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Message started by LaffingRain on Sep 8th, 2008 at 11:56pm

Title: A forum member's Journal website
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 8th, 2008 at 11:56pm
I went to Kathy's website today and read some articles she's written and thought her mind works a lot like mine does so wanted to share them here for whoever else may benefit.

take a look at the article links after you get off the main page about David Bohm, author of Riding The Pulse of the Creative Wave.

a book I think I'm interested in.

below is a paragraph from one of Kathy's articles which particularly got me excited to consider in meditation.

People judge ego as though ego is something that is not desirable. Ego is simply the means by which we go through the process of judgment to become an observer. Individual consciousness isn’t separated from ego. When we allow our life force to flow freely ego becomes merged with our higher self-consciousness and higher self observes individuality. end quote.

as a mystic traveler mostly and wishing I were more scientific to study quantum physics and that relationship to our beliefs and religious attitudes, I consider here what Kathy has said about the observer and the ego.

It has been my experience that the ego is judged as undesirable to have also, and yet we do not experience life here without one. unless we were as high up there as some ascended masters which, as they are god realized.
I agree we should not get into the quandary of wishing to be egoless and thinking we can turn off ego like you would a switch.
Ego is something that can be self corrected and that's a very practical approach, not new agey.

to get onto my mystical experience, it wasn't that mystical. it was simply one of my many dream messages I get when I'm just arising from sleep and feel that I've been somewhere vaguely and now I've returned to C1 and mundane life.

the message was simply "three parts to the human being;
1) the seeker
2) the finder
3) the blend of the first two; the observer.

some kind of formula there, and that's as scientific as this gal gets!
I thought it was a fine formula, having arrived from out of nowhere as it seemed, and so I included some thoughts regarding the formula in my own book; and it was around this time, I noticed my obes and lucid dreams began to develop this observer aspect which seemed to watch the other two aspects interact as on a film. and also during retrievals.
somehow the observer seemed comforting to me here now, and so I associated the observer with higher self and that seems to work well to try and understand myself.

the observer aspect is a non-judgmental aspect of mind, like an eye, beholding a show. this eye of the beholder is accepting both the other two aspects, which seek (or desire) and the finder (satisfaction or well being of attaining desire) yet the observer is dispassionate but at the same time lends that eery but comforting presence feeling.

or I should say I have an ego; it is neither good nor bad. in this ego is contained the seeker and finder aspects who have feelings and thoughts that they use to navigate life in physical.

while the ego has these feelings, the observer is dispassionate, in that it is above reaction and the feelings that the other two aspects partake of. yet it never discounts it's two aspects, but knows it is in charge of them, to be observing them as the observer and self director of it's parts.

hmmm. this observer is a trip! love, alysia

Kathy's Journal url

the article which inspired my thoughts is titled Moving From Self-Judgment to Self-Observation

u might have to click on Teachings to get to the article.

also Kathy has included a link to her Inner Journal on her signature and u can click on it to take u there. I wish I knew how she made her link technically. u should put it all in caps Kathy, it's so small a type.

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