I requested a retrieval and found myself in a scene with two kids
playing around outside. Both were Afr. Am. One name I got
was Devon Jones. Rather than my instinctual pick them up
in my arms and lift them up strategy, I remembered the portal
idea. So I told them, let's go inside to have our snack. At first,
they resisted, but then decided to proceed inside. I then imagined
a portal ahead of us. At first, I didn't notice anything unusual,
but one of the kids replied, I've never seen this before. Then,
I saw a lighted area ahead, which fit more my perception of
a portal. As I walked past the dividing line, I notice a change
in feel, perhaps slightly cooler/lighter. As the kids moved through,
I could hear them talking as though they got older, and perhaps
more people had entered the scene. A teen pushed by me.
I lingered around for a bit and then decided to do another retrieval.
But before I could make sense of the new surrounding, I could
hear my alarm clock blaring and knew I would need to shut it
off. So I C1-ed. I slept another good 30 min's afterward before
getting out of bed.
Check out the possible validation:
http://www.militarycity.com/valor/256548.html I rarely get validations. And it's hard to
when you do random retrievals. If you do
retrievals by someone's request, you can
corroborate evidence with the requester.