone their light through me, and I was in a position to speak like a master, kinda "all you are ready, now is the time to go to the light, to me" or so, and I thought about people who were open enough to perceive something odd in their private environment, who had wishes that now appear to them as possible to become real.
Once I was led to a healer somewhere in middle-Europe (one of that kind of Monroes super-human) and he told me he would just remove blocks which he can see- it's more this information-providing healing without energy loss for the healer I think. He said many of the patients would come back to their old energy patterns, so they need psychological advice too.
What about the Reiki people? They say they work as channel and claim their energy is not affected with healing.
Bye, Spooky

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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #7 - Nov 9th, 2005 at 9:04pm
Hi Justin and recoverer,
I know this drained feeling mostly after retrievals I did when they are partly subconscious (I experience it as quick, not getting the whole story), strongest when I do more than one in one session. I always think this must be the wrong method I apply!? Recently I had a short experience that I was acting as an attractor of many stuck souls, supported by others who shone their light through me, and I was in a position to speak like a master, kinda "all you are ready, now is the time to go to the light, to me" or so, and I thought about people who were open enough to perceive something odd in their private environment, who had wishes that now appear to them as possible to become real.
Once I was led to a healer somewhere in middle-Europe (one of that kind of Monroes super-human) and he told me he would just remove blocks which he can see- it's more this information-providing healing without energy loss for the healer I think. He said many of the patients would come back to their old energy patterns, so they need psychological advice too.
What about the Reiki people? They say they work as channel and claim their energy is not affected with healing.
Bye, Spooky

 Hi Spooky,

 Its hard to explain how exactly energy works, especially talking about conduits of an individual Soul acting as a channel for The Fields energy...  Not that there is loss of energy per se, but a friction of sorts which dissipates some of the energy off in other "directions" so to speak.  Does this make sense?

 Very few physically alive people can act as such a clear channel as not to have this resonant inharmony thing happen.  Before Yeshua fully Ascended and recreated his body physical, into body celestial, when miraculously healing many in a short time, he became weak and tired.

None have consistently healed like him since, and the Reiki people have no clue when they make certain claims.  There healings are a matter of moving some energy around here and there, minor adjustments...  Anyone can do this, with a little practice... but....

 Yeshua full blown blasted a person with Pure White Light many times more powerful and intense than the Solar energy/prana, and if the person was ready for it (on an unconscious level too), no matter what their condition, they would be made whole.  He had no limits, but the ones the receivee placed on him.  If someone was missing a leg, he could recreate one for them no problem.

 I've looked into Reiki, and while i respect it and any healing modality, a lot of it seems to be unecessary and overly complex...  First you have to learn all these symbols, and all these rituals.

 A true healer uses only intention and thought and most importantly, their very attunement to the Infinite..., and there are only two main forces, and another main expression in the Universe.  Positive (Active/Expanding) and Negative (Passive/contracting) force, and the potentially perfect balance between them...

 All healing is about balance, and sometimes this means some of your vital energy goes in with the more channeled Universal energy to effect strong transmutation.  If a healer is not open to sacrificing a bit, or using some of their own energy in the process regardless of what it does to them, they are not fit to be healers...and they are not healers in the true sense...

 This is akin to being nice to others only when they are nice to you, there is no growth in that.  Most can and do, do this. Namaste
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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2005 at 11:07pm by N/A »  
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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #8 - Nov 10th, 2005 at 10:12am
I find the below paragraph interesting. As opposed to passing my hands over somebody whenever I've thought of healing them, I would first communicate to my higher self and ask for permission, and then use thought and intention.  I would also first tune into my higher self and God as I did so.

As far as I know, I'm new at this, so at this point it's hard for me to say anything for certain.

[quote author=Justin2710
 A true healer uses only intention and thought and most importantly, their very attunement to the Infinite..., and there are only two main forces, and another main expression in the Universe.  Positive (Active/Expanding) and Negative (Passive/contracting) force, and the potentially perfect balance between them...

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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #9 - Nov 10th, 2005 at 11:27am
I find the below paragraph interesting. As opposed to passing my hands over somebody whenever I've thought of healing them, I would first communicate to my higher self and ask for permission, and then use thought and intention.  I would also first tune into my higher self and God as I did so.

As far as I know, I'm new at this, so at this point it's hard for me to say anything for certain.

What you said about tuning in, and asking permission is something i believe is very, very important for anyone involved with healing work.

 No way Albert, from the kind of things you have intuited, and have said, you are no way new or a beginner at this--just maybe in this life so far.   I wouldn't be surprised if you had some pattern in your Disk Self of being involved with healing.   In your birth chart, if you have an emphasis on Virgo, Pisces, 6th, and/or 12th House dynamics, this would really indicate other live involvement with conscious healing.   My chart shows this strongly, and even desribes my "last" and one of the predominant ones in my psyche very strongly.

 I get the sense we might have worked together in this capacity and you have subconscious respect for me in this department, yet from other lives and this life some not too flattering thoughts/feelings.  A brief look at your chart and a chart comparison would probably tell me right off.
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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #10 - Nov 10th, 2005 at 11:47am

I don't know anything about astrology, but my birth date is 5-5-58.

Justin said: yet from other lives and this life some not too flattering thoughts/feelings.

Regarding the above, since you brought it up, sometimes I wonder if you read too much, as opposed to relying on experience. I understand that we can sometimes intuit things while reading. I also understand that perhaps somebody needs to map things out. But often it is better to figure things out inwardly, before devoting too much of one's effort to charting everything.

Additionally, during a part of my life, I was exposed to people who became spiritual teachers before they inwardly figured things out completely enough for themselves. Sometimes I wonder if this applies to you. When it comes to myself, I try to speak from my experience, and when I don't know, I'll say "I think," "I'm not certain, "My feeling," or something to that effect. 

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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #11 - Nov 10th, 2005 at 12:40pm

I don't know anything about astrology, but my birth date is 5-5-58.

Hi Recoverer, thanks for the info.  Do you know where and exactly when you were born?  That would help.  I'm not "doing" your chart, i just want to look briefly at it and tell you if i get any strong impressions.. sometimes i pick up other life info from looking into a chart.

Justin said: yet from other lives and this life some not too flattering thoughts/feelings.

Regarding the above, since you brought it up, sometimes I wonder if you read too much, as opposed to relying on experience. I understand that we can sometimes intuit things while reading. I also understand that perhaps somebody needs to map things out. But often it is better to figure things out inwardly, before devoting too much of one's effort to charting everything.

Additionally, during a part of my life, I was exposed to people who became spiritual teachers before they inwardly figured things out completely enough for themselves. Sometimes I wonder if this applies to you. When it comes to myself, I try to speak from my experience, and when I don't know, I'll say "I think," "I'm not certain, "My feeling," or something to that effect.  

 I respect your opinion and your experience, and i'm quite aware lately of how i've been coming off to others.

 Albert, i'm 25 and i have much to learn and much more life to experience i'm sure.  Yet i was born with a deep understanding of PUL from many aspects.  My whole short life has been one of painful tempering to burn out the false self.  Considering what i've gone through in a short period of time, i'm at a place now where i realize that others opinions or misperceptions of me, don't matter one diddly..   This is not saying that you are wrong and couldn't be correct.

 Yet, i have signs along the way, like the merging into Sun dream...  This is extremely symbolic, and in a sense literal... I am merging into my Sun/Higher Self, yet i'm not "there".  I've spent a good part of my life lately in service to others on various levels.  And i very much do try to practice what i preach, though like most sometimes i fall of the Spirit wagon so to speak.   My last job was working as an in-home care assistent for the elderly, and being an empathic person, it wasn't always easy...and sometimes i wanted to quit cause i always got the hard and difficult jobs that nobody esle wanted--like Joe (who was rich, and had been quite influential and a power figure) who had dementia who would scream at me the 8 or 12 hours i usually was there and a couple of times take a swing at me, but i set aside my little self because i knew that some of my fellow co-workers didn't give much of a crap and just though of it as an easy, lazy job of watching t.v.    Or my friend John who when i first met him was doing pretty decently physically and mentally, but then when he found out his house was sold, i saw him waste away and become despondant...and many of the people around me, including my employer kept saying that he was "playing games" looking for attention when he was being difficult, or couldn't do certain things like shower or go to the bathroom on his own...   Yet, right after i quit because of a major move, he died.  I knew he wasn't just playing games, and the cruelty and lack of compassion around him really affected him...  A couple of others and i were the only ones that treated him with decency and compassion...

 Should i not talk about what i sense or know because of not being fully enlightend?  Maybe, but i talk usually when i ask, and listen, and get an answer....   If this is the case, then maybe all of us here should shut our mouths, and just concentrate on being pure examples in our lives?   Yet we have a need to relate, to share, and this isn't always an ego thing.

 Tell me, is PUL always sugar coated, nice on the surface, and flattering?   Your very post to me, i believe was motivated from PUL, but it plainly isn't sugar coated and ego/personality flattering is it?  I'm not sure you are aware of the full dynamics of what happened somewhere else, nor did you see the various p.m's, and pettiness (or sheer unbalancedness) involved.   Perhaps your judgments are a bit hasty?

 Its the Spirit in which we do things, the motivation, the intent which either brings spiritual growth or either hinders.  None but the Creator, or those fully immersed in Source can truly and accurately gauge this consistently.  I can say i perceive something about what a person does, and i can disagree with that, but i usually try to steer clear of judging the person--there is a difference and though fine, quite a big one.

 Honestly, i don't think either of us fall into this category (of being fully Source immersed), yet i choose to look at your criticism as motivated from PUL and a desire to help.   But i'm also open to the possibility of it being a personality or ego reaction, or past life "stuff".   And in this strange and dualistic reality we live in, it could be a mix of all the above.

  Recoverer, i've long been a service Soul and i'm finishing up my rounds, i know exactly where i've been, who i was and will be, where i am, and where i am going in both the general and specific sense.   I've come to be that Dr. Everywhere to everyone, always and if i can keep in Yeshua's example, then i will be truly a wayshower...

  Many so called spiritual teachers actively seek "disciples" and people to be dependant on them (not too mention money).   I could care less who listens and who doesn't, or what they think of me.   I do care that they listen for the works sake, and in this life, a bit later, i will be able to give much greater material demonstration of my attunement.  I really need to meditate more consistently...

  Out of the many charts i've done for others, since 16, i've never asked money and just recently have asked for some kind of material compensation....   Yeah i have ego, which i'm working on, but i'm not ego immersed by any means...  I happen to be going through some very heavy, testing times right now...  

 Compassion sometimes means to cut others some slack and other times to be firm--all depending on what the situation calls for.

Shalom brother
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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #12 - Nov 10th, 2005 at 1:08pm

I was born in San Francisco, CA.

Otherwise, I felt bad about my post, but neverless posted it because I felt inwardly moved to do so. Could I be wrong? Of course. Certainly you know you better than I do.  After all, your life plan hasn't been revealed to me.

Your enthusiasm for spirituality is obvious.

Once we know the inner, everything else is just service oriented gravy.

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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #13 - Nov 10th, 2005 at 1:43pm

I was born in San Francisco, CA.

Otherwise, I felt bad about my post, but neverless posted it because I felt inwardly moved to do so. Could I be wrong? Of course. Certainly you know you better than I do.  After all, your life plan hasn't been revealed to me.

Your enthusiasm for spirituality is obvious.

Once we know the inner, everything else is just service oriented gravy.

 Thanks, do you know or feel comfortable with sharing the actual birth time?   If you don't know the specific time, and you want me to still look it up, you can give me a good description of your looks--more so when in your prime--and i can probably figure out what your Rising sign (the most important part of the chart, which sets up the rest of the entire chart) and influences are from there. answered your own question Albert.  If you feel or felt "bad" about it or anything for that matter, then it wasn't motivated solely by PUL...  When giving forth PUL you will only feel joy and expansiveness, even though others may not reciprocate in a life manner.  Our feelings are an automatic barometer, and the more intune a person, the more clearly, honestly, and quickly they feel consciously.

 When i was moved to give advice to someone i considered a friend, and i was then "banished" because of it and other things, i felt nothing but peace and joy when i initially gave that advice (as well as a strong prompting), and it was motivated only out of a desire to help.   Some of the other stuff that went on, mostly behind the scenes, my ego did come out a bit, and so accordingly i did feel bad, angry, sad, or low energy at points.

 The only difference between me or anybody and a so called spiritual "Master" is that the Masters emotional Aura is perfectly clear and when the feel something, and even anger sometimes as Yeshua rarely showed (i.e. the money lenders in the house of God), they "sin not" with the anger etc. and they let go of the emotions very, very quickly.  In other words, they don't take it out on another and "project".  They feel and let go almost automatically and instantaneously.

 I've found that lately, that occasionally though i get upset or angry (even self-pitying or self-righteous), it is usually very brief.  I have a feeling that you and some others can relate to this?

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Re: Bloody palms dream
Reply #14 - Nov 10th, 2005 at 2:05pm
[quote author=Justin2710

Justin said: answered your own question Albert.  If you feel or felt "bad" about it or anything for that matter, then it wasn't motivated solely by PUL

I can't say that I agree with the above. I don't sense that there was a self serving motivation for what I posted. On the personality level, there's no reason for me to have any qualms with you.  It is just that I didn't want to say something that would hurt your feelings. Perhaps a day will come when my viewpoint is so transcendent, that I won't be concerned about hurting somebody's feelings. I'm just not there yet.

Otherwise, in my prime, I was 6'1", 165IIbs (not anymore), brown eyes, brown hair, tan complexion, half German and half Spanish.

Since I don't know anything about Astrology, I'm not able to say whether or not a reading means something. I'd read it mostly out of curiosity-not because I'd think it is gospel. This would be due to my lack of knowledge, not due to a lack of respect.

It would be interesting to see how much of the reading matches my experience. This might give me some personal experience of what Astrology can tell you.
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