Here is one of the best most evidentially impressive cases of an OBE ever recorded. In September, 1774 Alphonse Ligouri, a Catholic monk, went into a cataleptic trance and remained motionless in his cell for 5 days. When he awoke, he announced that he had been at the bedside of Pope Clement XIV and that the Pope was now dead. The startled monks dismissed the story as pure fantasy. Rome was at least 4 days away by horse and carriage, and there had been mo official word of Clement's condition. But news of Clement's death atrived a fews days later. Was Father Ligouri actually there in spirit or is his alleged OBE explicable in terms of ESP conbined with a dissociative experience? No, unimpeacnable witnesses later verified that he was there! Superiors of the Dominican, Observatine, and Augustinian orders all later confirmed that they were with Father Ligouri as he prayed at the Pope's bedside! This is perhaps the best attested case of bilocation ever recorded.