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Message started by wai on Dec 26th, 2004 at 2:17pm

Title: A big white crow
Post by wai on Dec 26th, 2004 at 2:17pm

Hi’ everybody!  I was Bruce’s translator  in Poland. I want to thank all the physical and none physical helpers for creating a chain of “coincidences” that led me to meet Bruce and work with him.

Since I am still having some problems with grounding myself after all I have experienced doing explorations,  I will  briefly share with you “the proof” I got just a few minutes after the workshop in Warsaw was over.

To be honest, the very first feeling I got ( after “double portion”: translating two workshops in row, listening to hundreds amazing and very accurate debriefs and trying to make contacts myself I got really confused and emotionally mixed up) was that it all could not be really happening, that it must have been some kind of telepathy within such a big group of people. Than, I did what I always do when I face such doubts, I just asked my helper…

A few minutes later Bruce contacted a deceased man, who left here, in physical reality his beloved women. She missed him badly.  After about half an hour of talking to the man, all of sudden Bruce turned to me and said “He is asking what you see.” I saw an airplane flying above a man’s figure. Bruce saw the plane too.

We looked into the women’s eyes… she could not say a word. Deep, piercing silence… In a while everything was clear.

The man promised to the women before his death that whenever she sees an airplane nearby it will be a sign that he is around by her side.

I got my answer in the most beautiful way I could expect…

Thank you Bruce.

Love to all,


Title: Re: A big white crow
Post by Bruce Moen on Dec 26th, 2004 at 7:03pm
Joanna (aka Asia),

 Many visitors to the website have been looking forward to you posting about your experiences in the workshops in Poland.  As my translator you were in a unique position to hear people describing their experiences in their native language.  And there were some amazing experiences!




Title: Re: A big white crow
Post by Marilyn Traver on Dec 26th, 2004 at 9:15pm
I am really looking forward to reading about many more of the experiences people had at the Poland workshop/s.  ::)

Mairlyn  :D

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