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Message started by Rondele on Apr 16th, 2013 at 9:01pm

Title: Boston Bombing
Post by Rondele on Apr 16th, 2013 at 9:01pm
Whoever did this fiendish act should get an immediate pass to the afterlife, but not before receiving as much physical pain and suffering he or they caused to innocent people including the 8 year old boy waiting to greet his dad at the finish line. 

He was unable to greet his dad because he was blown up.  Like Bruce said years ago, in some cases the "light" in evil people is allowed to go out.  Good riddance.


Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Lucy on Apr 17th, 2013 at 4:04am
Yes, but....

I wish I could combine this with Doc's thread on Spiritual Knowledge

But what happens when a person gets in touch with his/her soul, and really believes that he/she is primary a spiritual being, wearing a physical shell/clothing?  What then?  If you find your inner self, and really "get it," what would you do with that knowledge? How would it change your future efforts and actions?

I wonder how Natalie Sudman might be looking at this bombing.

I've been reading Robert Schwartz's books on planning lives. I am not interested in pushing that viewpoint on to someone else but it does make for an interesting perspective.

What could these three people have intended for their lives if it is true they planned for this?

So I look at the pictures that are available (I thinki the Chinese grad student's family has requested her name be withheld. I did wonder if she was an only child under China's policy...)

So, this woman went to the Marathon every year, to the finish line. Why did she choose to die there? I keep wondering if I stare at her face long and hard enough if I can move into a more meditative state and get soem insight. I don't think it works that way!

What beautiful eyes the little biy had

How many ways can all this touch people? There is the outrage, from here to VA to the rest of the world. For those in the area, there is knowing many of us have gone to stand at that finish line, with children in tow, for the excitement. These folks had "coveted" seats too...really close to the finish. My coworker's wife and kids were there, but they had gone to the food court nearby when the explosion happened. Then there is the police presence in the aftermath. I had to show my badge to drive down the road in a certain part of Boston that night on the way to work. (I work at one of those hospitals in a non clinical capacity. ) There were armed police in fatigues around the place next day. It all ripples out in many ways.

So what do I do with all these images? What do I really do with all that knowledge?

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Rondele on Apr 17th, 2013 at 9:58am
Hi Lucy-

I remember when my wife and I would run at the Cherry Blossom Chaser, just 10K but we also had our little boy waiting for us at the finish line, full of innocence and love for his parents and we for him.

And I think of him being blown up as we were approaching him at end of race, his arms extended to embrace us just as they were torn off his body.

And even though the number of deaths in Boston was 3, not 3,000 like at 9/11, for me it's the last straw. 

It's kind of like "the shot heard round the world."  One shot but the Revolutionary War in the aftermath.

I'm sick and tired of those who whine about "root causes" being the real culprit.  I've had it with those conspiracy types who, in their hate for this country, will blame right wing groups who planted the bombs as protests against taxes (Boston was April 15).

And as much as I respect Doc, I'm done with this kind of explanation.  Evil did this.  Evil exists.  To try to rationalize it with all kinds of esoteric explanations to me is a cop-out.

Try telling the parents of the little boy that the bombers just really weren't in touch with their real, spiritual selves and wouldn't have done it if only they knew who they really were.

Like I said, I'm done with these intellectual U-Turns that convert evil into something more benign.

Over and out.


Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Lucy on Apr 18th, 2013 at 5:32am
Your passion ofr protecting the inoocent is admirable.

I think it is interesting to try to find other explanations. Just calling it "evil" doesn't really explain anything. There is no fix, there is no preventative maintenance.

Matthew did not offer the quote as a solution to this. I think he posted that before Monday.

I have trouble with the part about not really being a body so I have trouble with some of the alternative thinking, but I still find it interesting.

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Rondele on Apr 18th, 2013 at 12:54pm

The problem with other explanations is that they divert attention from the immediate issue.

As an example, many people repeat what they read in Seth and other places....namely that there is no such thing as victims or bad people.  No such thing as evil. One poster actually claimed that Hitler agreed to carry out his atrocious acts before he was incarnated, and the thousands of Jews he incinerated also agreed to play the role of victims.  Purpose was to teach the world a lesson.

So in her "mind", Hitler was not really to blame for anything.  After all, everything that happened was when people were in their physical bodies and when they reunited in the afterlife, everything would be understood and no penalties would be imposed on Hitler.  Probably everyone had a good laugh over how the world was sickened by the carnage.

This kind of thinking, to me, is irresponsible not to mention bordering on absurdity.  It absolves everyone from everything, and takes away accountability for actions no matter how horrible.

Sort of like ACIM which says no such thing as sin because sinful acts are just an illusion.  They really didn't happen.  Once again, an enticing message for those who are afraid of being held responsible for their actions. 

Yes, we are a body and yes there are consequences for what we do.  Regardless of who says what on this board, no one has the ability to show hard evidence that what they say is true.  They simply read the same books and repeat what they read as if it were absolute proof.

As I write this, over 70,000 innocent men, women and children have been slaughtered in Syria.  Parents forced to watch as their children were tortured and killed and vice versa.

Oh but not to worry, they all agreed to this before being born.

What a load of crap.

ps- Bruce, go ahead and suspend/ban me if you must, but righteous anger and common sense is long overdue.

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by BobMoenroe on Apr 18th, 2013 at 2:26pm
Rondele, you write about other spiritual views, but how do you make sense of this act on a spiritual level?

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Rondele on Apr 18th, 2013 at 3:08pm

I can't.  There's lots of possible explanations (i.e. a new soul who lacks compassion, assuming reincarnation is real) but none that makes sense to me.  And none that can actually be documented as true.

Just keeping it real.


Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by isee on Apr 18th, 2013 at 7:47pm
If you believe "evil" has power, some of its work is already done. Perhaps it is better in my case to "see it not there" --which means to relinquish its hold on my attention. That may seem a cold reply, but it is effective.

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Rondele on Apr 18th, 2013 at 9:24pm
Maybe you can "see it not there" but the victims certainly can't.

Nor can I.  This is something Bruce has said in the past, but I don't think he meant it to apply to situations like Boston.  He was referring to fear that might be encountered during afterlife explorations.  It was a way of dispelling the emotion of fear.

Entirely different.


Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Lucy on Apr 19th, 2013 at 2:44am
Yeah the problem of what the physical really is, and not being able to comprehend that, makes this difficult.

I don't think Seth intended his work to be applied like a cookbook recipe. I think people do that because they are trying to learn a new view but they don't yet understand it so they apply it the only way they know how, as a moralistic cookbook formula. Surely here we are more sophisticated than that.

So we have this event that is horrendous and not something to easily comprehend. Calling it evil seems justifiable, but I can't do anything about evil. If I assume it is a force of nature, then I can't fix it. If I assume it is a choice, then maybe I can change something.

(Besides, the scope of what I consider to be evil is perhaps larger than you might think. Sometimes I think the Catholic Church has been a force for evil; wow can I start a fight quickly with that one! And that one is really complicated because there are people who identify as Catholic who have done marvelous things for other people...go figure).

I guess you are not that familiar with the idea of pre birth planning, Rondele? I realize all too well what shakey ground we are on here, as this is not something that can be proven by ways we accept as proof. I think it is the right of the individual to decide for him or her self whether or not something rings true about a particular situation.

One thing that makes it difficult to see the pre-birth planning as a possibility is that we on the physical side do not seem to have a clear idea of the lessons we might come here to learn. When people write about this, the lessons seem more subtle than we usually talk about. We don't come here to choose to get a leg blown off, but we do come here to learn things, and maybe a particular individual will learn that through a drastic experience.

This is only a start to a post but I don't like long posts...

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Lucy on Apr 19th, 2013 at 3:16am
btw, if you are reading this right now (3:15 AM EDT) you can catch the unfolding story of chasing a suspect in the bombing on the 'net on WBZ radio....if you like the physical excitement or just feel curious...

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by betson on Apr 19th, 2013 at 7:00am
What if we had lived next door to these fellows as they grew up? What if we’d watched how they were disciplined or abandoned, how their wounds were treated or left to fester? Maybe their mothers incessantly bought them gun powder chemistry sets in attempts to make up for their fathers’ indifference, to try to make ‘men' of them. Then would we see them as evil?


Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by a channel on Apr 19th, 2013 at 11:09am
  So far, seems to be another 9/11 type inside job.  Lot's of very suspicious and "coincidental" happenings.  But don't take my word, do some open minded research on it.

  The question is why?  Perhaps some in the know, at the higher levels, know that America is going to go through a very rough time in the near future.  When the majority of people lack food and basic resources like oil, gas, etc, what will happen? 

   Chaos, constant mini wars over resources, and A LOT of collective anger towards the government and general corrupt system.  So instead of working on the problems at hand, those in the know at the higher levels decide, well, we'll move to disarm them now, so there can't be another successful revolution and to minimize chaos. 

  One way to do this, is to set up false attacks and blame it on "right wing nuts", crazies, or the like (for the record, most would probably consider me a liberal leftist type--i have no great love for the right wing).  Make people afraid of the types that so commonly carry guns and weapons.  In general, just instill as much FEAR, FEAR, FEAR into people as is possible.  A fearful people are so much easier to manipulate and control in certain ways.  They give their power over to the "authorities" so much easier.  "Please Uncle Sam, please protect my loved ones and i, i'll give you as many of my rights as i have, if you just do that for us."

  Sandy Hook was yet another move, before this one, on the part of these manipulators to move in that direction.  Some of the Sandy Hook stuff is eerily surreal--like the footage of the father who had supposedly lost his child not too long before, who doesn't know the camera's are rolling and is joking and laughing, and soon as he thinks the camera's are about to roll--he goes into hyperventilating acting mode and seems all shaken up.  Yeah, messed up that one, didn't you.  Surreal indeed, we live in the Land of Oz, under an Emperor that wears no clothes. 

They want an unarmed people, but if they can't get that, they want to know precisely who has the weapons and where they can find them if need be.  They also want to know exactly who are the dissenters are, who will give them the most trouble in the near future. 

  I would say, wake up and open your eyes America(ns), but i've given up.  I just don't care that much anymore--caring nowadays about this is like repeatedly banging your head into the wall.  I'll wait till the playing field is leveled some, ride out the waves in the woods somewhere, and help rebuild as best as i can once things settle down a little. 

  Things are quickly starting to move to a crescendo.  Expect some of that chaos to start to unfold before the end of this year. 

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by a channel on Apr 19th, 2013 at 11:14am

betson wrote on Apr 19th, 2013 at 7:00am:
What if we had lived next door to these fellows as they grew up? What if we’d watched how they were disciplined or abandoned, how their wounds were treated or left to fester? Maybe their mothers incessantly bought them gun powder chemistry sets in attempts to make up for their fathers’ indifference, to try to make ‘men' of them. Then would we see them as evil?


   The better question is, would you see a government that attacks it's own people, under false pretenses, for the point of manipulating us towards their subversive ends as "evil".  Well, i would say that's probably more evil than a imbalanced and supposed right wing nut who is just sick of where is country is heading and does something horrible about it. 

  Would you want that government and those people in position of power and authority over you? 

   What will we do, see it not there and hope for the best?  Or rather, work towards real change, a better world, and pray to the Creative Forces for help in this endeavor?

  Well, honestly, America and this system that we have evolved (and to some extent has been manipulated onto us) is beyond repair, and it will crash.  I hope that some of us who care about others and the Earth in a more PUL kind of way survive, and help to rebuild a truly civilized society. 

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by Rondele on Apr 19th, 2013 at 12:23pm
<<What if we had lived next door to these fellows as they grew up? What if we’d watched how they were disciplined or abandoned, how their wounds were treated or left to fester? Maybe their mothers incessantly bought them gun powder chemistry sets in attempts to make up for their fathers’ indifference, to try to make ‘men' of them. Then would we see them as evil?>>

Betson- What they did was an act of Islamic terrorism.  They are part of a much larger movement within our country.  They aren't "lone wolves" who were mistreated by their parents.  There are people just like them in many of our states and cities.

They have only one goal- that is to eliminate anyone who is not a part of radical Islam.  This is only the tip of a much larger, and much more dangerous, iceberg.

Actually a channel is much closer to the truth.  I suggest you re-read his posts.

You have a good heart but I'm afraid in this case you need to be more aware of a much larger picture.  While you try to understand the root cause of what made them do the bombing, they will gladly accommodate you by killing you and your family and anyone else who does not subscribe to their radical agenda.

Ignore that at your own risk.  It's way overdue that we wake up to not only our enemies but also understand how complicit our own government has been in concealing what they know from the public.

These guys were from Chechnia.  This is from CNN: "Chechens have been affiliated with the al Qaeda terror network, and an Arab connection suggests a further link between the Chechen rebel movement and international terrorism."

If you want to know more about their brutality, here is the CNN link:

In the coming weeks this will become much more clear.  The best thing to do is stay aware and pay attention.


Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by isee on Apr 19th, 2013 at 7:43pm
Ok, the suspects are accounted for now -- one dead and one injured. Everyone can calm down now and figure out how they will personally deal with something that happens all over the world all the time. I think its important for me not to be judge and jury of people who act in such bizarre and destructive ways. We can't know what led them to do such things. I think that's arrogant. It is what it is, and I don't see the need to speculate about the future. It was stunning to view the self-control, the self-possession of the Bostonians, who have had to live in this unwanted spotlight.

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by a channel on Apr 22nd, 2013 at 1:04am
Isee writes, "Ok, the suspects are accounted for now --one dead and one injured..." 

You call that accounted for?  Some might call that mighty convenient, no one to go on trial--no their side of the story.

"It is what it is" 

  And what exactly is that Isee?  What do you see, and how deeply do you see?

  Or rather would you just feel more comfortable thinking that this is just another one of those incidents that just happens around the world?   Life just going on, and no bigger implications and certainly no future ramifications?

  That is also convenient, but for different reasons--what will you say, when it all become so obvious that you can't ignore or hide from it anymore?  Let's hope those spiritual knowings and ideals are deeply rooted then, for that will be the only way to deal with it constructively. 

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by isee on Apr 22nd, 2013 at 1:09pm
a channel,

yes, isee, yousee, we all see what we see

you're making me laugh now

Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by a channel on Apr 28th, 2013 at 3:08am
Just a small taste of some of the issues going on

There is a lot more if you're willing to dig and to have an open, but skeptical mind.  Whether this was allowed to happen, fostered to happen, or completely set up, i do not know, but it seems fairly clear that there was pre knowledge.  Whether or not the brothers were directly responsible, i do not know. 

  Maybe you won't like the conclusions you may come to, maybe you might feel that you can't do anything about it, well maybe so but keeping your eyes open and aware may help you in the near future. 


Title: Re: Boston Bombing
Post by BobMoenroe on Apr 28th, 2013 at 8:35am

Residents in a lockdown, that's a prison term about remaining in their cells. Does this apply to civilians in their homes? Good amerikans = inmates?

Just kidding. If you gladly give up essential liberty, and purchase a little temporary safety, you deserve both liberty and safety, for sure. ;D

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