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Message started by Dora on Apr 14th, 2005 at 9:26am

Title: Why?
Post by Dora on Apr 14th, 2005 at 9:26am
We all aware, that every individual expressing, wide variety of belief's, some are similar, some are mixture of everything, some are total oposite, so my question is......

  Why do you believe, what you believe?

Care to share?

Title: Re: Why?
Post by Chris on Apr 14th, 2005 at 10:45am
I'll bite into this one.

As we grow we are obviously influnced with regards to are beliefs and beleif systems. By parents, family, friends, school, CHURCH, community, etc etc etc. But for some, and for myself, eventually, at some point, you ask yourself, why do I believe this. Or perhaps, something that was taught or continually preached to you simply doesn't connect. Sort of an inner knowing.
Also couple this with some extrodinary experience and voila!

For me this was very much true. I was raised a Christian. Went to a Lutheren church. My folks wern't fanatical or fundlementalist by any means and they encouraged their children to think and question for themselves. But I went to bible school and confirmation but the stories and messages and basic preaching never stuck. And that was because of the experiences I had at an early age. Mainly having out-of-body experiences as well as an incredible "awakening" spiritual experience when I was 8 years old. This led to me to question the religion I was being shown.
My beliefs today have been built upon my experiences. And of course they can and will change as new experiences either clarify a belief or some how changes that belief. Does this answer the question?

Title: Re: Why?
Post by Justin2710 on Apr 14th, 2005 at 2:22pm
 I dunno ultimately, guess this springs from the very essence of what i am, my unique and particular vibrational patterns.  I do know that it will probably change eventually.

 I grew up in a fairly laid back environment as far as belief systems go.   My mom was an open minded person who was much more of a spiritual and metaphysical turn of mind, but she rarely told us kids about her beliefs, I think she wanted us to evolve our own without the interference that she had received from her own dogmatic parents.  

 She dropped hints and made comments here and there, like talking to her friends about seeing spirits, and such.   She was extremely psychic.  

 To tell the truth from what little i did know of her beliefs, I thought she was a bit "whacked out" till i started to become aware that we are more than our physical bodies at 13.  Before that i was very interested in science, especially genetics.  Started thinking about theories of why the subraces where like they were, etc.   Randomly picked up an astrology book which also had numerous other metaphysical concepts in there like reincarnation, like attracts like.  After studying it and applying astrological principles in real life, i came to believe that indeed there was something to this ancient science regardless of what most scientists said or believed.  Around this time experimented with Yoga and different meditation forms.  I also had two very strong feelings around this 13/14 age cycle, one that there was somekind of invisible connectedness to everything, thought of this as "God", and two that there would be some kind of major changes that would affect everyone and the world.

 Had more of an awakening when i was 16 and went through a health crisis, when thinking i would end it, or lose my sanity, i came upon the Cayce readings which facilitated my own self healing on many levels, not just physical.  Explained many things i had had feelings about for awhile, and then some..  A couple of years later came upon Monroe's 1st book and read many other books of that nature, "Journey of Souls", "Destiny of Souls" etc.    

 Mom died at 20, around the same time had another awakening and getting very psychic (but still largely unconscious), always was to a certain degree.    Read Monroes other books around then, had a powerful impact, came across hemi-sync and started using it.  Read Rosilands first book, then not to long later came upon Bruce's books both Rosie and Bruce's book resonated very strongly with me.

 Well there's more, a lot more but thats the main gist.   What about you?

Title: Re: Why?
Post by jkeyes on Apr 16th, 2005 at 10:33am

My story's pretty much like Chris's and Justin2710's only it's been going on for 60 years, so far.

Love, Jean :-*

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