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Message started by alysia on Dec 28th, 2004 at 9:47pm

Title: example of a funny retrieval
Post by alysia on Dec 28th, 2004 at 9:47pm
I've been doing retrievals since 2002 but the first one occured in the 80's. thought I'd post this one as maybe some others want to know about the imagination method and how easy it is, although dream method is another way, sometimes the imagination can go pretty far ::)
went to Asia and found some children all huddled into a group, they were all about the same in height and age and in a circle, compressed. first I became their mother and stretched my arms, which grew, around the circle for a big hug. I generated some interest ;) then I jumped in the middle of them and as I knew I could make my arms stretch, I thought what if I had more than 2 arms? ::) so I thought, sure, I'll just be an octopus ;D I extended each arm out and the children all got on the arms and I made them sway, like a swing, sometimes 2 on an arm, but theres no gravity to worry about, we played awhile like this and there was laughter. we soon slowly escalated like this upwards into a playground area where about 4 or 5 guides who take care of children came running all excited to give my arms a rest ;D there seemed to be about 25 kids and none of them are thinking about their bodies they left behind..not yet anyway. the children know how to leave quickly :D I miss them already! :-*

Title: Re: example of a funny retrieval
Post by Marilyn Traver on Dec 29th, 2004 at 12:44am
Beautiful Alysia, just beautiful.  :D

Much Love,
Mairlyn    ;)

Title: Re: example of a funny retrieval
Post by Firequeen on Dec 29th, 2004 at 11:24am
Thankyou for thaking care of the children mommy!!

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