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Message started by Justin on Aug 2nd, 2015 at 2:23pm

Title: Different ways of receiving & translating guidance
Post by Justin on Aug 2nd, 2015 at 2:23pm
I've noticed that in my observations of men and women, that there tends to be some innate, average differences between men and women in different ways than the obvious, outer physical differences. 

   I've noticed that women tend to be more intune with empathy and their feelings as compared to men.  Perhaps not surprisingly, there are a lot more women than men that readily accept spiritual and/or nonphysical reality.  Women, tend to be more consciously intuitive then men.

   Often when men get into this whole spiritual or nonphysical thing, they need a lot of effects and to borrow Albert's phrase, "bells and whistles" to really believe in the experience and the validity of same.  In short, men tend to need to be hit over the head with a 2X4 as compared to women.

  Even if they don't need classic OBE's, like Bob Monroe did, they might need other slightly more subtle but still overt "signs" like seeing something, having a waking dream, etc. 

  My experience is that none of this is necessary. There is a part of us, which i relate to our Heart and so called Crown centers both metaphorically and actually in the body, that can just know/receive info in a feeling, intuitive, knowing way.  I call this our intuitive capacity and perception.  My sense is that this is the one perceptive sense that we have always had, way before any involvement in these different projected/illusionary realities like the physical, astral, etc. 

   Think about it, before there was any concrete projected form and structure, how could and would one navigate and differentiate between different consciousnesses and levels?  One would feel and experience them than perceiving them 'visually', audibly, etc.  If i came across another individualized consciousness, i could feel certain things about them, which i now would have to put into human like terms, like It feels more like a he, he feels warm, caring, loving, he feels expanded or he feels closed, not open to others, etc

   I've experienced a pretty wide gamut of receiving and translating info and guidance, everything from a classic OBE, to "seeing" visuals, to having waking dreams, regular dreams, etc,. 

  Yet, for some reason, the guidance system that i'm connected to, seems to nudge me in the direction of developing and focusing on my intuition the most.  Sometimes, if i'm just not getting important info/data at all, or well, i will receive/translate it in a more obvious or overt way, like getting an image during meditation, having a dream, etc.

  Because men, as a general, have such a hard time receiving info via intuition themselves, they tend not to trust it or recognize it as a valid means of receiving info and guidance.  After all, if it doesn't have the effects and bells and whistles, it's probably not all that "real".   ;)

   In reality, it may be a more direct and less prone to distortion way of receiving/translating info and guidance.

   I will not say "better", because the form and method is not so much important as the eventual effects on a person and their consciousness. There are many ways to come to bigger picture truth.  And, psychologically, some folks, especially many men, just need these more obvious and overt ways of perceiving and interaction with nonphysical and/or spiritual reality.  Otherwise, they won't be convinced that such things are real.

  Though i'm in a male body, i think it was different for me, partly because from a young age, i was VERY inward focused. For about the first 20 years of my life, i was so quiet and inward focused that i appeared to be moderately autistic to a lot of people. 

  Material things, places, etc, never much appealed to me. Relationships/people, my inner imagination and inner world, etc were much stronger focuses than all the normal or typical things that boys and young men get into like cars and various things and outer stuff.

Even now, compared to my spouse, i'm more noticeably  inward focused than she.  She is obsessed with traveling, loves to go different places, see different things, etc and has a great memory for direction and places as compared to me.  When i travel, i could care less about all that stuff, and it's the people i meet and the relationships i build that are much more important and a a focus. Plus, i could take or leave it to begin with.  I go more to make her happy than anything, though i would say in a detached sense i do enjoy traveling. 

  I've always felt very intune and in touch with my inner feminine side, and in the last 7 years especially, feel more and more like a blend of a man and woman.  It's hard to epxlain this.  I don't dress up as a woman and all that outer stuff, it's completely an inner thing, but i can relate very well to women and seem to understand them better than many men, especially if they are more balance and integrated too. 

   I also started off hyper empathic.  When i was little, i had so much empathy, and was so open, that it was very painful.  When my parents asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up, when i was 4 i told them, and insistently for awhile so i was told, that i wanted to be, and would be a "doctor" to everyone, everywhere, and would always be there for anyone who needed help. It was because i could feel so much suffering around me, and i was very aware of the screwed upness/suffering of the larger world too. 

    I didn't mean i literally wanted to be a doctor, but it was the best thing that to my 4 yr old mind, that translated to helping relieve suffering of others unconditionally. After all, doctors will treat anyone regardless of who they are and what they were like  A little while later, i had these thoughts and feelings of wanting to be friends with everyone in the world. I was never well accepted by my peers, and often made to feel less than, because in many ways i was fundamentally different.

   Anyways, there are some different ways of receiving, and many ways of translating info from beyond the physical.

  As one detaches from the material, and starts to increasingly live that truth of, "To be in the world, but not OF it", then one needs less and less in one's face type experiences and ways of translating info.  More and more one comes to automatically know/feel what's relatively truth or not truth and to the degree. 

  One can get to the point, where when one hears, reads, or just even comes across an outer source, like a book or what not, one can intuitively know the degree of range of spiritual attunement or not of such an outer source.

   Many of the most popular sources that i come across nowadays, don't strike me as particularly expanded, balanced, clear, or accurate.  Sometimes they talk a good talk, but often something just feels off in general and various aspects seem limited.  In color, metaphorical terms, the outer sources that most ring my expanded truth bells, tend to have a lot of violet, Golden, and White light in connection with them.  The more towards the expanded truth and truly Love attuned, the more towards the Golden, and especially White Light they feel.

  I've become very discriminating about outer sources based on these experiences. However, i'm not so extreme or arrogant to think or say to self, "well i can't learn anything from anyone else, so i will just ignore all outer sources".

After all, it's been my experience with this whole guidance process, that sometimes guidance will nudge self in direction of certain outer sources.  I was definitely led to Cayce, Monroe, McKnight, and some other outer sources by guidance and/or my expanded self. 

  It's not a black and white process by any means.  And no person is an island or rock, we are all truly completely interconnected and One, which means at different times we are all sometimes teachers and students, though some tend more to the teacher and some tend more to the student as a trend.  Like many things in life, it's about balance and integration.

  Most people would not know or accept if another like Yeshua was among them, unless they provided obvious proofs and "miracles".  Even though Yeshua did a lot of miracles, a lot of people still didn't listen to him very well or consistently.  A lot of people disliked him, and some to the point where all they could think of was getting rid of him. 

  As he said, most humans much prefer the darkness they are accustomed to, rather than the pure Light. 



Title: Re: Different ways of receiving & translating guidance
Post by recoverer on Aug 3rd, 2015 at 11:55am
I agree that intuition is important. Even though I've spoken of receiving messages from guidance, most of the time they don't answer my questions. In fact, nowadays, I hardly ever ask them questions.

Why? Well, my intuition tells me that such guidance believes that I should learn to use and trust my intuition more than I do. Such guidance does provide its perspectives at times, when I don't ask. For example, they might provide a clue of what's blocking me.

I agree that women tend to be better at the intuition thing than men. Men get into being macho and intellectual. Sometimes they like to think of themselves as "independent" spiritual warriors, even when they receive more help than they are willing to admit.  Often, they aren't as empathetic as women (even though an intuitive ex-girlfriend told me that there are these new young men who are empathetic like women).

When I meditate my mind doesn't do me a lot of good. What works is to tune into my heart and open up to love. When I feel divine love and peace, it doesn't feel like something I would think about.

P.S. The bells and whistles phrase isn't mine.

Title: Re: Different ways of receiving & translating guidance
Post by Justin on Aug 3rd, 2015 at 1:32pm

Sometimes they like to think of themselves as "independent" spiritual warriors

  Very apt description and way of putting it. Besides my observations, some of the psychological studies done on the average differences between women and men are fascinating.  It seems that the female body in general, is definitely more wired for empathy. 

   There are definitely exceptions to the rule, i've met a few women here and there who were anything but empathic.

  I've met a few men here and there that were very empathy attuned.  Having met Bruce and you a couple times in person, i would say that you both seem pretty empathy attuned for men. I know i have spoken critically to and of Bruce somewhat recently (regarding the E.T. issue), but i really do have a lot of respect and admiration for him.

   Do you know who coined the phrase "bells and whistles"? 

Title: Re: Different ways of receiving & translating guidance
Post by recoverer on Aug 3rd, 2015 at 2:27pm
I don't know who coined that phrase.

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