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Message started by Morrighan on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:03pm

Title: SOB
Post by Morrighan on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:03pm
That's how he called himself in life: SOB. Sweet Old Bill.

He was a healer by design and a medical doctor by trade. And he was my father. His specialty was physical therapy, and took his degree from the Mayo Clinic in 1956.

Mention this because at this moment I am myself in physical therapy. Writing this from my bed in an assisted care facility where I recover from two full knee replacements. My original factory equipment knees were beyond their best-used-by-date owing to end stage osteoarthritis.

And I notice SOB hangs out with me when I am in P-T.

This is hardly unusual for him. I'd be very surprised if he didn't show up.

What I share here is the ease and regularity of our communication. This is hardly new for the two of us, as we have remained in communication since his own bio-exorcism in 94. He can be very insistent.

Perhaps the "knack" I hold is a family trait. Maybe. What is manifestly true is I chose to be born into a family of healing tradition. This is not the first time I have done so.

Here and there I post my own "techniques", and tips and tricks. The straight up deal, though, is I don't have any. I just look. None of which is to suggest techniques such as those pioneered by Bruce and others are without merit. They certainly work! As I restate wherever possible, it may be best to think of Hemi-Sync etc. as "training wheels". At some point we depart the safety of guided excursions and explore for ourselves! That's my take.

As SOB and I "converse", I am not in any special state. It's all eye-open, all the time, and I'm doing my physical therapy. That's hardly a break point of deep relaxation ....

Happy to respond to anything you may wish as regards how SOB and I do whatever it is we do.

Title: Re: SOB
Post by Vicky on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:59pm
Hi Morrighan,

I hope you continue to do well and feel better and to soon be back home and getting around on your own. 

I’m glad you brought this topic up as a conversation piece here.  When you mentioned it in our PMs I found it so interesting that your dad was an MD and also into healing, and pretty darn cool that you know and feel him with you.  I'm glad you are bringing it up here to chat about.

So since you invited, I’d like to know what it’s like for you to feel, know, or sense your dad’s communication.  Is it what you’d call feeling, or is it knowing, or what?  Or maybe you actually hear him??  Everything is possible.  I ought to know!  I’ve had all kinds of experiences of communication, the most awesome being when I actually hear just like physical hearing.  But I’ll take whatever I can get.  So, is SOB acting like a dad to you, is he getting on your case? LOL  Or is he giving you some pointers about PT that maybe your physical PTs aren't doing?  Nursing home PT can leave a lot to be desired.  Hopefully your are really good at what they do. 

I have a comment that’s along the same lines as your dad being with you through your physical therapy.  It makes perfect sense to me that he, as a physical therapy doctor, would of course be there with you.  When my very close friend Rob passed away, he died from some kind of rare pelvic cancer.  (I can’t remember the name of it).  Three years after Rob died of his cancer is when I was diagnosed with my colon cancer.  I can’t remember the exact time frame when Rob came to be with me through my cancer treatment, but it was probably I’d say soon after diagnosis is when I felt Rob’s presence, very very strongly.  And I mean it was that I just knew he was “with” me. 

I had of course thought of Rob often since his death because we were good friends and so close and I missed him terribly, still do.  But thinking about him and missing him and crying over him are not the same feelings as feeling his presence with me.  It was definitely a fact, to me, that he was with me.  I felt he was guiding me through my treatment, giving me his comfort and support, and to me that just had to mean I was going to be ok.  I felt confident and loved and just a general feeling of peace.  And when my treatment was over, I felt his energy presence “leave” again, so I assumed his caretaking of me was done and it was time for him to go do whatever and for me to get along on my own now that I was through it all.

Anyhow, thanks for letting me share that bit.  It’s still such a heartwarming memory for me knowing my old buddy was right by my side! 

You said you and your dad are in communication.  I didn’t have direct communication per se from Rob, or at least I can say that I wasn’t sensing it, was only feeling awareness of him and his presence.  And when you hang out with a dear friend whom you love and care about you definitely know what it feels like to be with them.  What it is is, you know what you feel like in their presence, and that’s what I felt with Rob.  The only more direct communication I got from Rob was 3 days after his death he came to me in an OBE.  I do love that I sense and feel energy though.  I feel very fortunate that it's such a strong sense. 

Title: Re: SOB
Post by Morrighan on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:05pm
Owing to the nature of our relationship, I can count multiple occasions when I told him to scram when he showed up. That's the nice way of putting it. This is not to imply any lack of love.

Which brings forward an important point I've not seen addressed in any of the afterlife exploration literature. At least not addressed directly. The best connections are by mutual agreement. Yes it is easy to reach anyone once we have the core signal. This is why we take care in protecting our - let's call it our spiritual ident. I know once I have an ident on someone the contact is instant.

For example, in the course of our teams' work my friend may ask: what do you get on Gloria Goosebump? She gives me a real name of course. And I respond with precisely what I see. Worth noting that not everyone is friendly, so a great deal of attention is to insure I am fully stealthed. A name will do, a photo, anything works for me to get an ident. Please to understand owing to my personal circumstance I am not engaged in this work right now. I am taking care of my own self first. If that work is again mine to do I will see to it then.

The belabored point is communication is best when it is consensual. On some levels I agree to talk with SOB, and he me. That's really what it's about: mutal agreements. So long as the agreements are understood to be beneficial to all parties, the show goes on. Difficulties arise when others enter my field without my consent.

This sometimes happens and must be dealt with firmly and swiftly. No means no!

There are specific techniques to deal with some sorts that always work. I've not seen them in print anywhere. The old books on spiritual self-protection I've seen over the years are wronger than a three armed fish. Like I say about throwing out the books ....

So, on to SOB. I "see" him very clearly when he shows up. Now "seeing" is one of those notions fraught with misinterpretations. How does one "see"? As I often repeat here (ad naseum) we are multidimensional field beings.

The material Bruce and others present are good starting points. There is a great deal more to be seen than comes through our retinas.

Skills acquired in meditation go a long way toward seeing. That's my experience. And I'm not talking about staring at a lava lamp under a black light poster of Elvis. However I am happy to accept all donations of lava lamps and black light posters LOL

"Eyes open" meditation works very very well. It's something advocate, which is a surprise to none here.

Bruce, RM etc describe "rotes" or "thought balls" etc. and this is a good general description. Human language in linear time is really limited, as we all are aware. "Download" is as good a description as I've encountered.

At this time I'm not telling SOB to fob off. Our relationship since his death last century has changed quite a bit, and for the better. Yes, he is a healer who happened to choose medicine as his career this time around. He has other skills too, and I'm glad we're friends.

Title: Re: SOB
Post by Subtle Traveler on Apr 12th, 2018 at 3:24pm
Hope your healing and recovery progresses quickly for you, Morrighan!

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