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Message started by b2 on Jul 13th, 2010 at 8:11pm

Title: novel methods of communication
Post by b2 on Jul 13th, 2010 at 8:11pm
I thought I would start a thread on the topic of 'novel methods of communication' with spirits. The source of my inspiration is a bit silly, but it works for me.

Okay, there's really no easy way to ask this question. Has anyone here ever....listened to their alphabet soup? I noticed that mine was spelling out my initials. I didn't know that was happening, and this has never happened before, nor do I even eat alphabet soup, normally. But, I just happened to have some, and I just happened to begin looking at it while it was heating up. I stirred it once. First initial. No other letters to be read there. I idly thought, hmm, an initial. I stirred it again. Second initial. No other forward letters, just a couple of backward 5's visible in the pot. I said to myself, okay, put that third initial there for me and I'll take it as a message. Stirred again. There was the last initial. Three stirs, three letters.

I had just finished a meditation session in which I could not concentrate at all, just tired. But, there's a part of me that enjoys the 'little things' -- so funny -- even while I am simultaneously asking for the 'ultimate' evidence of a 'real' and thriving spirit world.

So, go ahead, if you like. Spill the beans about those 'secret' tea leaves that you read, your whispered messages in the wind, whatever. It's all interesting.

I guess I should mention that the reason I noticed the 'letters' to begin with is that there was an important name that passed by my view recently, and I was wondering over the last day or so if it was something I was supposed to notice. I occasionally notice that names I 'see' on telephones to tell you who is calling, etc., seem to be noticeable to me, in a synchronous way, when I remember to notice.  So, there seems to be a reason for the reassurance, just simple, kind of silly verification, but it all works together, I guess. That's all I can make of it.

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by usetawuz on Jul 13th, 2010 at 9:50pm
b2, I do not believe in coincidence.  If it happens in alphabet soup, at least you are seeing it, so absolutely take it for what it is worth. 

Mine is a little less clear, but I was in a national park next to a river and I felt water dripping onto my head.  I looked up and there were no branches, clouds or anything that could deliver a water droplet onto my head, much less repeatedly.  I looked down to see if the droplets had already made a puddle and the only wet spot was on a perfectly heart-shaped rock. When I picked it up the droplets stopped hitting me and never resumed.  I keep the rock next to a heart-shaped geode a psychic friend gave me the moment I first met her and before I knew she was psychic...she told me to keep it with my other heart-shaped rock!  I have something going with love...not that I am complaining...rather looking forward to its manifestation!

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by b2 on Jul 14th, 2010 at 9:47am
Ustawuz, that is beautiful. Just beautiful. If you were someone who wouldn't notice the drop of water, the heart-shaped rock wouldn't be for you, would it? And, if you didn't have the heart-shaped rock put away someplace safe, you wouldn't have had that experience, as it was, with your psychic friend, would you? And, yes, although the experiences are all 'different', they are related. It is a story, one that is too interesting to put away, no matter how late the hour may be.

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by Beau on Jul 14th, 2010 at 7:06pm
For about the past 3 months when I lie down to meditate, right after I do a few deep breaths I begin to feel someone massaging my left foot. I mean that is exactly what it feels like. I can open my eyes and it still happens but it is always only my left foot ...even through my sneaker. It plays hell with my meditations and concentration but I'm glad it's there. I find it reassuring.

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by usetawuz on Jul 14th, 2010 at 8:40pm
Good to see you, is comforting indeed to know they are around and reassuring us.

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by b2 on Jul 15th, 2010 at 1:06am
Hi, Beau, I was wondering how you are doing. A little foot massage? That's amazing. Some people don't like that, you know -- sounds ticklish to me, can never have people touching my feet very much. But, that's just me.

Do you feel energy moving around your body when you meditate? It is interesting that the foot is always the left one. I wonder why? Perhaps you are allowing the reassuring feeling you get from it to travel all around your body, as some meditation sessions suggest, when healing is done, that way.

I picked up a meditation cd to use tonight, one which was lying around in a pile of them for a really long time, had listened to it a few times before but not for about a year, I guess, can't remember. There was an exercise on it which had me focus on the left hand, as a starting point for the energy to travel around, first up the arm and then down the left leg, and then back up the right leg and arm, and then up the rest of the body.

It made me think of you, because I had read your post earlier in the day.

You are receiving some help along the way, for what is best for you, and I'm happy for you.

I had a particularly good session tonight after a try or two, with one or two different cd's. Too tired and 'nervy' lately, but that'll wear off. Along with some personal work I did, I had some strange visions of 'beings' and 'rooms' which certainly did not look like anything I recognize in my everyday world. It was 'dark' though, and I just used that session to prolong the 'openness' as long as possible, so that I might see whatever place that might be a little better.

It seemed to be a place where there were human-shaped 'people' which were wearing bulky spacesuit looking outfits (couldn't see them, hazy, but that kind of feeling to their appearance), looked like they were doing some work. There were objects I could not identify, and one 'person' was holding a tool (?) of some kind. I would have to say the visuals were like looking underwater. Seemed kind of like the underwater BP cameras, but I was actually 'in there', like, in a space that felt as big as a room, I guess.

There were lots of other things that happened, during my meditations today, which I won't tell you. But, I was thinking, three months, wow. That's a lot of meditation, so you must have seen and felt quite a lot by now. Welcome back.

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by b2 on Jul 15th, 2010 at 7:43am
By the way, usetawuz, while I was at my desk at work, yesterday (after seeing your post about the two hearts) I noticed, several times during the day, what I usually forget is there. Only a few inches away. A small glass jar with two hearts in it, one large, one small, one wood, one glass. Both gifts of different sorts. And a small cigar shaped piece of metal that says "relax". I don't remember where that came from.

It made me feel better all day long, like I was seeing it again, fresh and new. The "little" things can go a long way.

And, because I'm feeling pretty good this morning, despite very little sleep for days, for various reasons, I'll tell you about a couple of other "little things" which surprised me this morning.

I have to say, this was one of the oddest ways to wake up ever. I had ear plugs in because a new neighbor listens to the tv all night and I can't sleep lately. I felt something itchy in my ear and crawled out. This tiny little beetle, right out of my right ear. It shocked me. It was very very small, long and black. But big enough. I threw it away from me because I was shocked. Then, I tried to find it, a foot or so away from me, where I felt it had landed, but I couldn't find it. I was then worried I'd step on it, or who knows. Anyway, I couldn't find it. Then, a while later, I was walking right in that same spot, and there was a much larger bug, exactly like it, or pretty close, right I caught that one and put it outside. I don't find bugs around tooooo much, but for goodness sake, what a way to wake up....

All I know is that there are some very strange things going on lately, in my world. I could make a list, and explain it all, and sound like a nutcase, or just say, there's obvious 'movement' going on, and strange signs all over the place. It's a little unsettling, but I'm hanging in there.

Ooops, almost forgot one more -- the tale of two lost kittens, yesterday, in two separate buildings, and the woman who came to do the 'rescue' looked ridiculously familiar. Anyway, this is not my style, to write really long posts like this which don't really mean too much to most folks (it's like, you have to 'be there'). These sorts of experiences are hard to 'frame' in this format, on a website, and are better described in a larger context, like in the books people read, which help people imagine what is really happening.

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by chrwe on Jul 15th, 2010 at 9:54am
I once read that in older times, some people used to "go to the bible" for advice, i.e. they posed their question and looked up a bible verse by closing their eyes and chancing the page they end up with.

When I was still very insecure about there being an afterlife, indeed quite convinced there was not, I said to the air "well, good spirits, if you are there, please show it with whatever I open up". I then opened a book on a random page - not the bible, since finding something religious there would not have been a surprise - and I found a verse that 100% fit the situation and said quite clearly something along the lines that there is an "etheral life" after death. This was not a religious book even.

Unfortunately, I didn`t mark the page, and I cant find the verse anymore so I could cite it for you. I even forgot which book it was. But I remember smiling and thinking "ok, thank you!". Of course, it could still be pure chance. Or it could not be :).

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by b2 on Jul 15th, 2010 at 7:24pm
That's a great one, chrwe! i love that. I just tried it. I stood in the center of the room, did a little meditation moment, then went over and grabbed a book off a bottom shelf, not really thinking about it. I shut my eyes, opened the book blindly, and pointed to a place on a page, also blindly. Here's what I got:

"Ask for -- don't demand -- insight."
Christina Baldwin


Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by usetawuz on Jul 15th, 2010 at 8:49pm
Ok...these are all remarkable examples of the universe trying to hit us over the head with what we are all supposed to expect out of this wonderful experience we chose when we came here.  Enjoy every one of them...after all it is all about joy anyway. 

Love and light...

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by b2 on Jul 16th, 2010 at 8:12am
Absolutely, world-shakingly true.

Title: Re: novel methods of communication
Post by Beau on Jul 16th, 2010 at 7:05pm
Well yesterday I meditated and I got some massagy feelings in my right foot as well for a few moments, but I tell ya it's hard to stay in the meditative state while this is going on. It's very exciting when the massaging happens and it stimulates my mind to think about what it could possibly be and so my meditations are not nearly as deep as they used to be. But then I was meditating to find proof for myself and I guess I did.
As far as the energy moving up my body, I don't really get a sense of that now that my concentration is on my feet...I'll have to work on that.


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