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Message started by Alan McDougall on May 8th, 2014 at 11:08am

Title: Revist Altered Statres of Consciousness Updated.
Post by Alan McDougall on May 8th, 2014 at 11:08am
An altered state of consciousness

Altered states of Consciousness (Not drug induced!)

While in an altered state of consciousness I had revelations about how poorly we understood our bodies or what a great, potential, extremely precise instrument of amazing sensitivity it could become, if we really learned how to utilize it to its full power, as the great gift it is from the Divine, who put our souls in this body in this transient vehicle, for us to occupy, in the brief time we get to exist as mortal beings on planet earth.

Our brains are as far as we know, are the most complex material thing in the physical universe, but in reality we should include in that statement that the whole human body is the most complex material living entity, because in reality it should be thought of as one great unit, a composite entity of interconnected, integrated, communicating aware living cells.

Our bodies the total of the brain/mind/ body/soul and spirit is in reality our composite greater being, which consists of our physical parts and our infinite eternal soul and spirit. Our human bodies were created by God for us to use as one composite entity as one amazing instrument of interconnected cells, that constantly communicate with each other by countless means, in various ways, from different sources, both from the outside physical world around us, and from the inner world that makes up our unique awareness's in order to maintain its balance as one harmonious whole.

The body is really an instrument of untapped and potentially, unimaginable sensitivity and precision. However, to achieve the advanced state of continual heighten awareness with our bodies, as was the intention of its creator and maker, namely God, we must learn how this truly amazing biological machine could be used, if it were brought together by the brain as one combined thinking aware entity.

Our bodies are similar in some ways to an insect swarm , but instead of thousand little separate entities/insects, our bodies are a composite biological machine of closely connected and integrated cells, each one be they in the brain or within the body has its own particular purpose and function that contribute to the unity of entire single entity that we humans live, breath and sustain our being all the days of our mortal lives on planet earth.

During the altered state of consciousness, I became aware of the fact that my entire physical body was one great thinking mind and began to really utilize all of its senses, instead of just those that originated from the brains neurons, connections and synapses. In this state of amplified awareness I became aware of a much greater intensity and vibrancy of colors, some unlike those I had ever noticed before, that were beautiful never normally observed.

My entire body became like one great eye perceiving with all its cells you like. Everything, began to blaze with high definition dimensions of, colors dazzling and beautiful. While looking out at my normal average garden, I saw in the heightened state awareness, that all the flowers had begun to shimmer, glisten, sparkle, gleam with living light of a beautiful million hues and shades, and that all things living or even the inorganic, had unique harmonious , melodious and very pleasant musical vibrations, in reality every object in creation is constantly broadcasting the music and songs of the universe, like one great eternal symphony, the masterpiece of Gods creation.

By this time I knew that I had gone around most of my life partially deaf , blind the true beauty and reality that surrounded me and that I had perceived but a tiny portion of the real world around me, just enough to get by but nothing more , to exist in what we call called normal life. Because our ears are constantly battered by noises for which they were not designed, most of the beauty of sound is missed by us While in deep meditation I experimented in the quite of a peaceful night letting the peaceful velvet dark cover me in the dark night, I began to learn to hear sounds which were like the singing of a trillion voices, from some distant source, joined together quietly, in strange plaintive songs, within what might have been a heavenly host.

Everything vibrated at its own particular frequency one could see that music had colors , that sounds had fragrance, that touch had sound, that music had taste and touch. The whole body as one entity, absorbed and absorbed the exhilarating vibrations of life, much more vivid, more intensely more, protracted and profound than the normal grey by comparison our dim world normally perceived around us, dim perception evolved into a blazing wonder of the beauty total reality, we hardly ever see during our life times.

It was during these moments, that I came to realize that I had never come even remotely aware and knowing of what a truly almost infinite precise instrument a human's whole body really was. It is not only the brain that perceives reality, it each cell is individual aware part of my body. Our bodies should be utilized like one composite entity. Then even in this material realm of ours we can make a heaven on earth albeit, momentarily.

In this heightened state of awareness it is possible to see everything in the minutest detail, things that were in the past simply overlooked or just shrugged off as an unimportant where now messages and information of which we are unaware of in a normal state of consciousness. Who knows it might be possible to plug into the universe at large while like this and join the stars with the song of creation.

If we were to learned how to utilize the amazing precise sensory organ that is our entire body it would be possible, this state of awareness, to stand still and hear the chirp of a billion birds which are as quantum particles flashing in the mind of God. They sing the song of existence and creation and we are deaf to their beautiful song and its real meaning.

Learning to use the whole body, as one great sensory instrument, one could perceive things that normally go completely unnoticed. Looking carefully with all our combined bodily senses it is possible to read the messages from the things in the world at large and out far into the greater cosmos at large.

Perception of things as minute as a vibrating electron, or the great hiss of the expanding universe, glimpses of the past, present and future, come into the realms of possibility.

If we tried to observe with great care, using all our senses we would see everything, taste, smell, feel, hear, breathe, and see as well as our better all use our innate psychic intuitive abilities.

Objects like a rock or brick vibrated with images and sounds if we would only put our hands on them and patiently wait. Everything around one contains information or memories if you like.

Then almost nothing would overtake us as a complete surprise as we become one with all existence and hear the song of creation all around usual the time.

Plants radiated outward in a different manner to those of animal life they are more like a huge being encompassing the entire planet earth. Insects had tiny points of awareness's and a swarm could radiate as much thought energy as a single human or more

There were times when I had to retreat in shock and horror from the dark bleak rage and hate that spewed out of the minds of depraved entities, some alien, some human and some demonic, that sometimes entered my mind. It is a protracted learning process to filter them out the bad and evil and to accept and embrace all that is beautiful and loving about our beautiful blue water planet

What is out in our unimaginable universe and could be a sort of interconnected Super-mind, something like a sentient living internet embracing the galaxy, or even the entire universe, this is an exciting idea, because it would lead to instant communication across the boundless vastness of the cosmos, instead of the snail pace of the light speed barrier .

In the most heightened state of interconnected awareness of the body, mind, soul, spirit, which is really our true selves of total memories, would finally be able to truly merge with the Super- Consciousness, and expand with it to embrace the total cosmos, in such unimaginable exhilaration that the finite mind or self would embrace all of existence.

Then might we not see and understood everything, just like God does, albeit for just one tiny glorious infinitesimal tiny moment, of course we will always reverted back to self and retained our own unique identities, because we are not God, but his creation and his children if we love him, respect him and avoid as far as possible to act out evil or keep depravity from our minds.

Love is the only Infinite Inexhaustible source of power, use it wisely and you could shirt the universe.

Best Regards Alan

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