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Message started by Mike4 on Oct 18th, 2005 at 6:51am

Title: Pakistan Retreivals
Post by Mike4 on Oct 18th, 2005 at 6:51am
Just wanted to share we those who are concerned that little is being communicated about the retreival work with the earthquake in Asia...

Tuned in and offered my assistance to those within the devastation of the Pakistan area. I was taken to a town that had been leveled. Standing in front of a pile of rubble that once was a school, I heard cries for help. I used a technique Bruce teaches, of seeing it not there. (sometimes when someone is trapped under something their belief maintains that energy and that being will not release from underneath the you attune your energy to that being and see the object not there anymore, releasing the being from that belief). A boy about the age of 12 came running over by me after the pile of rubble disappeared. He ran past me continuing down the road between the piles of destroyed homes and buildings. I followed him, getting the feeling that he was scared for his family. He stopped in front of what remained of his home and feel to his knees crying, putting his face to the ground and holding his head in his hands. I could hear or sense more cries for help coming from his home. I again, focused on seeing the home not there and releasing those inside. Immediately a small girl came running out and hugged her crying brother. A grandmother and grandfather also came out of the home. I directed them to follow me that I would lead them to food and water. There were areas set up by the spirit helpers that resembled first aid tents. As this family followed me through the destroyed city, I noticed that more people were being attracted to our small group. Many more people began climbing out from underneath the rubble and joining our group. By the time we got to the tents, there was a very large number of people with us. The tents where very comfortable with beds and clean clothing. The small family I originally helped where together in one tent. I went to the little girl who had a very badly crushed leg. I went to her and offer to heal her leg for her. She accepted. I pictured her leg being normal again and gently moved my hands over her leg. It went back to being normal. She smiled at me, letting me know that she knew she was dead. I moved away from the tents and sent an intention to see the light workers and helpers that where there. I was lifted off the ground and float up to a couple hundred feet above the devastation. It became dark, like it does at dusk.. I then say several specs of glowing lights and what looked like several spot lights shining down on all the destruction...the many helpers busy assisting.

There are many helpers...always

ps...its good to be back on-line with everyone

love and light

Title: Re: Pakistan Retreivals
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Oct 18th, 2005 at 8:57am
Beautiful work Mike. Thanks so much for relating it to us. You have helped many. ;-)

With Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: Pakistan Retreivals
Post by Romain on Oct 18th, 2005 at 9:37am
Great work Mike..
Keep it up, all the help is needed.

With love,

Title: Re: Pakistan Retreivals
Post by laffingrain on Oct 18th, 2005 at 10:17am
I add my support to your work Mike! good communication about it also! love, alysia

Title: Re: Pakistan Retreivals
Post by spooky2 on Oct 20th, 2005 at 3:25pm
Hi Mike4,
 I think I was there in a mind journey, very briefly. I also saw tents with people, and it was like those people in the tents "made it", they had stepped across the border from the retrieval area to their next home, so when they step out again off the tent they will find themselves to be in the "otherland", away from the desaster.
 In this journey I say a big white light from above, it was near ground, in the shape of a torus.
 On another recent mind journey I saw a formation of very bright lightballs, before a black background with little stars, the lightballs were floating over a foggy landscape with buildings, but I think it was somewhere in the belief systems territory.

Bye, Spooky

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