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Message started by a channel on Aug 26th, 2013 at 12:13am

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by a channel on Aug 26th, 2013 at 12:13am
Did some more research and found out that the article was blatantly inaccurate.  The video was still interesting and worth watching though, but i've decided to delete my first post too since it was partially based on that article. 

  I will just say more briefly, that my Twin Soul and i have received information from guidance indicating that the Sun is very much a "wild card" and may possibly become very active in the near future.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Rondele on Aug 26th, 2013 at 2:41pm
Your guidance guy must work for NOAA.  They are predicting much the same thing.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by a channel on Dec 16th, 2013 at 2:42pm
  A very interesting development, and something to keep our eyes on in relation to the changes that many sources have referenced. 

  I was redirected by guidance back to Dr. Paul LaViolette, a systems scientist with a strong emphasis on astronomy, astrophysics, physics, and Consciousness.  While being a hard scientist, he is not a conventional, mainstream thinker.  In fact, in many ways would be considered radical.

   Anyways, one of the interesting things happening right now, is the astronomical observation of the G2 Cloud which as we speak is being pulled into the Galactic Core.  To the best calculations of astrophysicists, the closest approach should be around April or so. 

   Most astronomers, astrophysicists, etc. don't think it's anything more than a cool show.  But based on his research, Dr. LaViolette believes it may be a lot more important and affecting than that. 

Because of the behavior and traits of this dust cloud, he thinks it's very probable that there is a Star occluded within this dust cloud, and since most Stars in most systems are actually binary, it's likely that there are two Stars within the cloud. 

   If this is the case, then he thinks it's very likely that these Stars can add enough matter to energy reaction to the Galactic Core, exciting it to it's active phase which he has done a lot of research on such past cycles which the major ones happen about once every 13, 000 years, the semi major ones happen about every 6000 years, and then there are little hiccups which happen roughly about every 500 years. 

  For us, it's been 13, 000 years since the last major one, and about 700 years since a minor one.  These leave their traces in ice core samples, tree rings, etc.  In other words, we are over due for a major outburst, and even over due for a minor one. 

   What's developing now, may be the tipping point.  In reality, this actually happened some 25, 000 years ago and we are now just observing it physically.  This is because the Galactic Core is about 25,000 or so light years away from us. 

  Well enough intro, here's a couple very worthwhile links to worthwhile interviews relating to all this.

  In the above, skip ahead to minute 16 to start to get to the good stuff relating to the above.  Note that Paul towards the end, gives a clue to the kind of man he is...he subtly hints at the supreme importance of Love.

  The below is an older interview, but more detailed, with the interviewers asking better questions.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by recoverer on Dec 16th, 2013 at 7:05pm
Thank you Justin. I can't look at those links while at work.  The next time I use my home computer I'll check them out. Not certain when that'll be since I don't usually feel like turning on my computer when I arrive home from work.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by a channel on Dec 17th, 2013 at 1:03am
  Your welcome. 

Re: LaViolette's work, there is A LOT of info in connection with same, and without prior exposure, it might be a bit overwhelming. 

  I have and have read his excellent book, "Earth Under Fire" so lot of the concepts in the interviews are pretty familiar.   

  What's interesting to me about Paul is that despite being a scientist, he has been fairly open about some of his own spiritual experiences. 

    One example, when he was developing the theory for galactic superwaves (or perhaps it was with another of his theories), he had a vivid dream wherein we was with a group of very mature/aware/wise beings and they were basically telling him good job for figuring things out.

  More personally and intuitionally speaking, he strikes me as a very mature, service type consciousness. 

  Note, i don't agree with everything he says.  For example, he says that Atlantis is an allegorical teaching myth, well i happen to be fairly sure it was a real ancient civilization.  He also doesn't support crustal shifts, which i think do happen.  He cites evidence of the ice cores showing that the polar regions have been covered in ice for very long periods of time. 

   I happen to think that crustal shifts come in two types.  The pretty much complete 180 rotation kind, and then very tiny shifts of a degree or so both of which would still correlate to the physical evidence of ice cores in the polar regions.  Note that in McKnight's work, during her future probability forays, she observes at one point that in the future it seems as if the north and south poles had switched places. 

    Cayce's guidance also talks about such crustal shifts, but doesn't specify just how much and how fast these shift when they do (but outlined it happened a number of times in the further past). 

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by recoverer on Dec 23rd, 2013 at 9:08pm
I listened to the first video. It's hard for me to say anyting for certain at this point, because I know very little about astrophysics and don't have a basis for discriminating what Paul says.

It is also a matter of what he's saying being new to me. What he says is so significant, I don't believe it is something most people will be able to completely accept right away. Not unless they already have some background with the subject matter.

I basically get a good feeling from him.

When I get a chance I'll read and hear some more. If his predictions are correct, then they "could" be true in the near future. I said "could" above because on the one hand he speaks of April 2014, on the other hand he might've referred to a range of years that isn't as specific. I'm not certain about this.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by a channel on Dec 24th, 2013 at 3:35am
  Just want to clarify a few things.

  He is not making any concrete predictions for the near future.  What he has said is that IF there are two large bodies within the dust cloud, then there is a higher probability of these exciting the Galactic Core into an active state.

   Because of the behavior of the cloud, it seems likely that there is at least one Star in the cloud.  But, one Star might not be enough.  Many Star systems are actually binary though--hence it's somewhat probable that there are two Stars within it. 

  Also, April is the best guesstimate time as of now, that the G2 cloud will make it's closest approach to the Galactic Core.   These estimates are in flux some as it nears. 

     Even if this is fully accurate, he mentioned that it might take a month or so after the closest approach for something to happen IF there are two large bodies in the dust cloud, etc. 

  So, we're potentially looking at May, or perhaps even June if something significant were to develop, and when it might affect us. 

  But really, it's quite up in the air. 

  His other general prediction is a little more of a prediction.  He predicts that there is about a 90% probability that a Galactic Core explosion/super wave will happen within the next 400 years. 

This is based on all of his research of the past events, and that there are definite cycles and patterns that emerge, and we are over due for both a major and a minor event at this point. 

  As an aside, he thinks that the western zodiac is originally based on a system developed by ancients to encode and pass down certain important information. 

For one example, it's really interesting and coincidental that the Galactic Core is in between the stinger of the Scorpius constellation and the arrow of the Sagittarius constellation. 

  It's almost like the ancients that designed the zodiac constellations were trying to put a big sign in the sky saying, "hey, look in this direction, something important." 

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by a channel on Jan 13th, 2014 at 2:48pm
  An update. 

Apparently LaViolette's theory about the G2 cloud containing at least one Star is looking more and more accurate and very probable. 

  Here is the recent update about this:

  If we pass through June without an incident, then i think we're likely in the clear.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by recoverer on Jan 13th, 2014 at 7:08pm
I'm at work now, so I read a bit. I printed it out so I can read later.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Apr 27th, 2014 at 1:35pm
  Hi All,

  I'm just dropping in to give an update from Dr. LaViolette regarding the G2 cloud and potential Galactic Core outburst.  I still don't plan to post (unless there anymore important updates for this thread), but i do occasionally check and read the site some.  I thought this was important to post if anyone has been following this at all.  Personally, i will be on alert from June to end of August, whatever Dr. LaViolette says or doesn't say--there are too many variables we don't have full knowledge of here.

   Anyways, here is the update, and it regards his initial timing, wherein he apparently didn't take into account the increasing velocity of the G2 cloud rounding the Galactic Core, hence the likely increased time it would take for a possible companion body to be pulled out of the G2 cloud and into the Core. 

Dr. Paul LaViolette wrote, "I have revised my calculations to take into account that the primary star is estimated to be traveling at around 6300 kilometers per second as it rounds the core at epicenter. If we assume that G2 is 200 AU from the core at epicenter and figuring the gravitational pull of the core at this distance (0.07 g), it will take some time for this pull to counter the companion’s orbital momentum and redirect it inward. A rough estimate predicts that it will take about 4.5 months from its separation from the primary star when G2 is at epicenter. So counting from April 1st, this implies that the companion could plunge toward the core and possibly impact the core around mid August, 2014. Previously, I had incorrectly figured 2 – 3 weeks for the infall time, an estimate that failed to take into account G2′s high tangential velocity as it circles the core. So for at least the next 3 months it is likely that not much will be happening in terms of emissions from the core. Thereafter we should be alert."

   I probably should add that Paul had a very interesting,  somewhat recent synchronistic meeting when he was traveling in Italy.  He visited a Russian Orthodox Church while there, and met a Bishop there who is clairvoyant, and has had people attest to his abilities.  Paul was receiving a reading from the Bishop on the health of one of his family members when during the middle of the reading, he suddenly asked Paul what he thought of the possibility of something like a meteorite, but not a meteorite, coming to the Earth soon? 

  He was introduced to the Bishop from the interpreter only as a scientist who works in the field of physics and astronomy, and the Bishop didn't know anything specific of his work.  Anyways, the Bishop said that this event would have a catastrophic affect though it wouldn't actually be a meteorite but that something from space is headed here.

  Paul started to explain to him about his research into Galactic Superwaves, and the Bishop indicated that is similar to what he has seen coming.  He said that in July or August, there would be signs of something happening that would lend credence to Paul's theories. 

But the Bishop also said that the most dangerous time wouldn't occur till November and December period--he described a conflagration that will occur.  Interestingly, this corresponds to a time period when the Galactic Core will be lined up with the Sun with the Earth directly opposite both.  It was like the Bishop was seeing a strong wind or force from behind the Sun pushing Solar Fire and energy into the Earth.  Notably, he saw all this red stuff in relation to same (i find this very interesting as i've been show "red skies").   

  If the Bishops visions are more or less accurate, then it seems that it's likely that the initial Galactic Core outburst will happen in July or August or so--that will possibly knock out many satellites and electrical grid systems, but that the really intense part of this will occur during the alignment of the Galactic Core with the Sun and the Earth directly opposite of same (starts in late November and reaches exact alignment December 17). 

  If the latter event does happen, caves or somewhere underground would be the best place to be for that time period because of the intense heat and noxious gases produced.  I think the Padre's visions are important to pay attention too, especially in lieu of the synchronicity with Paul and his work, and his warnings about the G2 cloud possibly exciting the Galactic Core into an active state, but i don't agree 100 percent with same, especially not this part, "Padre Avontios said that for three years thick clouds will cause darkness to cover the Earth.  As a result after six months all vegetation will be gone and after one year animal life will be dead."

  I don't think it will be or has to be that intense or for that long.  I think even for a very well attuned person, that it's hard to get everything 100 percent accurate, especially with timing when it comes to perceiving the nonphysical or future time stuff.  However, i do take the late November through December warning seriously, as one of my dreams about the changes i was told that at some point i would have to go to caves. 

  If you want to read the non abbreviated version here is a link:

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Apr 27th, 2014 at 1:37pm
Forget that you can't post a link right away when you first sign up, but have to post 3 posts without a link.  So the link will be after my next post. 

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Apr 27th, 2014 at 1:39pm
Last "normal post", link will be in the next post. 

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Apr 27th, 2014 at 1:40pm
Here is the link i was talking about earlier:

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by recoverer on Apr 27th, 2014 at 4:29pm

When you talk about "when" things will happen in the core, are you talking about when we perceive them, rather than when they actually happened? I say this with the thought that it would take many years before we could see what happened at the Core, if we consider factors such as the speed of light.

I wonder if there could be some sort of divine intervention.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Apr 27th, 2014 at 7:19pm

recoverer wrote on Apr 27th, 2014 at 4:29pm:

When you talk about "when" things will happen in the core, are you talking about when we perceive them, rather than when they actually happened? I say this with the thought that it would take many years before we could see what happened at the Core, if we consider factors such as the speed of light.

   Yes, i'm talking about as we are perceiving now.  In reality, what we are perceiving now really happened some 25, 000 years ago. That is because the Galactic Core is about 25,000 or so light years in distance from us, and the Galactic Superwave travels at about the speed of light. 

  LaViolette postulates that there is likely a gravity wave which accompanies same that travels at first slightly faster than the rest of the wave--if so, it's likely to arrive a couple of days or so before the rest of the radiation does. 

I wonder if there could be some sort of divine intervention.

   My sense is that the Galactic Superwave itself will not have an intervention at this point.  Guidance has told me soon and get prepared, as if something is going to happen no matter what.

  However, when i first read about the Padre's visions and his meeting with Dr. LaViolette, i decided to tune in a bit.  What i got was that the conflagration event does not have to happen--that there could be some intervention. 

  My sense is that how humanity responds to the initial collapse will determine if the conflagration part will come some months after the initial collapse. 

  Say most countries lose most of their electricity and modern based conveniences in June, July, or August.  Obviously this will be a big deal to most countries, especially to those people in so called first world countries.  Getting food, drinkable water, etc will be priorities. 

  If the slight majority of people work together in a positive way for the benefit of all concerned, then i think come November and December when the conflagration could happen, there would likely be intervention. 

    If the majority of people turn to mostly selfishness at the expense of others, then i don't think an intervention will occur.  Divine forces could have intervened at Sodom and Gomorrah but didn't because it had become so negative and beyond bestial there (and despite what fundamentalists spout, it had little to do with homosexuality in and of itself--but it had more to do with roving gangs of people, going around and raping anything that moved.  They even tried that with the angelic messengers that appeared as winsome men that came to warn Lot and his family about the coming destruction, but these messengers had unusual abilities such as inflicting temporary blindness to get away.  There were also other issues going on.  They were more or less a hopeless case, and so only Lot and his family were warned and the event was allowed).

  But yes, my strong sense is that the collapse itself will happen no matter what.  Whether or not the Fiery conflagration will occur--that i think remains to be seen.  I would like to think that it could be averted, that the majority of people who survive the initial first few months or so of the collapse will rise up in a more positive and united way.  But no one, not even Source or the Planning Intelligence can predict how humans will respond. 


Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by recoverer on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:51pm
If the event has already happened at the Core, perhaps somebody can do some remote viewing of it. Not that remote viewing is always trustworthy.

I haven't dabbled in RV, but perhaps I'll give it a try in this case.

Title: What a roller coaster ride
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Jul 13th, 2014 at 11:43pm
  For a little while up until recently, Paul was saying that it seems chances are that a Galactic Core Superwave has become a less likely occurrence than he previously thought. 

  However, the last major observation of the Galactic Core by astronomers with serious, professional equipment, on June 30th, indicates strongly that the former orbital calculation made about a year or so ago, is off and that the G2 Cloud still has not reached it's closest approach to the Galactic Core. 

    Remember earlier estimates were approx. April + or - a few weeks or so.  Since the latest observation shows that the G2 cloud is still red shifted and relatively compact in nature, they surmise that it's still hasn't reached it's closest approach. 

  Hence, Paul is just recently saying that it's still anybody's game at this point and there is still potential for something to develop.  (Again, in physical reality terms, if something happened, it actually happened some 25, 000 or so years ago, and is just arriving to us now).

  I'm still keeping in mind Padre Avondios's clairvoyant visions of July/August for being when things start to develop. 

  Possibly related is the following: Some years ago, around 2009 or so, my also rather intuitive wife had an interesting dream where in the dream she was curious about a future anniversary type date of ours, Sept. 22. She came upon a scroll, which had this date and a future year (all i can remember is it was sometime in the decade of 2010, and she strongly thinks it was 2014 but i'm not 100% sure), the scroll opened up, and a knowing voice read from same, saying something like, at this date, many will be very hungry and vegetarians will have to hunt in order to survive. (We happen to eat mostly vegetarian).
I figure the average, non prepper, household has about a month or so food stored wherein if they ration, they will not experience severe hunger or rather true starvation. Most relatively healthy and not super skinny people, with access to clean drinking water, can easily go a month or so without any food and survive (the more fat reserves you have the longer you can survive).

However, if something happens in August to shut down most of the power grid, etc, then i expect that panic and pseudo hunger to start taking place in the masses by that date of September 22nd.

  I know, the huge majority of you don't take any of this seriously at all, and i'm mostly wasting my breath in a manner of speaking.  It's almost always been this way during these kinds of cycles of great change/transition, and i've been present at a number of them that i know of and done a similar forewarning gig.  Que Sera Sera and all that.

Forgot earlier, a link:

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by seagull on Jul 15th, 2014 at 9:58am
When a source continues to "move the date" ahead there is no credibility. Prediction fails, imho.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Jul 15th, 2014 at 12:29pm

seagull wrote on Jul 15th, 2014 at 9:58am:
When a source continues to "move the date" ahead there is no credibility. Prediction fails, imho.

This is an astromical event observing an object pretty far away from us. To some extent, we have to rely on science and their observations and calculations regarding this, unless we get something psychically and as far as that goes, all i've really been told at this point is that their is something to Dr. LaViolettes and Padre Avondios's warnings.

Science so far has been pushing back the dates as far as their observations and calculations as more becomes known.  Meanwhile Padre Avondios never agreed with their prior estimates and has been saying July and August.  I shared his info back in April and still think it holds true, even though originally I was looking as early as June as a possibility.

BTW, interesting take from someone who likes Seth, a source with absolutely no verifiable credibility and the past historical info given often completely inaccurate yet you think that source has credibility? 

Much harder to get future predictions accurately since the future is often in flux as far as exact  timing, as compared to looking at past events which is easy in comparison.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by seagull on Jul 15th, 2014 at 1:29pm
There are many people in this world promoting fear-based scenarios, as there have always been. It is fair to state my opinion on it, and that is enough said. I will now continue my silence until this new deadline has come and gone and absolutely nothing happens.

(I won't dignify your remark about "Seth" nor your imaginative comments regarding my likes or dislikes. Such comments serve no purpose.)

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Jul 16th, 2014 at 1:27am

seagull wrote on Jul 15th, 2014 at 1:29pm:
There are many people in this world promoting fear-based scenarios, as there have always been. It is fair to state my opinion on it, and that is enough said....

   Fear based?  What is there to fear about this?  Physical challenge, possible transition to the nonphysical (the latter sounds like a true "vacation" to me)??  It's you and some others who choose to "fear" these possibilities because it's not easy or comfortable for one's body.  Outer events are neither bad nor good, full of fear or not, in and of themselves, but only by their long term affects on our consciousnesses, especially in relation to spiritual growth can and should we truly "judge" them.   This is why you and most do not receive much information directly about it, because of fear, you block it out.  Others more receptive with less fear, then have to become communicators about it to sow seeds.

   Might as well "fear" being incarnated as a human to begin with as judged from the above conditions of experiencing challenge, possibly bodily discomfort/pain, or "death".   

  If someone was riding in your car, someone more knowledgeable about car and car maintenance than yourself and they felt or heard something in relation to your car that you weren't aware of, and they told you, "hey, you might want to have this or that part checked out, could be an issue." would you resent them and tell them that they were trying to facilitate fear?

   Some might call that trying to be helpful and pragmatic since we do find ourselves connected to physical bodies in a physical world and most likely for good reasons.

  There is a part of me that doesn't want anything like a collapse to happen, because i know it won't be easy for others i care about or myself, so i can understand some of these kinds of reactions and projections. 

   There is a part of me, a stronger part, that does want it to happen, because like a lot of NDE'ers and some others with direct future glimpses or experience, i see an amazing, beautiful, healthy, and collectively happy future probability for humanity and the Earth after the break down happens.  That part of me very much wants to see this collective spiritual attunement and happiness to take place.

   It's akin to the old teaching of not putting new wine into old wine skins.  The civilization we live in, and especially the people with the most material influence and power in same, are rather sick/imbalanced, and blocking the awakening/healing that is trying to blossom.  It's gotten to the point where the old needs to crumble before the new can arise in it's fullness. 

This part of me, or awareness, knows that any intense challenge in the short term, is more than worth it for the long term effects and spiritual development...hmm kind of like that part of me that decided to incarnate again even though another part of self thought, "well, this isn't going to be easy...but it's worth it."

I will now continue my silence until this new deadline has come and gone and absolutely nothing happens.

  That is very well a possibility.  I am not 100% absolutely certain about this event, let alone the timing, and certainly Dr. Paul LaViolette is not saying that something will definitely happen because of the G2 cloud approach to the Galactic Core.  All he is doing is saying that there is a definite possibility that something could happen based on his unique research into Galactic Core energetic events, his unique understanding of physics (he has developed his own theory of physics called "sub quantum kinetics"), etc.

  If one has that awareness and sincerely believes this and does not even try to facilitate awareness for others so that others beside the "elite", with their extensive underground bunkers, huge amount of stored/protected resources, etc, etc, can have a fighting chance, then they are far worse than fear mongerers, they are cowards, they have no sense of responsibility and only care about self and care over much about self's social image.  I mean, after all, it must be "fun" looking like the crazy guy telling people the end is extremely nigh?

  Now, if Dr. LaViolette or i were saying the above, and didn't really believe it, or more over was trying to materially profit from it in some way, then we would be even worse than the above.  While this has been true many times in human history with many others, that is not the case here, there is no special club, no give us some money so we will tell you more of a secret, exact timing, etc, etc,. 

   Say something does happen by the end of August or close to same, and say your posts here were enough to convince some readers on the fence that absolutely no preparations or awareness was necessary, how do you think you will feel during your life review, knowing that you were the influence, the difference between someone surviving who could have made a difference in co-creating that beautiful, happy and truly civil civilization, but didn't because well you knew for sure what would or wouldn't happen in the future and they bought into your 100% absolute certainty? 

  In any case, i highly recommend in general for any with a deeper interest, getting and reading Paul's book "Earth Under Fire" from the library or the like. There is hard core scientific research and evidence in same, along with tying together a lot of different "myths" (remembrances) from many different ancient peoples in relation to past events.  If traditional and ancient cultures understood one thing much better than our modern western one does, is that time is cyclic in nature, not linearly progressive.

  What happens now or in the future, has happened before, and what happened before, will happen again with slight variations on a theme.  Cyclic nature of time/space in relation to humanity in a nutshell. 




Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by seagull on Jul 16th, 2014 at 6:22am
Believe what you choose. I am coming from a different place than what you describe.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Jul 16th, 2014 at 1:33pm
  Fair enough.  What place are you coming from? 

  My sense is that partially you are trying to be helpful to others (which i very much respect), but it doesn't seem like you are trying to understand the deeper intent and motivation behind this in relation to others.   

   And if you happen to have access to future probabilities, please share. 

   Or, are these the kind of sources you are basing things on?[youtube] 



Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by seagull on Jul 18th, 2014 at 3:05pm

wrote on Jul 16th, 2014 at 1:33pm:
  Fair enough.  What place are you coming from? 


Hmmm, something kind of like this:

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Jul 19th, 2014 at 1:17am

seagull wrote on Jul 18th, 2014 at 3:05pm:

wrote on Jul 16th, 2014 at 1:33pm:
  Fair enough.  What place are you coming from? 


Hmmm, something kind of like this:

    Ahh Yeahh, i can get down with a little Marvin, but i don't give it up just for anyone.   :D

   Funny enough, late last night i was listening to music while laying in bed, and i thought about our "conversation" a bit, and an odd idea popped into my head. 

  I decided to let the shuffle gods, answer a question for me.  I made an intention, "the next song i press shuffle for, will answer whether or not major world wide changes (like the ones i've talked about) are going to happen in the near future."   Kind of like the idea of opening a book up at "random" and asking for/getting an answer, using tarot cards, etc  Synchronicity based on the interconnectedness of all.

  I got back, The Allman Brothers "Ain't Wasting Time No More." 

   Not sure what the answer is exactly saying or not, but it does seem rather appropo in certain ways.  Here's the lyrics:

Last Sunday morning, the sunshine felt like rain.
Week before, they all seemed the same.
With the help of God and true friends, I come to realize
I still had two strong legs, and even wings to fly.

And oh I, ain't wastin time no more
'Cause time goes by like hurricanes, and faster things.

Lord, lord Miss Sally, why all your cryin'?
Been around here three long days, you're lookin' like you're dyin'.
Just step yourself outside, and look up at the stars above
Go on downtown baby, find somebody to love.

Meanwhile I ain't wastin' time no more
'Cause time goes by like pouring rain, and much faster things.

You don't need no gypsy to tell you why
You can't let one precious day slip by.
Look inside yourself, and if you don't see what you want,
Maybe sometimes then you don't,
But leave your mind alone and just get high.

Well by and by, way after many years have gone,
And all the war freaks die off, leavin' us alone.
We'll raise our children in the peaceful way we can,
It's up to you and me brother
To try and try again.

Well, hear us now, we ain't wastin' time no more
'Cause time goes by like hurricanes
Runnin' after subway trains
Don't forget the pouring rain."

   A lot of it seems to connect, but these lines particularly popped out at me; "Well by and by, way after many years have gone, and all the war freaks die off, leavin' us alone.
We'll raise our children in the peaceful way we can,
It's up to you and me brother
To try and try again."

  That's one of the things i see, and hope about these shifts, that the war freaks will die off and we all will learn to live in peace.

  But you want the yummy cake without the "bad" calories it seems... ::)   Seems the Universe/Planning Intelligence, etc, etc, has different plans than you, though it may not happen in the time frame that i've talked about, but It ain't wasting time no more for sure, ns.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by 1796 on Jul 21st, 2014 at 11:25pm
What does ns mean?

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Aug 27th, 2014 at 10:13pm
  A quick update:   While the last major scientific observation of the G2 cloud back on June 30th indicated that it had not reached it's closest point to the Galactic Core, strangely, astronomers have not released any new recalculations for when they think it will.  Up until recently, for a couple of years now, they have been putting out estimates. Perhaps they have given up having released a number of inaccurate estimates previously? 

  Even more odd, is that the Swift X Ray observatory has not updated their X ray data from the Galactic Core for some 13 days or so. 

   Dr. LaViolette has been monitoring the Swift X ray data in relation to the Galactic Core for awhile now, because he feels/thinks that it would likely be a first line of warning if there is a Galactic Core outburst.   

   A sudden, significant spike in the X ray output could be a likely indication of some unusual activity within the core.   

   It's unusual that they have not updated for so long.  But then again, if there is any "conspiracy" potential here, there is no reason why they wouldn't just put out false data--that would be more pacifying than data black out.

  However, sometimes scientists like to sit on unusual data for awhile before they release it to the public--perhaps simply because they want to understand it more fully before the media gets a hold of it.  Do you remember that huge Sumatran earthquake (estimated between 9.1-9.3 magnitude)/tsunami that happened some years back (2004)?   

  Shortly after that quake happened (about a day later), scientists detected the largest gamma ray burst that has ever been recorded.  They did not release this information to the public until a couple months after the event! 

  Paul thinks that the gamma ray burst was likely preceded by a gravity wave (which at first traveled faster than the gamma rays themselves), which is what possibly facilitated that powerful earth change event. 

  While things may not happen exactly by Padre Avondios's visions, it seems that there is a strong potential for it to happen close to his July/August timeline.  Although, he didn't say that he thought the "signs" for July/August would be all that intense as compared to the November/December conflagration event he saw. 

  I wish guidance would give me a more exact timing, but perhaps the huge majority of us just aren't meant to know the exact timing? 


Title: Things are heating up in or near the Galactic Core
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Sep 10th, 2014 at 11:18pm
  & Sun.

 A recent, semi-urgent update from Dr. LaViolette regarding the Galactic Core.  Largest spike in X ray emission from the Galactic Core direction in 500 days.  The last spike we know came from a magnetar near the Core, but didn't come from the actual Core itself.  It's still not known whether this spike is again from the same magnetar, or from the Core itself.

  Interestingly, the Sun has released two CME's back to back, one on the 9th and then also one on the 10th.  The one on the 10th is Earth directed and fairly intense.  Unusual activity from the Sun considering it should start to become less and less active by this point in it's cycle. 

  I definitely could feel at least the Solar activity. I felt pretty frazzled today, tired, irritated, and head achy (the latter two are particularly unusual for me). 

Anyways, from spaceweather site at  to see more details.

    Some 2 thousand years ago, Jesus spoke about a time of much change, and he said there would be signs or indications in the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

  The war drums are beating loudly again as well.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin (formerly a channel) on Oct 2nd, 2014 at 8:30pm
  Further update. 

Since that X ray flare from the Galactic Core direction, things have been quiet. 

  I recently re-read Paul's post talking about his meeting with Padre Avondios.  See following link:

  It's clear that i have misinterpreted some of what he (Padre Avondios0 had said.  According to Padre Avondios and the people he knew who also received info (principally Padre Justin), humanity wouldn't have to worry until November time frame at the earliest. 

  I had figured, if there was to be a possible "conflagration" event as the Padre has seen, but initial signs of something starting to happen around July/August time frame, that the bulk of the "wave" would arrive well before the conflagration time (post November, and mid December likely due to the alignment between the Sun, G.C. and Earth at that time).

      It's quite possible that the bulk of the wave wouldn't arrive until shortly before that event.   

Either way, there have been enough anomalous happenings since late July or so, to warrant serious consideration of the Padre's info, however off or erroneous  my personal interpretations and assumptions have been.

Title: Re: Here Comes the Sun: Solar cycles & Earth changes
Post by Justin on Jan 22nd, 2015 at 1:34am
  Though i've had a recent dream telling me things will be happening soon, i've given up in trying to more exactly pin point the times, it's a fool's errand apparently. 

   And soon is relative. 

  Anyways, i apologize for talking about this stuff in the context of probable near future.  I won't be talking about it anymore, even if i get very clear messages.  I've come to think that the majority aren't supposed to have much of an exact forewarning. 

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