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Saturday PE's (Read 19639 times)
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #15 - Oct 10th, 2005 at 3:21pm
Hannah, funny you mention attributes, as Kathy mentioned attributes on Linn's board. forget which thread, but I really liked what she was just sort of slid somewhere into a feel good area, she do have an effect on me. anyway thought u would enjoy reading it, if u can find it over there. love, alysia

oh yea, take liquified calsium/magnesium for leg cramps..they go away immediately.
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #16 - Oct 10th, 2005 at 4:26pm
Just got home..we went to Seminole Canyon State Park Saturday morning and left there this morning.

It was grand!

Saturday night:
I did see us all at the crystal, only it was more like quartz.  We were doing a dance..arms on each others shoulders, two steps one way, then two the other way.  It was such fun! image formed in my mind..I'm sure it had more to do with where I was than the attempted PE..

And old man, with long white hair.  Two young women hit him on the head with sticks, intention to kill him.  And though I didn't see it, somehow I knew they would throw him into the canyon when he was dead.

The place we went is ancient.  There are rock paintings on the wall..most interesting paintings.

And the whole time we were there, walking those paths, there were two crows calling to each other and one vulture who landed on a ledge.  I got his pic..
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #17 - Oct 10th, 2005 at 6:54pm
glad you're back shirley. wonder if you were looking at an imprint of a former event impressed into the area? poor old guy....he must've really made those girls angry. hey! you could have retrieved him! Cheesy
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #18 - Oct 10th, 2005 at 11:05pm
Yes!  Blink!  the  Crystal felt wonderful.

And Mairlyn, some years later (perhaps '99 or 2000), I read something about a hiearchy of Angels called The Virtues ... immediately I thought: Attributes=Virtures!  Sounds right to me!  In my vision, these beautiful Beings had gifts, not just for me, but for all who would receive.  The Attributes were colors of blues, greens, teals, etc.  The last to give, was a creamy white, and then suddenly there was a great expectancy of another, greater, purest white light ... and the vision ended before I could see that one. 

All the colors of the attributes were the colors I saw that day in Greece, in the sea.  Including the creamy white where the water foamed up on the rocks.   I recalled the vision, and that's when "The Voice" said: All is One and One is All. 

I'm so glad to hear that you heard this too! 

I'd been shown a vision the night before this boat trip ... and that day, one of the islands we went to was the one I'd been shown.  The women I'd seen in the vision were climbing up a steep curving path to a Church.  I thought they were Greek widows when I saw the vision!  (Just goes to show what a Protestant I'd been raised as in this lifetime! LOL)  Now there were wide stone steps leading up and around to this Church, instead of the curving path I had seen the night before.  And as I told my sister when I saw the Church, "It is, yet it isn't"! 

It wasn't until weeks later, back home, that I looked up the bit of information about this island in my Pylos book.  Seems that the Church now there was built in 1827.  The ORIGINAL one (that I had 'seen') was built in the  Byzantine era by nuns!  Hahaha!  I still have to laugh!  I'd seen the Greek widows, in their black dresses and head coverings every day in Pylos, but it hadn't occured to me ... NUNS! 

Another thing was on our way back in, this magical day, we passed an island with ancient ruins, and I was so drawn to it ... that I got one of my Greek friends to interpret to the captain and ask if we could pull up there.  He said no, that it was very dangerous, so old that you could be walking on the ruins and feel that it was solid, and suddenly it could give way and plunge you 200 feet into the sea below.  I actually felt my heart, pulling me, you know?  I did get a couple of photos of it as we passed. 

I think, now, that the ruins must be where the Nuns I'd been shown, lived, since they definitely did not live on the island the little church is on.  And I think that I was one of them, a Byzantine Nun.

Alysia, thanks for the tip for leg cramps ... I'm feeling a bit monkey-ish from all the bananas I've been eating yesterday and today to combat this.
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Touching Souls
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #19 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 9:43am

Beautiful vision Hannah.

I have bad foot and leg cramps too for several years. First the doctor put me on 10 MEQ's (whatever that is) of Potassium, then raised it to 20 MEQ's) about a year or two later. Then they weren't helping. Had quinine prescriptions and they worked but I still woke up with the cramps and THEN had to take the pills.  Then a friend on another list told me about taking Sea Kelp.  I've been taking it now for about 2 years and that has worked the best. I get mine from Puritan's Pride, when they have good sales, like buy one get one free or two free and they're not that expensive.  Hope this helps you. My doctor originally told me I'd have to eat 10 bananas a day to get relief. Shocked Forgot to mention that Tonic Water also has quinine in it, but not great amounts.

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #20 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 7:52pm
Thanks for the leg-cramp repair hints, Mairlyn.  Hopefully I won't have to take anything ... I really have a bad attitude toward pills!  Happily I've not had them again since that awful night ... and I've been sleeping with a pillow rolled under my knees which seems to help.
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #21 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 10:03pm
I do think I was there with you as a nun Hannah, as I know it's one of my disc personalities...even in this life at age 14 I nearly returned to the cloister but decided, no, I like the life style, but I needed to experience something else this time. I can see us so easily, and your face looked familiar. love to you my sister soul!
if you walked on that soil you would feel the powerful devotion the sisters left there. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #22 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 8:42pm
I wouldn't be surprised, Alysia!  I'm beginning to think that a lot of us are really REALLY OLD friends!  As a little girl, I had a closet shrine that I hid in, with flashlight, Bible, Book of Common Prayer, and contraband gifts from the little Catholic neighbor boy: rosary, catechism, statues of Mary & St. Francis!!!  I felt the need to hide, as my folks were Protestants, and maybe I just liked the secret studying I was doing, since I'm such a Scorpio!  By age 14 however, I was too interested in boys to think about becoming Catholic, much less a nun!
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #23 - Oct 15th, 2005 at 10:22am
Attributes? I may have I missed something here...there is so much going on in these forums. I had a vivid dream a month or so ago with a message about "attributes". Something about paragraph attributes (which would be work related for me) but it felt like a deeper meaning, just never figured it out. Hannah, your Attributes are angels?

Love, Carolyn
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #24 - Oct 17th, 2005 at 3:53pm
Sorry Carolyn, I missed your question until now.  Yes, I'm sure, the Attributes are Angels.
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Re: Saturday PE's
Reply #25 - Oct 17th, 2005 at 6:09pm

I didn't consciously plan to join the PE this weekend.  I thought I would share some interesting dreams I had on Saturday night anyway.  A woman was giving me a sheet of lyrics on a bus and I was kind of going, what ??, why ??, well, okay, then, whatever.  Today I saw, Alysia, that you added some "cowboy" song lyrics on Linn's forum after my additions on the music thread there.  Not a definite match, but interesting.

Otherwise, I was given some small, shabby looking stuffed toys, handmade, just a very personal gift, kind of raggedy but so special.  I was delighted, and I really don't know why I was on a bus.

love, blink
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