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Message started by Justin on Sep 26th, 2015 at 3:23pm

Title: The Cayce "Life Readings"
Post by Justin on Sep 26th, 2015 at 3:23pm
  Many years ago, i read and meditated a lot on Cayce's work.  One of the reasons why i became focused on this material, was because i was led to it after praying to be helped with a physical dis-ease that was very uncomfortable. This information helped me to deal it and re-balance the body from a focus on diet, attitude, exercise, spiritual attunement, herbs, etc--basically a very holistic process and understanding.

  Another reason why i focused on it, was because out of all the psychic works i ever looked at, i've never found one so vast and with as much verification involved. Whatever Cayce's personal lacks and Uranian extremism, his work is very much in a league of it's own--not to say it's free of error, inaccuracy, or distortion.  I don't think it's possible for a material based source to be so. He/She and resurrected Yeshua may be, but while these use what seems to be a human form, it's not quite the body experience that we have.

  For a little while i was over attached to this work, and came as close as i ever had to becoming involved in a belief system.

   Anyways, one of the things i came away with from having read many of the "Life Readings" was the relativity of advice to individuals and on the various levels physically, mentally, and spiritually.  What was constructive for one, might not be for another, and it all depended on who they were and their past.  Conversely, what was non constructive for one individual, might not be so for another individual.

  There were certain Universal things and patterns that related to spiritual truths or material trends. Of course things like kindness, compassion, the law of Like attracts and begets Like, healthy food, exercise, etc, and above all Love was focused on time and time again, but as far as material activities and personality types, there was quite a wide range. 

  I've noticed for myself, at times, having a strong dose of Fixed sign patterns in my chart, that i've tended at times to get caught up in overly fixed patterns of mind and thought.  For example, a certain conception of what it is to be "spiritual" and to live spiritually. For awhile, i had this picture in my mind of someone who only ever thought nice and positive thoughts and who only ever said nice and positive things to others, among other things. 

  I also had for a long while, a tendency towards Uranian extremes.  This would manifest in certain ways and certain activities.

  As i've grown in Love and reached a certain degree of consistency and balance (not always there) in a more consistent sense, i've realized certain things. 

Looking at Yeshua's life and example helped with this. Here was the pinnacle of attunement to Love, the very zenith that a human can reach, and yet look at the wide spectrum of interaction and activities.  He truly could be all things to all people, while being authentically and sincerely himself. 

  I don't think Yeshua was overly concerned with being a spiritual person.  My sense is that he had very high ideals, tried to live by them, and was led more by inner guidance, intuition, and Love than anything else, which led to a great spontaneity and flexibility in expression at times. At times he was quiet and passive, other times gentle or indirect, at other times implacable and non moving, and yet other times fiery, passionate, and/or verbose. 

  Another point not quite related to the above, but worthwhile to point out perhaps.  Generally speaking, we can only grow so much in a particular life.  Because we lack the larger overview of our Disk and it's total history, or our own specific other lives (if we are a repeater currently), i think we sometimes forget that this is a very broad process that spans much time and many, many experiences. 

  For most, most of the time, we more or less come in with our past development, and make little tweaks here and there to reach a better balance, a little more consistent attunement to Love, etc, basically what we call spiritual growth/development or increasing quality of consciousness.

  It's really more so "refinement" rather than great growth, though occasionally, some selves and lifetimes do break through to the next level so to speak. Conversely, some lives can involve a regressing pattern.

  So while it's helpful to focus on spiritual growth in this life, enlightenment and perfection probably shouldn't be on the radar goal. 

  Perhaps only if inner guidance has clearly and repeatedly directed self in this direction.  Even then, as recently talked about, it might be helpful and pragmatic to realize that as long as your consciousness is connected to and expressing through a human body in this dense dimension, there is only so much than can be reached and expressed. 

  One of my long time illusions was the idea of completion or enlightenment while in the body. 

  I figured if Yeshua could do it, so couldn't we.  But i missed that little part about his body dying, and him re-creating a physical form in the likeness of his body. It was a direct insertion/translation from pure Spirit to matter. 

  According to Cayce's guidance, Yeshua's Disk had done this in the past a number of times, but eventually decided on becoming fully enmeshed in the human process as to be a wayshower.

  Melchizedek, Amilius, and some others were examples of times when this Disk/Spirit directly created a human like form out of thought to interact in a way that he could be perceived by us. 

  Now, if a consciousness does that, it won't have the same limitations as having gone through the whole process of being born of a woman and all that goes along with that process. It won't have all the carnal urges, the easy to imbalance nature, etc of a true human physical body.*

  I believe conscious understanding and perception of these processes and laws, can indirectly help one's growth. Not directly though, and knowledge not lived is counted to us as greater error than that done, or not done, in ignorance. The more aware you are, the more responsibility you have. But that which we remain unconscious to, especially if it relates to a limiting aspect of self, is mighty hard to transform.

  Most direct spiritual growth or retrogression happens in relation to our choice and interactions with others. To a lesser extent relates to our choices in relation to self and how we treat the holistic self (including the body or the Temple as he sometimes called it for a reason). 


Title: Re: The Cayce "Life Readings"
Post by Justin on Sep 26th, 2015 at 3:38pm

It won't have all the carnal urges, the easy to imbalance nature, etc of a true human physical body.*

  One of the things i've gotten from guidance, and more specifically the positive ET aspect or level of my guidance system (a guidance system can include past life/Disk selves, the Disk as a whole, fully graduated selves or Disks from those distinct from us, etc) is that the human body and form is in the process of being upgraded and refined so that it can handle greater and greater degree of Love consciousness. 

  This is a very holistic and long term process.  Basically, the human species is being retrieved and on various levels. 

One aspect is having more developed/mature consciousness incarnate more often. 

  Another is improving the physical health and wellness of individual bodies and family lines. 

  Another is positive E.T.'s making tweaks to our genetics. 

  And another is the general awakening that is going on. The more who collectively speed up the vibratory rate of our bodies by choosing to attune to Love more and more, the easier it will become for all. 

  Eventually, the average human form will not be as dense and slow vibratory.  Eventually, the average human form will be at a more like frequency with the expanded levels of consciousness, making it easier and more harmonious to express very expanded consciousness through the physical. 

  Such future humans will seem to be able to more easily express that which we might call "enlightenment" or "completion" within and from a human form.


Title: Re: The Cayce "Life Readings"
Post by Justin on Sep 26th, 2015 at 4:05pm
According to Cayce's guidance, much pre-work went into trying to create a proper, fit physical vehicle for Yeshua's Soul to connect to.  One that would allow greater Light to be shone through.

  The Essene's were a big part of this. This group was originally created by Elijah and another "prophet" type, whom wanted to keep a group of people going more dedicated to spiritual growth and attunement in general, and also with the purpose of co-creating a proper channel (Like attracts and begets Like) for the prophesied about Messiah to enter in.

  So they lived materially simple lives focused on community, prayer/meditation, strict living, vegetarian diet, etc.  In each generation, they chose some of the young girls to go through a more rigorous and strict process of attunement in hopes that they would conceive the fit channel for the Messiah.   

  Then, not only that, but Cayce's guidance confirms that Miriam's Mother, Anna, became pregnant with Miriam without copulation with a man (ET influence?).  Then later, Miriam also became pregnant without copulation with a man, which Cayce's guidance indicated was a different process than what happened with Anna.  In Miriam's case, her unusual spiritual attunement, along with Yeshua's Soul focusing on her, quickened/sparked the material life within her.

Despite the centuries of work, even his form, as more advanced and balanced than most of ours, was not able to fully allow pure expression through same. 

  So much of this probably sounds unbelievable or overly out there to many.  Yet, i know that positive E.T.'s are involved with tweaking the genetics of some bodies, as this happened to my Mom around the time she became pregnant with me. My Mom was a very trustworthy, honest person.

  I believe this process collectively, is what may lead to what Monroe and others have seen for humanity's probable future and the super evolved humans they observed.  The kind of humans could manifest physical reality out of thought, whom didn't age, or get sick, whom were extremely aware psychically, etc.

   Out of all the time frames that i've seen (Howard Storms couple of hundred years, etc), i think Monroe's is probably most accurate.  I think it's probable that it's going to take at least about a thousand years for this to develop materially in a more collective sense. 



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