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Message started by juditha on May 29th, 2007 at 10:59am

Title: spirit turned toy elephant around on its own
Post by juditha on May 29th, 2007 at 10:59am
     Hi My son and his girlfriend stayed round his girlfriends sister and her husbands flat,they also have a little baby boy,anyway i went to bed and i was woken up at 3pm in the morning as i heard loud knocking on my door and crying and screaming,so i ran downstairs and opened the door and it was my son ,his girlfriend and her sister and her husband and there little boy,they were all in a terrible state,samantha and kirsty the two sister were sobbing and asking me to help them,my son davie and richie the husband were white and scared,the baby was asleep which was surprising with all the noise.

They came in mine and told me that this toy elephant just turned round on its own and they said it was looking at them as though it wanted to kill them and this was followed by a loud bang,also ther babys toys were moving on there own and the babys pram was moving back and forth on its own and they were terrified ,kept screaming for me to help them ,so after things had calmed down,they all stayed at mine for the night as they were to frightened to go back to the flat.

In the morning Deanna came to mine and me and Deanna went and sat in there flat on our own and we saw this elephant and we were watching to see if it would turn around on its own,which it did not but i and Deanna could feel something happening there,anyway kirsty and richie came round the flat while me and Deanna were there,and just as i told kirsty that i could not actually pick up anything at the moment,the cats started crying and coming from the babys room was music,so i ran into the babys room with deanna and his musical toy hanging on his cot had turned itself on ,then i saw him,it was the spirit of a little boy and i was given the name of James hathaway and also from the 17th century and that this little boy had lost his life at 3yrs old by falling down the stairs,the babys room is opposite these stairs what used to exist there years and years ago,and this is were his strongest prescense was.

Anyway i walked back into the living room and told kirsty and richie that this was a little boy that needed help and that i was going to do a retreival,and as i said this ,the little boy was standing beside me holding my hand and Deanna was getting his name as jimmy which is a nickname for james,so we went into the babys room and i did a retreival on this little boy and i watched as these two angels took him through the light,and as soon as i did this retreival the cats and the atmosphere changed and the cats stopped crying and were purring.

I told kirsty and richie not to be afraid to stay in the flat anymore,because that little boy was now at peace and there would be no more spirit activitie.

I also got two more names John and Stuart Hathaway which i will be checking up on the computer later.i have checked on james Hathaway the little boy and i found some old obituries and in the 17th century a little boy called albert james hathaway died at 3 yrs old ,but it did not say how he died, im checking on the computer later to see if i can find out what he died of.

I really feel that this little boy had been lost for such a long time and i told kirsty that he was not trying to scare her and richie ,he was just crying out for help ,and i think thats why he hung around the baby and his toys,because he was missing his own mom and dad so much ,who had passed on before him.

I just ask God to send his guides,helpers and angels to show this little boy the light and also help him through it,it was two angels and they just look like pure white spirits with wings,i dont see them though my physical eyes ,i am given images in my mind and i also sense them as i get this whenever im talking to spirit ,images of what they look like and also senseing whoever it is with me,thats what i actually mean when i say ive seen whoever it is,i sometimes dont always write things the right way,about how i see and hear spirit,but this is the way i actually do it.

When i sensed this little boy ,i was given the image of him in my mind and he had blond hair and he had dark green coloured trousers ,pale green shirt and a brown waistcoat and he looked dressed 17th century,but i was also given 17th century.

Love and God bless     Love Juditha  

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