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Message started by tgecks on Oct 30th, 2007 at 8:31pm

Title: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by tgecks on Oct 30th, 2007 at 8:31pm
Dear Group-

That gathering last week was such fun and so successful I think we should do it again and let the momentum build. This group energy and intention is a powerful tool to help the group to progress personally and as a group consciousness. YOU are the Gift.

So this Saturday, November 3rd, at sometime during the day, let's do it again. I think we are just beginning to grok forgiveness, and that it would serve as a great intention for this week as well. Forgiveness is an ongoing process, one that sometimes requires work every day.... and there is simply nothing else to do anyhow.

Uluru (Ayers Rock) is a great place to meet again, and our Shaman is still waiting for us. In Dreamtime it is as if we have never left.


Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 30th, 2007 at 10:59pm
I'll be there, I may be early I may be late, but still I'm going!

It's a good place to meet, seems more action is there to look at. ok, cheers!

is grok a word Thomas?

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by tgecks on Oct 31st, 2007 at 9:12am
"Grok" is from Robert Heinlein's book "STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND." Now you know I am old enough to have gone to Woodstock. We used to share water back in the '60's.

Dreamtime is a place of No Time, and so when we gather it will be as if we never left. In truth we have not.

See you there.


Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by tgecks on Oct 31st, 2007 at 9:32am

Some time on Saturday, go in to your "space" and relax and "see" yourself on top of Uluru. You can find a pic of it online by searching for "Ayers Rock", and it is always easier to find a place if you know where you are going. So if you are unclear about it, LOOK AND SEE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE HERE IN 3-D before you try to find it in your mind....

Anyhow, see yourself there, and join the group Hara energy. Hara is about intention and vision. It is my intention to have a shared experience about love and forgiveness, and to reach out to other orbs and share just that: pure love and forgiveness.

It is so easy to offer and give love and forgiveness to each other and to the planet...... it is only us that has the problem forgiving us. God gives us an A+. Only I want to give me a C+. This PE is about giving everyone there an A+. And unless I forget, getting your A+, too. And please, lets give some LOVE and FORGIVENESS to Gaia, Mother Earth, the planet....

It's in every one of us to be wise.

Can't you feel it already?


Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 31st, 2007 at 8:36pm
Thomas said: It's in every one of us to be wise.

Can't you feel it already?


just checking my emote monitor, I feel hope, gratitude, mild excitement and a type of calm attitude towards our PE's. wish to add for all participants that forgiveness involves a type of release feeling, like something that was bugging before, it's just not there anymore so you feel free in your spirit. free to try to fly.

forgiveness is also feeling all healed up. even if we have a disease manifested on the body, forgiveness draws us into a process of healing the spirit, and  most often, if u don't let yourself sink down into doubt and hopeless feelings again, the body will go ahead and start to heal, become whole. the body only a mirror of mind and emotion and karmic lessons, we can do so much with release of guilt, like Thomas said, let yourself have an A+, all of u are beautiful to me. and to god.
just to say explorations require a freed up mind and not as hard as at first we may think.

I have no idea how Romain and Thomas worked into PE the very spiritual premises of forgiveness but it is definetely a working idea!
thanks fellows, u don't know how much I needed your input!

love, alysia

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 2nd, 2007 at 1:20pm
this is for Thomas: Dear Thomas, the other day I took your advice as I was experimenting and I suddenly realized you are a great teacher (not joking!) we have been talking about forgiveness which leads to PUL. well, I did it. I walked up to my bathroom mirror and smooched myself directly on the lips. I started giggling incessantly was the sad result, but par for the course these days. Much to my surprise, the mirror kissed me back! How is this possible? Is this the cosmic mirror?

I am now totally in love with myself. I will not be able to live this down for sure but since I let spirit talk to me through you guys, I know I am receiving genuine messages from all of you, that the universe loves me just as I am even if my ego is as big as a mountain. so with that I extend my gratitude to you and now I am unable to forget you for giving me that exercise which actually works!

ps. will probably do the PE tonite, as me kids are in town tomorrow and they never let me meditate when they're around!  :)

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by PhantasyMan on Nov 2nd, 2007 at 1:26pm
I'll give it a try.  As the group is smaller, maybe I'll be less shy  :D

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 2nd, 2007 at 4:09pm
omygoodness, don't be shy! I get a lot from your communications, maybe we don't tell each other this fact, but we do get energized from communicating with each other.

see ya there, even if when u do the exploration, all u feel is a little bit of peace, or that u went somewhere, but don't know where....then we want to know about it, this is auntie laffingRain telling u how it is... :)

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Vee on Nov 4th, 2007 at 9:24pm
Is this where we are posting our Saturday, Nov 3 PE exercise to Uluru? The site was down yesterday so I am eager to see what everybody has to say. Is this the PLACE?? Vee

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 5th, 2007 at 4:51am
Hi Vee, yes this is the right thread for nov 3 PE.  me and Bets didn't do the PE due to site was down, but heck, we could do it today  ;) I did take a short run 2 days ago but doesn't seem worth posting for some reason. sometimes I feel silly  :)  all right, I became a drill bit this time spiriling into the rock..ah....not much to say about that, seems to still be much activity there and presence so would like to actually interact if possible.

I practiced what Spooky was doing, going out to individuals and bringing them there. will probably do that today. talk soon! please post, it can't be worse than mine!

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Vee on Nov 5th, 2007 at 12:37pm
I laughed when you said you were a drill know that saying, That Woman's a Bullet? Well, Alysia, you're a drill bit!! OK, well, I didn't do really great, the day got away from me, so I was tired again when I finally got down to some quiet time. But I was impressed with how the Rock seemed to be vibrating, there was this feeling, like the top would come off, as though a volcano was about to explode there. I noted in last week's explore how the rock was made up inside, but I couldn't get in to see that. I saw many people, of course, I did not recognize anyone, I looked hard for Spooky and thought I saw him, not sure, I saw a woman with long shining golden hair, looked to be in her late 40's perhaps, and a number of younger men, one of them was saying "What is it I am supposed to know?" The place was full of people, but I couldn't settle down. I gave in and just felt the vibratory flow, the great HUMM of the rock, the feeling of something about to happen, the sheer action of the place and the event. That was all I did, was lie there and absorb that energy, it was very refreshing and invigorating. Vee

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by tgecks on Nov 5th, 2007 at 2:21pm
What a wonderful experience this was to "go with a group" as they say. I took the time on Saturday morning, as I find it easiest to settle down and to not fall asleep in the morning. I used the "Earthcore Focus 27" CD I have, which starts at The Crystal and guides communication with the various devic kingdoms as well as the Earthcore crystal at various vidrational (focus) levels from 12 to 15 to 21 to 27. It was perfect, of course.

I found it easy to find Uluru, and perhaps it was coincidence (chuckle) but it was sunset there, and the rock was glowing red in the twilight. It felt like it was vibrating, like a HUGE motor deep insode was humming, and I could feel it and hear it.

There was a group at the top around a veru large crystal, like the one at Monroe. We were gathering before the fire and a rise where there was a group of aboriginal drummers and didigeroo players with a very smoky fire that a shaman was feeding branches of aromatic plants and herbs and smudhing the area as the rhythm and the humming increased.

We joined around the crystal and repeatedly brought our arms up in unison, like a flower that was opening arounnd the crystal, and each time we stepped back while doing this the crystal was filled more and more with colors, irridescent and sparking. A column of light shot stright up in to the air, and our circle began to descend deper and deeper, like a drillhead, down the shaft of the crystal, down to Earthcore and the massive crystal there.

Slowly we rematerialized at the top of Uluru as we completed at the Earthcore. We began to reach out to others who were present but not awake, and this went on for some time.

The shaman had a hood of what I "thought" was an alligator skin, and had the rest of the garment draped over his/her shoulders and hanging almost to the ground. It appeared to me that the shaman was about 20% larger than the rest of us.

"Giving forgiveness where it is needed is a gift to the giver," he/she said. "It's miraculous sweetness is surpassed only by receiving it in return." Forgiveness is LOVE in action.

Thanks for participating. I had a great time.


Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 5th, 2007 at 6:21pm
thanks for the good cheer Vee, I can see you're funnier than me!  :)

two correlations so far? Thomas mentioned drill. I mentioned drillbit.
then I mentioned I spent most my exploration due to Spooky inspired me (Bruce does this too) to help others get there. then Thomas said he spent time, or the group did to awaken those that were there, so same thing I think.

Thomas, regarding love and forgiveness..when I finished ACIM I realized we were all love in our essence.
You're the only person I met face to face (I mean here)  :) who read it and seems to believe that we ARE love in our essence. say, did you cry when you read it? sorry if this too personal.

I begin to stop believing until I find a brother who still believes. bless you.

...heres a picture of one of the crystals at TMI for the newbies

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Vee on Nov 6th, 2007 at 1:02am
Lovely pic of the crystal, I am wondering how big the crystal at TMI is? It looks small in the picture. Vee

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 6th, 2007 at 2:25am
4 or 5 feet? Anybody know?

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Romain on Nov 6th, 2007 at 5:43pm
Alysia; you still have that picture..with the orb..
I remember when i took that pictures i was at Guideline if my memory serve me right.
It's about a bit taller than way much bigger. I'm 5'7 i would say 6 feets.

With love; Romain

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Romain on Nov 6th, 2007 at 5:47pm
Hi guys;
Well this time it was me who was stuck in a dark cave...I had a bit of a flu; so was not 100% in the frame of mind to do the PE; but tried anyway.

Yes; the thing i remember was seeing Uluru; went in and was stuck in a very dark/black space; could not see anything or anyone..tried to clear up the place by sending PUL but nothing happened for quite a while.
So after 20 minutes; came back to C1; took a sudafed and when back to sleep..
Maybe next time.
Seems like there were some hits though..great.

With love;Romain

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by spooky2 on Nov 6th, 2007 at 6:41pm
I couldn't participate at Saturday, a migraine attack hit me. At Sunday I thought of it and in my mind, I had a long staff again, like the last time, and was standing on the rock, with my head leaning against the staff. It was like the rock was a big animal, moving, and I thought when things are thought to be beings like animals or persons, then we could easier establish communication with it.


Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 6th, 2007 at 10:02pm
hi all. I been knowing Romain for years here and when I pictured him mentally, it was around my height, 5'6" and so 5'7" is not far off.. :)

I remember going to get Spooky and bring him to the rock. I went after everyone I could remember. Spooky was in a wooden chair, like a kitchen chair. he wasn't sure he would come but I took Spooky in the chair with me anyway! lol. sorry Spooky, maybe that was too pushy of me  :D we went tumbling thru space chair and all...I should be a little smarter by now, the things I see.. ::) I don't remember seeing Romain at all, just like he was there, but not there, so now I know he was resting up. I was wondering how taxing it must be to do PE?
I think the most taxing part is getting past the blocks, the various disbelief we might carry, so certainly if physical energy is down, we should rest up and relax and not be straining, especially if we have certain worries about something.

yes I still have the pics, as we used the crystal so much as a focal point for PE, an image goes a long ways to help us out.

Peggy I held your hand to bring you to rock. you are always in a good mood. and I saw a smiling Aborigine boy child again. He seems to live there. he likes visitors, doesn't care who, he likes everyone.

see y'all soon. we should plan something again. love, alysia

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by wade on Nov 6th, 2007 at 10:55pm
Hello all!!! So when is the next PE!! I am very excited and need to get back into the mix so to speak.... with luv,


Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Vee on Nov 6th, 2007 at 11:15pm
Thanks for checking out the size of the crystal, romain and alysia, much appreciated. When I was at TMI in 2000 there wasn't any crystal there then, I don't think, at least I didn't know about it and didn't see it. It looks beautiful in the pictures. I wondered if any of the group who took part in any PE at Uluru, have actually visited the Rock in the physical, on a trip to Australia? It must be different if you have actually been there, seen it, climbed on it. I have loved being a part of these PE's, hope we can do another one. My move in march to this town left me sort of unable to settle down to meditate as well, and I am starting at last to feel more like myself again so I am sure my PE's will improve. Vee

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 7th, 2007 at 12:18am

wade wrote on Nov 6th, 2007 at 10:55pm:
Hello all!!! So when is the next PE!! I am very excited and need to get back into the mix so to speak.... with luv,


hi Wade
will u do us the pleasure of starting a new PE thread we can sign up under?

I'm sort of at a loss where to explore next or whether to stay with the rock. heres some ideas:
Focus 27 the Library
focus 27 the Park

The Moon  :D

A volcano or a past historic period.

just some ideas, I'm entirely open. love, alysia

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Gweexldax on Nov 8th, 2007 at 2:10pm
I was in Las Vegas Saturday. Believe it or not...well you know I don't lie : hee hee
I was at Binions casino, and tried to send out a strong love vibration to all of you. The pollution was so bad, that all I could hear was a static sound...during the sending attempt. I said to Spirit : "Okay" and I didn't keep trying. My efforts were sincere, but the chaos was overwhelming. (Not EVIL just a lot of human chatter locally). It's the thought that counts.
I DID think about the PE, and I did care. The slot machines were put on absolute hold as I stood in the sunlight. Heart won over greed. Next time. I will stand by a fountain, or mountain.....something natural.

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Gweexldax on Nov 8th, 2007 at 2:13pm
I must have managed to get thru in some way, RAIN. SPIRIT most likely helped me on that picked up on my frustration !  

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 8th, 2007 at 3:11pm

Gweexldax wrote on Nov 8th, 2007 at 2:13pm:
I must have managed to get thru in some way, RAIN. SPIRIT most likely helped me on that picked up on my frustration !  

oh thats lovely! Rain Spirit..hmmm! I just had a feeling you would be around a bit with us. just happy feelings. I should not take my feelings for granted though. some other explorer saw a woman with long blonde your hair long?

it might be me haha! with a wig on. just kidding.
love, alysia

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Gweexldax on Nov 8th, 2007 at 3:54pm
My mannequin wears a long blonde wig, and I wore it Halloween. In my 20's I had long blonde hair. During my short Communication with Spirit, I got a really quick glimpse of several "guys at the switchboard". They are present always. (Helping and being happy). I wanted to ask if anyone in this group ever has really quick images that  spark away almost immediately, and YET..somehow we (being on a slower plane) can actually figure out what it may have been....I like to think that I am growing in my experiences, but I also have many "dry spells" when I don't seem to "pick up anything". And promised..they are BACK again...the emotions can be SO overwhelming when faith is rewarded.

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 8th, 2007 at 4:29pm

Gweexldax wrote on Nov 8th, 2007 at 3:54pm:
My mannequin wears a long blonde wig, and I wore it Halloween. In my 20's I had long blonde hair. During my short Communication with Spirit, I got a really quick glimpse of several "guys at the switchboard". They are present always. (Helping and being happy). I wanted to ask if anyone in this group ever has really quick images that  spark away almost immediately, and YET..somehow we (being on a slower plane) can actually figure out what it may have been....I like to think that I am growing in my experiences, but I also have many "dry spells" when I don't seem to "pick up anything". And promised..they are BACK again...the emotions can be SO overwhelming when faith is rewarded.

hi! your mannequin is your body? oh, you must mean like a wig holder head?
you're right. there are some switchboard workers around and about. I saw them too. I saw a tour guide out there bringing in some trainees to look at our board.

glad u brought up the quick images. perhaps they are quick because they are flashes of mind in the higher vibrating dimension. we are frozen light in physical.

I like to think the same thing and have dry spells. all my retrieval posts are from some time back; my guides told me I should remember those and fully document and conceive from those, before more is given. so the dry spells are like a winter climate, kind of natural, as we know spring will come after winter.

the flashing pics I've occasion for that, once from a state of just waking up, its called hynogogic state. they flashed my Indian life, like watching a movie it was. I never see what might throw me, so thats good!
I think we have protectors in that way, and we won't get anything that we can't handle, but it takes time.
overwhelming is the sensation of gratitude that comes from faith. for me, it is self empowering to step into faith. this is upon you also Peggy.

I keep sensing a Sarah is on this board somewhere, I don't know if this is true.
we will do more explorations soon but it's nice just to chat here. love, alysia

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Gweexldax on Nov 8th, 2007 at 10:13pm
A real store mannequin. Named Tracy. She freaks people out. I bought her a few years ago. My goal is to have a small group of people who are wanting to enhance their lives through higher thinking.The mannequin can illustrate the body as a shell. I live in a small poor desert town, and I am holding out hopes for an ecologically aware progression. I give up on big government, and I think that the greatest wealth is inner peace, and good nutrition. (And avoid people with toxic vibes)
Yesterday, I was lying on the couch "drifting" mentally, with no goal in mind, and I distinctly heard Monks (Buddhist) chanting an overlapping chant. It was so clear, and then I realised that they were chanting for my Aunt who passed into Spirit Tuesday night. It was like a chant for the journey into enlightenment rather than a sorrowful death chant. She said telepathically "They are doing this just for ME ?"  That's when I knew she was fine.
I won't attend the funeral. She tells me now telepathically to buy something fun with the would be airplane money, and "be a good girl ". She was on morphine, and half an hour from death, and I spoke into her ear thru a cell phone. I know she heard me, altho she couldn't speak physically. She was on the east coast...I am in Arizona. I feel I took her for granted, as is often the case, but her passing was so sudden. I DID tell her I loved her all along during life, but we do not think that they will ever die, do we ?

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 8th, 2007 at 11:25pm
have u hugged your thought ball today ;D  love it!

I'm in Arizona near where it says cross this bridge to get to las vegas. say we might be closer than we know. sure a lot of dust here in these sticks...

at least u got to talk to her, your grandmother after transition, most people come here ask us to talk to their loved ones and we try to teach method they can do it themselves..

just chit chat I find can make a good PE, getting to know folks. good idea with the mannequin, very innovative! stick out your shingle when ready to leap.

I will look for a mannequin and strap her/him in my car so I can ride the carpool lane... ;D

love to you, alysia

Title: Re: ANOTHER PE, Saturday November 3rd
Post by Vee on Nov 9th, 2007 at 1:11pm
Seeing your idea about using a mannequin to use the car pool lane makes me laugh and think of Stuart Wilde and his Warrier Sage training. Good thinking. Vee

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